8. Brianna

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Brianna POV

I took a deep breath. Ricky aka FIYM wanted me to do a song at their concert. At first, I was completely nervous. Their fanbase is kinda large so it was a full house. Sydney and Bianca and Deana and Lexi came for support. We all were backstage. I had my guitar strap around me. Its been a while since I saw Darcy kissing Liam who might be official with Deana. I hated to see her so hurt and I really don't like Darcy now. Luckily, she came to support and won't bother to talk to him. "You'll do great!" Bianca said. I sighed. "Just wish it wouldn't had to be a large audience. But I know it'll happen someday." I said. They nodded in agreement. "Not nervous that there's lots of camera phones everywhere." I muttered. Lexi patted my shoulder.
"You got this. You're an amazing singer." She said. Sydney scoffed. "How do you know Lexi?" She asked. She shrugged.
"I don't know. Just being supportive." She said. They rolled their eyes including me.
I took a deep breath. "And give it up for our friend, Brianna Moxon!" Emery said.
They cheered as I went onstage. "Go Bri!" Bianca yelled. I smiled and hugged him.
I cleared my throat. "Hi guys, I'm Brianna Moxon and this is my song called Different Summers." I said. The audience cheered.

Everybody applauded and even the guys. Ricky took the mic. "Wow. I mean, WOW!" He yelled. I laughed. "That was amazing!" He said. "Give it up for Brianna!" Liam said. The audience cheered again. I smiled and thanked them. I walked backstage and the girls hugged me. "That was incredible Bri!" Sydney said. "You were amazing." Bianca said. "You should be an artist. Hands down!" Lexi said. We laughed. "I thought I was gonna look ridiculous on camera phones." I said.
They chatted in disagreement. "To be honest guys, I wanted to be an artist. Cheerleading was indeed great but I truly wanna be a singer." I said. Sydney smiled. "We're glad. Cause you are extremely talented." She said. I nodded. Lexi smirked. "Cmon, lets get home." She said. We almost left till she stopped us. "After I kiss my guy goodbye." She said. She quickly turned enough to be kissed by Emery. She smiled widely. I chuckled.
"Bye babe." He said. She waved and we left.

I came home and shut the door. Dad was on the couch. He looked frustrated. Please don't tell him and Mox fought again. "You ok dad?" I asked. He nodded. "Yup, I'm fine." He said. I sighed.
"You and Johnny fought again did you?" I said. He looked down in sadness. I sat on the couch and held his hand. "Dad, not to side with him but...you can't make Johnny live a life that's like yours. He has his own life. Let him live it and enjoy it. Let him do what makes him happy cause if he won't, he'll completely fall apart." I said. He huffed. "I just want him to be a bigger man." He muttered. I rubbed his shoulder for comfort. "He will. Just let him become the bigger man by himself." I said. He looked at me. "You remind me so much like your mother. Everyday, I look at you, I see her." He said. Tears formed in my eyes. "I love you dad." I whispered. We hugged. "Love you too pumpkin." He said.
I went upstairs and put my guitar up. I changed to my pjs and flunked myself in bed. I decided to watch a little tv cause it wasn't even 11. My phone buzzed. I got a text from Lexi. She said to go on YouTube. Somebody indeed filmed me and posted a video of me. I quickly went on YouTube and found myself singing on camera. It has nearly 30million views!!! My jaw dropped. I scrolled down to the comment section. Of course I could care less about the haters. But there was lots of nice comments like:

Damn she can sing!

This girl needs to be signed!🔥🔥

I really love this song its perfect

Her voice is so powerful she needs to make an album :)

Wonder why this song's not on Spotify

Brianna, you're truly gifted. Keep doing what you love and don't stop.

All I'm hearing is beautiful pipes.

I smiled widely. I almost wanted to scream! I dialed Lexi's number and called her. "Did you see it?!" Lexi asked. I screamed a little. "Yeah! It has 30million views! That's literally crazy." I said.
She laughed. "I know right! You seriously need to do more of this." She said. "More of what?" I said. "This! Posting videos of yourself singing!" She said.
I smiled. "I know. I just don't wanna put myself too much out there." I said. "Um, that's kinda the point of being famous. You're out there but its ok. You just need to learn how to handle it." She said. I nodded. "K. Thanks Lex." I said. "Also, how's Lance?" She asked. I sighed. "He's ok but I still feel a little bad for his injury and how long he has to wear crutches." I said. "Trust me. It'll be fine and you guys are endgame to me." She said. I laughed. "Um, the guys have access to Keaton right?" I asked. "Yeah. Deana told me they do." She said.
I smirked. "Well I just finished my song and all I need is a music video." I said.
"Brianna..." Lexi said. I chuckled. "I'll ask Emery about that." She said. I smiled. "K. Thanks." I said. I hung up. I sighed happily and flunked myself on my pillow.

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