10. Bella

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Bella POV

Today was school time. I rolled out of bed. Myself felt really happy. I immediately got dressed and mumbled a song as I came downstairs. Lexi cooked pancakes and coffee and Deana had the TV on.
They looked at me in shock. "Whoa! Someone's happy today!" Lexi said. I laughed. "What's wrong with that? I'm in a happy mood." I said. They both smirked. "Is because of a certain someone?" Deana said. I scoffed. "No. I'm just feeling good." I said. They looked at me. I sighed happily. "Ok maybe." I said. They squealed. I covered my ears and laughed. "Our Bella's in love!" Lexi singed. "And it feels so right!" Deana singed. I kept laughing. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and answered. "Hello?" I said. It was Laney. "I'm totally in shocked." She said. "What happened?" I asked. "Zack stopped those guys who were bullying Simon." She said. I chuckled. "Isn't that sweet? Your boyfriend defending your little brother?" I joked. She groaned. "Very funny...but it actually is sweet." She said. I smirked. "I told you. You guys are great together." I said. She chuckled. "Coming to school?" She asked. I nodded. "So...how's you and Dean?" She teased. I laughed. "Is everybody starting to notice?" I said. "I overheard Preston talking to him about you and him. I heard the words really like and love." She said. I blushed a bit. "Well...we have been going out for a long while." I admitted. Its the truth. We made it official before the first date. After our night together...we went out on a few dates around the city. We went to Starbucks and surprisingly, we liked the same frappe drink. I had the best day of my life. Deana and Lexi looked at me in total shock. I smiled. "It was the best day ever Lane." I said. "I'm glad you're happy. I never seen you so happier lately...with a guy." She said. "I'll see you there Lane." I said. "K! Bye!" She said and I hung up. I started eating and finished the plate. "You didn't told us you guys went on more dates." Deana said. "We did after our first date. Is the whole prom king and Queen still happening?" I said. Lexi smiled."Yup. You wouldn't believe who's in the line." She said. Before she could tell, her phone buzzed. "Its my dad." She said and answered. I grabbed my stuff and Deana grabbed hers. We went in my car while Lexi was still talking to her dad. I drove off to the school.
When we got there, there was lots of people hanging up wallpapers around the school. What is going on? I looked at the wallpaper somebody carried. It said: Laney for Prom Queen⭐️ my jaw dropped to the floor. The girls had the same reaction. "Everybody's voting Laney for Prom Queen! That's awesome!" Lexi said.
I nodded in agreement. Laney's definitely Queen material. Better than Taylor's whore-ish round ass. We closed the doors of my car and walked. Katie caught up to me. "Bels!" She said. I smiled. "Hey, what's up?" I said. "Everyone's voting for Laney for Prom Queen." She said. I smirked. "Glad they prefer a less whore...if you know what I mean." I joked. We laughed. We caught up to where Laney is.
I put stuff into my locker. Laney looked at me. She was in shock. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Its like you're...glowing." She said. Katie chuckled. "You saw it too? Probably cause of Dean Sampson." She said. I giggled. "Yes we are official and we went out a few times." I said. Katie smiled. "You really love him don't you?" She said. I slowly nodded. "I do." I whispered. I pulled my notebook out and closed the locker. "Where's Taylor?" I asked all of a sudden. "The girls are with her cause Brock broke up with her. I didn't wanna join at all." She said. I smiled. "This is one of the reasons why I love you." I said. She chuckled. I looked back at Laney looking spaced out. "You coming Lane?" I said. She snapped out of it. "Oh. Yeah." She said and closed her locker. We walked off to class.

Later, we finished class and was in the gymnasium. Katie left to find Preston. It was just me, Dean and Laney. "Cmon Zack! We have to go together! Besides Bella's paired up with Dean." I overheard Taylor talking to Zack. I rolled my eyes. What is she blabbing about now? Going with Zack to prom? Uh oh. Dean looked at me. "Something wrong?" He asked. I motioned him to look at Taylor and Zack. He angrily walked up to Dean. "Dean, the hell you trying to pull?!" He growled. I looked at him in shock. What is he trying to pull? He fake smiled. "Alright enough is enough Zack. This isn't cool anymore, I really like Bella and Laney's better off. You just need to stop this whole bet thing." He said. Bet? What bet? I looked at him. "Bet?" Laney said. "Yes it was so stupid, Laney. Zack said he can make any girl prom Queen and you were the one picked so he thinks that if he takes you to the prom it'll help you win." He said. Laney looked at him angrily. "A bet? Bet? Am I a bet? Am I just a fucking bet?" She growled. Zack slowly nodded. Myself couldn't believe they made a stupid bet. I growled at Zack. "You and him...made a stupid bet to turn her into the Prom Queen. Why would you do that?" I said. He smiled nervously. "You know us guys? We were just joking- I cut him off. "But you weren't joking were you?" I growled. He sighed and looked down in shame. Taylor wrapped her arms around Zack's neck. "You didn't think you would become popular did you?" She asked, referring to Laney. She looked at them in shock. She fake smiled. "Oh. You did. I'm sorry." She said sarcastically. Laney looked at us and walked away. I angrily walked up to her and slapped her hard. Their jaws dropped. She yelped and held her cheek. "I'm so incredibly sick of you! I'm tired of being in the clique where being pretty and a bully is more important. Taylor, let me tell you what my 15 year old self couldn't tell you. I have hated you! Ever since the day I met you! I never wanted to join your clique to be popular! I wanted to have people pay attention to me. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm done. I'm done hanging with a slutty-hoe like you!" I growled angrily. I took off the bracelet she gave me so that we look "hotter". I dropped it on the floor and left. I almost walked away but looked at Dean. Tears formed in my eyes.
"And I thought you were different too. You're still a true dickhead." I said. He looked down in shame. I ran and left the gymnasium. I didn't wanna stay here longer. I wanted to go home. I ran out of the school and dialed Lexi's dad for a ride. He has his own rides for people. I waited 3 minutes till an Rover parked. I picked up my purse and got inside the car. It drove off. Tears were stained on my face. I closed my eyes and tried hard not to cry more.

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