14. Bella

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Bella POV

My song was done! I was really excited! This one is so personal to me. School was over and I drove home with Deana and Lexi in the back. Lexi thought of sequins for her prom dress and Deana had a cute surprise from Grant. He asked her to prom with a bouquet of roses and chocolate. We came home and I made a beeline upstairs. I got a text from Laney.

Lane🤗🎨: hey, coming over?

Bels🎤👑: why? U ok?

Lane🤗🎨: Im fine. Zack just asked me out!

I immediately felt myself about to flip. Zack asked Laney out? What? That's surprising because...omg! I forgot Taylor dumped Zack but would still be his prom date. She's now dating Brock Hudson. That's even more surprising. But when me and Lane talk, it's never about Taylor. "How did he?" I asked. "He just walked up to me while I was with Simon. I only took him and left." She explained. I chuckled. "Seriously, Lane? That's how you talk to a guy?" I asked. She sighed. "Why would he talk to me? He's the most popular guy in school and smartest because of his GPA." She said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm tired of so much ass-kissing they give Taylor and her popular ladies." I said. "I know you are. Why would he ask me out? You wouldn't think he..." She trailed off. I smiled. "Lane, you never know. But if he doesn't, I'll give him three kicks in the nuts." I said. She slightly chuckled. "Maybe four." She joked. I chuckled. "Alright. I gotta go, I finished my new song." I said. "Great. Have fun!" She said, before hanging up. I walked in the other room where my music equipment stood. I call it my studio. I spent time in here whenever I have ideas for a song and always after school. I sat in front of my piano and began touching the keys. I found the harmony to the song and needed to record. I finished playing the keys and got up. I smiled excitingly and grabbed the headphones. I stood in front of the mic and pressed a button, turning it on. I took a deep breath and started singing my new song Pretty Girl.

A strong tear fell from my eye. I don't want anyone to see pretty girls as just pretty girls. We have good days and bad ones. Sometimes we're nice and sometimes can be a bitch. That's so true! I took the headphones off. The door knocked. I closed the door whenever I work on my music for peace. I opened, showing Lexi. She smiled. "Hey, Belele. Just letting you know I'm cooking dinner." She said. I cheered. Lexi's always good at cooking. Last time, she made the best lasagna ever cooked. I wanted to feel that taste all over again. "What are you making?" I asked. "We're having burgers! Deana doesn't like cheese over hers though." She said. I nodded in agreement. "K, need help?" I said. She nodded her head no. I closed the door as she walked out. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket. Katie was calling. "Hey Kate!" I said, smiling. "Bels! Tomorrow, we're skipping school early to hang at the beach! You're coming?" She said. I put my hands on my hip. "Depends...is Brock's hoe arriving?" I asked. She chuckled. "Nope! Just me, Alex and Chandler. Not to mention Preston and Dean and I heard Zack's bringing Laney." She said. My jaw dropped. Laney's coming...with Zack? Dean's coming? And I never liked Chandler. She's just as a bitch almost like Taylor. This will be pretty awkward considering me and Laney are friends in secret. "Bella? You're coming?" She asked. I finally manage to speak. "Yeah, Kate I'll be there." I said. "You're sure because Dean Sampson will be there." She said, already feeling her smirk. My face turned super red. "We're not a thing and I need to find myself a swimsuit." I said, adding sass at the end. She chuckled. "Bye, Bels." She said. I hung up and sighed. Laney has never talked to them so I hope nothing will be shitty.


The sun shone through my bedroom. I groaned groggily and rolled out of bed. I had my alarm at vibrate which was relief to my ears. Laney called me nonstop yesterday over the beach invite. Funny part is...she doesn't know me and the others are going. Oh shit. I did my morning routine and raided through my closet. It was a little crazy finding a swimsuit because I wore much before. "Need fashion help?" A voice said. I looked at Lexi who laid against the door. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I could use your closet." I said sarcastically.
She ignored my comment and handed me an outfit covered in plastic. "Why you always have them in plastic?" I asked. She groaned. "Because I don't want any food, makeup or drinks all over them." She said. I chuckled and closed the door so I can change. I unraveled the plastic and revealed the swimsuit. It looked so cute!

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