15. You Kiss Him as a Dare

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My best friend, Dayton's having a get-together at her house to celebrate our senior year. Rochelle, her sister was helping with snacks and drinks. She invited some people from school. I just prayed she didn't invited my longtime crush. Dayton smiled.
"Ain't this awesome? Our own party!" She said. I fake smiled. "Yeah. Though I'm not much of the party person." I said sarcastically. She playfully rolled her eyes. "You'll have fun! We'll play Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle!" She said. "Hope she gets a dare to kiss Riley." Rochelle joked in my ear. I chuckled. Dayton's got a hard crush on Riley, one of the football players of our school. He is handsome and rebellious though. Sometimes he'd wink at me as he walk by. I'll keep that to myself. We finished putting decorations up and snacks on the dinner table. Rochelle flunked herself on the couch. I did the same and sighed. Dayton smiled widely. "Guess what?!" She said. I looked at her confusedly. "What?" I asked. She shown me her phone. Everyone texted in groupchat about the party. Our jaws dropped. "Everybody's coming to the party?" We asked. She quickly nodded. I groaned and pulled her aside. "Dayton, what about Paul? What will I do if he shows up?" I panicked. Dayton smirked. "Just be yourself and talk to him. Remember, he's the quarterback so be cool." She said. Yes, I really like the quarterback of our school. Many girls do so I'm worried if he comes with his new girlfriend. I rolled my eyes. "I hate you." I muttered. She smiled innocently. "You love me." She whispered. Rochelle grabbed our arms. "Cmon! Let's find outfits!" She squealed.


The party began tonight and it's officially packed. It's filled with everyone from school. Valley's football team arrived early with kegs of beers. Rochelle found us outfits from her closet. I felt mine's were over the top.


Dayton smirked

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Dayton smirked. "You look hot in red!" She said. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I guess so." I mumbled. Riley walked over to Dayton. "Hey, Dayton. You look beautiful!" He said. She madly blushed. "Thanks." She said. His eyes diverted to me. He smiled, licking his lips. "Who are you babe?" He asked. I fake smiled. "The name's y/n, babe." I said, mimicking the last part. He scoffed and crossed his arms. Dayton cleared her throat to end the tension. "Aye, Paul!" He called. He left and high five with my crush, Paul Walker the school quarterback. Curly blonde hair, oceanic blue eyes and beautiful smile. He was instantly perfect. Dayton quietly cheered. "It's him! There's your boy!" She whispered/yelled. Paul looked at me and smiled a bit. He smiled at me! I smiled nervously. Dayton cheered. "I'm so glad I planned this party!" She squealed. I laughed. Rochelle smirked. "It gets better." She said.

Six of us were surrounded in a circle to play one game; Truth or Dare. Paul sat across from me, goofing off with Riley. I'm in between Dayton and the head cheerleader, Sofia. She's actually nice yet very perky. Everyone else partied hard in the living room while we're in Dayton's room. "Who's ready to play, bitches?!" Rochelle yelled. Everyone cheered and I smiled shyly. Riley winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Paul slapped the back of his head. He yelped. We chuckled. My cheeks burned red. "I'll go first. Dayton, truth or dare." Rochelle said. She smirked. "Dare!" She said. "I dare you to go in the bathroom with Riley." She said. Everyone oohed and chuckled quietly. Riley smirked as she madly blushed. They got up and went to the bathroom. After a few truths or dares, everyone was a complete mess. Riley asked out Dayton and she was the happiest. Paul chose the dirtiest dare to one of the players. I'm tired of being shy. I'm gonna admit my freaking feelings even in a party. "Hey, Paul!" I called. He looked at me. I smiled. "Truth or Dare!" I said. He chuckled. "Dare!" He told me. I took a deep breath and smiled confidently. "I dare you to kiss me." I said. Everyone oohed a bit loud in shock. Dayton fainted in Sofia's lap. Riley raised an eyebrow. "Shit." He mumbled. Paul smiled confidently as he leaned. I did the same till our noses touched. We locked eyes and he caressed my hair. We kissed passionately. It wasn't messy nor we was drunk. It felt beautiful and very soft. We parted, still eye-locking. I giggled. Silence was present in the room. He smiled sweetly at me. I madly blushed. We leaned back to our spots. "Go ahead, hit that red later." Riley whispered in his ear. Paul rolled his eyes. "Shut up." He mumbled. The moment never left my mind. I really really like him. "Let's keep partying!" Sofia cheered. We got up and went back to the living room. An arm pulled me gently. Paul. His hand intertwine with mine. "Call you later?" He asked. Fireworks popped in my head. I smiled excitingly. "Sure!" I said. He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

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