11. Bella

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Bella POV

Prom night. It was supposed to be fun for everybody but sometimes prom isn't the best. Laney just found out Zack used her to make her prom queen. And all Dean ever thought was we liked each other and not to mention he planned the bet with Zack. I really don't wanna go to prom.
I bought a dress for it 2 weeks ago but I'm not in the state of mind to go. My bedroom door knocked. "Go away." I muttered. It opened revealing Deana. She was dressed up for prom. I shoved my face onto the pillow. She smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry. Kate told us what happened. Did you really slap her?" She said. I fake chuckled. "You think I didn't wanna?" I said. She slightly chuckled. I got up and rubbed my hair. She sat beside me.
"Cmon...you can't miss prom. Why else would you buy that dress?" She said. I sighed. "I don't know. I did know but now I don't." I said. "Bels, give him a chance. One more chance. All guys mess up. Even Zack with Laney." She said. I growled.
"Now he's going to prom with Taylor. She might as well go alone." I said. She smirked. "Exactly. That's why somebody's here to see you." She said. I looked at her confused. She took my dress from the closet and gave it to me. "Hurry! Get dressed!" She said. I huffed. "I know what you're doing but if it doesn't work, I'm leaving." I said. She chuckled and left. I had to wash my face and put on makeup and fix my hair. I sighed and put my dress on. It looked beautiful. It had Dean's favorite color; blue. Just like his eyes. I almost shed a tear but quickly wiped it. No worries. Just going to prom with my cousins and best friend. A little weird though.

 A little weird though

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We left and drove in...surprisingly a limousine. Lexi's dad wanted prom night to be special for her. Its really sweet. I doubt my parents felt the same. They would've if they were here. We walked into the gymnasium and lots of people were dancing and eating. Mostly chatting and dancing. I loved to dance. I smiled. "Lets go dance!" I told Laney. She nodded and we got on the dance floor. "Go ahead, I'mma find Grant." Deana said. I nodded. Grant is Deana's boyfriend. Lexi was by herself and joined us. I saw Dean...by himself. Laney looked at Zack and Taylor dancing together. I sighed and turned my attention to dancing. But the music stopped and everyone took a break. I huffed. "Lets grab a seat." Laney said. I nodded and we sat on a table. I looked at Dean again. I knew he couldn't keep his eyes on me. I sighed. What is wrong with me? I'm pissed at him but his face was hard to ignore. "You ok?" Lexi asked. I quickly nodded. I wasn't emotionally.
Laney smirked. "If you wanna go talk to him, go." She said. I scoffed. "No way. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of Taylor, I'm tired of my parents gone, I'm tired of being popular and...I'm tired of- I stopped when I looked at Dean. I sighed. Lexi smirked. "You're not tired of love." She whispered. I rubbed my hair. I love Dean. I really do but I guess I'm just another pretty girl a guy nails then toss her aside.
Why is love like a damn game? "He loves you Bella. I know it. You've been super happy and that never happened." Laney said. I looked at her. "What do you mean that never happens?" I asked. She looked at me. I realized what she meant.
I wasn't happy at all because my parents been gone, I was the pretty girl so everybody thought I was a slut or dumb. With Dean, I was more happier than I ever was. He made me feel like I do matter.
And I know he matters to me. I playfully smirked. "You've been happy too." I said.
She looked at Zack then back to her.
"Not sure." She muttered. Lexi brung two plates of food. She gave them to Laney and me. 'All for the baby.' she mouthed to me. I nodded and began eating. Dean still looked at me. I just wish he'd stop.
I ignored and kept eating. "Ok, that's it. One of you has got to go have a good time. Laney first." Lexi said. She sighed. One guy walked up to her. He had brown hair, blue eyes and a dazzling smile. Not better than Dean's though. "Hi. I'm Mike." He said. Laney smiled a bit. "I'm Laney." She said. "Would you like to dance?" He asked. She looked at me. I smirked which earned a chuckle from her. "Sure." She said. She took his hand and walked back to the dance floor. I shrugged and went back to eating. "Bels!" Lexi whispered. I rolled my eyes. "Yes?" I said. "Can you stop eating like a food monster? I get it you're...I know. But you'll be causing attention." She said. My stomach began to feel funny. As in the food's coming back to my mouth. Uh oh. Lexi saw my reaction.
I got up and ran to the bathroom. Lexi followed behind. I went in the bathroom stall and threw up in the toilet. She held my hair as I kept throwing up. If you haven't figured it out, I'm pregnant. I found out 4 days after I slept with Dean.
I just can't believe it all clicked. Keaton School of the Arts is a popular place for every arts. Like, actual art, wrestling, modeling, dancing, photography, acting including music. I enrolled myself by posting a video of me singing. It shouldn't be hard for them to see me doing music.
Once I get their acceptance, I can go and keep doing what I love. The problem is...I wanna keep the baby and the question leads up to Dean. Does he wanna be in its life? Or he doesn't? Either way, I'm not abandoning my baby. I stopped throwing up and grabbed tissues. I wiped my mouth.
"You ok?" Lexi asked. I nodded and came out the stall. "Bella you have to tell him about the baby." She said. I sighed. "Even if I do...what if he doesn't want it? I seen that teen mom shit where the daddies are being assholes and leaving." I said.
She huffed. "You're not even on the show and second, you won't know till you tell him." She said. I washed my hands and dried them. "Girl your acceptance to Keaton hasn't came yet. There's no time." She said. I rolled my eyes. "This ain't mission impossible. Now lets go." I said. We walked out the bathroom...only to find two people running up to us. It was Mackenzie, Zack's sister and Jesse.
He looked so out of breath. "Guys! Cmon, they're about to announce prom king and Queen." Lexi said. She ran down the stairs and joined the crowd. I sighed, turning my attention to Jesse. He tried to say what's up but he was too out of breath.
I groaned. "Mackenzie." I said. "That Mike dude is going to take Laney somewhere." She said. Somewhere? Oh no. My jaw dropped. "Oh god! Where's Zack?" I asked. The host was ready to announce prom king and Queen. "And prom king is...Zack Siler." She said. Everyone cheered and Zack got onstage. I motioned Kenzie and Jesse to go get them. We ran through the crowd and was near him. I didn't ran too fast because of the baby.
"Zack! Zack!" Jesse whispered/yelled. He kept whisper/yelling his name. I huffed.
"And your Prom Queen is...Taylor Von!" She said. I rolled my eyes. She happily got onstage and took the crown. Everyone cheered. She was about to speak so I wished I had earmuffs. "Danny Zukho!" I whispered/yelled more. He finally looked and got off stage. "What's up?" He asked.
Jesse again tried to speak but was out of breath. I chuckled a little. Dean noticed everything. "Zack, Mike is going to take Laney somewhere." I told him. His jaw dropped and he quickly ran through the crowd. I sighed. What was on my mind is if Laney's ok. I can't be stressed out cause of the baby. I locked eyes with Dean. I immediately walked out of the place. He followed behind.
I was now outside of the school. "Bella! Wait!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "What is it Dean?" I asked. "What happened? Why did Zack leave?" He asked. "Some boy Laney danced with is taking her somewhere...if you know what I mean. I hope she's ok." I said. He held my hand.
I missed holding it. "I'm sure she is." He said. Tears formed in my eyes. I'm just upset over two things. One; I want him back and I'm tired of being mad, two; does he want the baby? He patted my back. "What's wrong? She'll be ok." He said. "Its not Laney. I'm just...so tired of being angry. I'm tired of being angry at my parents, I'm tired of being...angry at you." I said. He caressed my cheek. "And I'm tired of upsetting you and it sucks not having you here with me. I don't mean at prom. I mean anywhere." He said. I looked into his eyes. "Remember I talked to you about Keaton? It was before you knew I could sing." I said. He nodded. "Yeah. What about it?" He said.
I smirked. "I haven't got their response yet." I said. He smiled. "You deserve it. You're so talented." He said. I loved his smile. "Thank you." I said. We looked at each other in awkward silence. "Let's go to my house. Better than standing out here." I said. He nodded. I pressed the red button on my ring. Its what Lexi's dad gave me so I can ring up a ride anytime. The Uber pulled over. He looked at me in confusion. "Lexi's dad." I said. He nodded in understanding. We got in the car and went home.

