5. Bella

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Bella POV

Today was me and Dean's date. I can't believe I'm hella nervous. Course I am because I never had a boyfriend and this is my first date. But I took a deep breath. In my bedroom, Deana was doing my makeup and Lexi was picking out my outfit. Luckily, she found one before she did my hair. "Why am I so nervous?" I said. Deana chuckled. "Its your first date. Sometimes it gets nerve-wracking." She said. "Nerve-wracking to look extra good for your date." I said. Lexi scoffed. "You don't have to worry about that. I found the perfect outfit and your hair's finished." She said, putting the curling iron down. I was turned around in my chair so it was a surprise to see my look. Deana put down the lipstick. "All done!" She said. She turned me around and I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled. "Bels, you look incredibly beautiful. Then again you're naturally pretty." Lexi said. I chuckled and ruffled my curly hair a bit.

 I chuckled and ruffled my curly hair a bit

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I smiled. "Thanks guys." I said. Lexi chuckled. "No prob Bels." She said. The door knocked. I huffed. Showtime. Deana smirked. "We'll get it." She said, leaving with Lexi. I brushed myself off and took a deep breath. "Bella!" Deana called. I came downstairs. He looked at me in shock. He smiled. "You look so gorgeous." He said. I hid my blushing look. "Thank you." I said. It was a casual wear date by the way. "We should get going." I said. He nodded. Deana and Lexi smirked. "Bye Dean." They said. He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. We left.

Our date was at the karaoke bar. We ordered our food and chatted. I smirked. "I can't believe you did that prank on Preston. You shouldn't do that." I said, giggling. He shrugged. "All for fun. I doubt he cared." He said. I took a deep breath. I really wanna tell him about me singing and I'm ready blowing up online. Going to Keaton has been amazing for me. He looked at me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I decided to not talk about it now. "Oh nothing. Just feel a little cold." I said. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. That's really the sweetest thing nobody has ever done for me. "There you go." He said. I smiled. "Thank you." I said. I sighed. "So, what about you? Anything new? You know? You never talked about your family much." I said. He chuckled. "And you haven't?" He said. I smirked. "I did. My parents and the business trips. The only way we stayed in contact was by call and Skyping." I said. He nodded. "What about yours?" I said, holding his hand. He sighed in sadness. I guess that's the reason why he never talked about them. "What happened?" I asked. "I'll make it quick. My mom got in a car accident when I was 13. My dad took care of me yet he was a drug addict. That's why I never talk about him cause I hate him." He quickly said. I looked at him in shock. "Dean...I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I thought I'm the one with parent crap." I said. He stroked my hair. "How can such a beautiful girl like you could have problems?" He asked. Is he serious? Just cause I'm a pretty girl, I can't have problems?! I fake smiled. "Well I hope your next girl will be different." I said. I angrily grabbed my purse and left. "Wait! Bella!" He said and went after me. "Leave me alone!" I growled. He pulled me back gently. "I'm sorry! Hey, I'm sorry! I didn't mean that!" He said. I huffed. "You wanna know why I never had a boyfriend? Cause every guy always dreamed of having a dumb ass pretty girl. A dumb pretty girl who doesn't have problems or she's all about sex and popularity. I'm not! I have dreams, I have a life and I been through shit! I've had parent issues too and survived growing up without them! I'm not even Taylor either! I'm not one of those girls Dean." I growled while tears fell. He held my hand. "I'm so sorry Bella. Look at me! I'm screwed as fuck! You know why?! My hypocrite father! Plus for 4 years, I hated seeing Zack looking like he's some god in there." He said. I wiped my eyes. "I'm guessing you wanna be like him huh?" I said. He nodded in disagreement. "No. Bella, if I were to be somebody...I be somebody to you." He said. I sighed. "Dean...there's also something...I have to tell you." I said. He smirked. "That you're a singer?" He said. My jaw dropped. How do the fuck he know?! "How did you know? Did Deana and Lexi told you?" I asked frantically. He chuckled. "No. I saw your videos on Instagram and YouTube. I liked you a lot so I followed you on Instagram and watch your videos. You're so talented." He said. I blushed. "Thank you. Why don't we go inside? Its still chilly." I said. He shrugged. "I don't feel cold." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "I still feel the coldness." I said. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt warm feeling his touch. I smiled a little as we went back inside.

Later, we finished eating and watched somebody sing another artist's song. I smiled and we clapped when he finished. Dean looked at me. "Why don't you go up there?" He asked. I fake laughed. "No way. I keep my music online." I said. He smiled. "Wouldn't you want to be heard? You sing so amazing." He said. I sighed. He's right. But I can't blow my secret. Its only a secret from everybody in school. "I want to but I can't have anyone at school to find out. Not even Taylor. Only Laney, Katie and Deana and Lexi know." I said. He scoffed. "No one can't know if they never see the singer's face. Besides no one from school is here." He said. I looked around. No one familiar isn't here of course. I huffed. "Fine. But you're still paying for my food." I said. He chuckled. I got onstage and told the host I'll be singing. He nodded and gave me the mic. I looked at the crowd and smiled kind of shyly. "Hi everybody I'm Bella and I'll be singing a song of my own called Here. Hope you can relate to it." I said.

Everyone applauded even Dean. He smiled. I giggled and got offstage. I sat down. He smiled. "That was great! Is that your new song?" He said. I chuckled. "I released it 2 months ago." I said. He nodded in understanding. He scooted closer to me. He smiled. That smile's undeniably beautiful. "I'm glad we don't have to hide like we're not together. I love you Bella." He said. I looked deep into his blue eyes. I really do love Dean. I don't have a care in the world about what anyone thinks of us. Laney should feel the same about Zack. I smiled. "I love you too." I whispered. We kissed passionately. We parted. "I say we get out of here." He said. I smirked. "You're lucky my parents are never home." I joked. He chuckled. I still had his jacket on. "What about your jacket?" I asked. He smiled. "Keep it. It looks good on you." He said. He wrapped his arm around me as we left. When we got home, we did you know what but we're lucky Deana and Lexi were still gone. Overall, I loved this time with him. I loved being with him.

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