Chapter 6

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"That's.... amazing," she told him, her voice full of awe as she felt the magic under her skin.

He smiled warmly, loving seeing her so awestruck and happy. "It is. But it can also be dangerous. You have no experience with magic meaning your grip on it is tenuous at best. If you're willing, I would be happy to teach you how to properly control your new power," he offered. He hoped she would take him up on it. It was vital that her magic be taught, but he wanted her to want to learn and not be forced to it.

He saw her sober a little at his words. "That's probably a good idea. You're right that I know nothing about real magic, but I've read enough stories to know that it needs to be controlled properly or it goes haywire," that seemed like a common enough theme that it was probably true. Tropes were tropes for a reason after all.

He smiled proudly. "Precisely," he told her and she heard the pride in his voice that she'd known that. "It would be wise that you get some rest. We will begin training in the morning. We must start as early as possible to ensure you gain control of your magic. And you will be sleeping in my room. I wish to have you close by to ensure your safety. I wouldn't put it past Hydra to try again in kidnapping you," he told her all of that quickly and got his back up, preparing to fight her on it.

Now that the adrenaline from the battle was fading, she was feeling the exhaustion from her first use of magic. She hadn't expected to feel so bone numbingly tired. Loki wasn't surprised in the slightest. The first use of magic was always hard on the mage. It usually happened as a child with a simple spell, so a nap was usually enough to rectify the problem. Morgan wasn't a child and had blown a lot of power in that one little spell.

Morgan nodded and gave an order to Jarvis to have the iron legion clean up the mess that had become of the common room. She took Loki's arm, but looked nervous, almost frightened. "Loki, there's broken glass and shards of metal everywhere," she said in a small voice.

Loki nodded, understanding her dilemma in bare feet. "Let me help you, little one," he told her gently. She nodded and he swept her gently into his arms. Her arms went around his neck and he didn't mind in the slightest. He quite liked that she was safe in his arms. She was thin and light in his arms, deceptively frail. He knew better, but he still preferred having her safe.

"What about dinner?" she asked as he made his way to the elevator and away from the food.

Loki huffed and rolled his eyes at the incorrigible chit. "I will summon it for us when you are somewhere safe," he reassured her.

Morgan wasn't surprised he was keeping her close after a kidnapping attack. She wasn't even surprised when he didn't put her down when they stepped onto the elevator. "I have a guest room in my suite," she offered. She didn't want to argue over his bed when there was a spare room with a spare bed.

Loki shook his head and she could feel his hair moving back and forth across her bare arm. "I do not plan to sleep tonight and my room is shielded with magic. I would prefer we stay there," he told her gently.

She nodded, though wasn't convinced about him not sleeping. She knew the overprotective nature of the team. "Alright," she agreed. At least she agreed for forestall the argument until later. When she was in residence, the team protected her, and she took care of them.

Loki would just have to learn that the hard way.

Loki set her down inside his room and summoned their dinner. They ate quickly and he could see Morgan crashing as she ate. He wasn't surprised. He vanished the plates when they had eaten and Morgan took her required medication. Loki wished he could heal whatever ailed her, but his healing skills were limited. "You should get some rest, darling," he bid her gently. She nodded wearily and shifted as if she were going to sleep on his couch. Silly little Midgardian. "No no no. In the bed. No arguing," he told her and moved to pull her to her feet and lead her over to the bed.

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