Back in my house, we were in the living room. We sat on the couch. Lexi was indeed right. I have to tell him about the baby sooner or later. "Well, first I wanna say I'm really sorry Bella. It was just a stupid bet that I know is wrong. You wouldn't want a guy who would bet a girl or date a pretty girl cause she's hot and dumb. You're not dumb at all. You are bright, beautiful, very talented and so confident. You're more than just a girl who always get annoyed by me. I was completely tired of being on Zack's ass for so long. And what's stupid is I didn't get a chance to say how I really feel. I don't like you Bella. I love you. Like I really, really, love you. I wanna be with you. I don't give a fuck if life's going to be hard cause I can go hard. I love you so much." He said. Tears already fell from my eyes. Wow, I don't know how he got this out of his chest. I engulfed him into a hug. He almost hugged a little tight. "No, not tight!" I quickly said. We parted.
"Why?" He asked. That's when my tongue tied up. I placed his hand onto my belly. It took him a minute to realize what I meant. He smiled widely. "You serious? The fuck? You serious baby?" He said. I chuckled and nodded. He immediately got off the couch and spun me around. I laughed. We kissed passionately. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He said. I chuckled. "Ok calm down. I'm only 2 weeks." I said. That only made him happier. "I'm just waiting on their letter. Feels like forever." I said. He flunked back on the couch. "I'm happy we'll be together with our little one." He said. He kissed my bump.
"Hey little one. Its your daddy." He said.
I giggled and walked up to the kitchen counter. A of mail was laid out. There was only 4. I looked through some as Dean talked about us living together. The 3rd had the name 'Keaton School of the Arts'. I smiled. I opened the envelope and skimmed through the words. My jaw slowly dropped. I covered it in shock.
I turned and looked at Dean. "What? Is that the letter?" He asked. I nodded.
I smiled widely. "I GOT IN!" I yelled. He got off the couch and hugged me. I hugged back. "Yes! Yes! I love you! And to let you know...I enrolled myself somewhere too. I was about to tell you." He said.
I scoffed. "You wasn't about to say shit." I said. He chuckled and kissed me.
"You so get me." He said. I hugged him.
He hugged back. This is literally the dream. Going to the best arts place to become a star, I get my boyfriend back and we're having a family.

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