Chapter 32

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Morgan relaxed in Loki's arms after their experience. He pressed a kiss to her hair, cuddling her close. "I love you, Liam, she purred.

He pressed another kiss to her hair. "I love you as well, my Ana," he said and cuddled her close.

"That was certainly an enjoyable way to spend the morning," she said, her voice a pleasured purr. "Though perhaps we should find something to eat. You get grumpy when you haven't eaten," she teased him and climbed out of bed carefully. Clean clothes shimmered into place on her once she was standing. Loki stood as well and followed suit, dressing comfortably. Morgan reached for him when he climbed out of bed. He took her hand and kissed the back of it before he hooked it in the crook of his arm to escort her to breakfast. She gave him a warm smile, grateful as always for his assistance.

Loki kissed her cheek. "Come. Let's get something to eat," he bid her warmly and led her down to breakfast. He took her to her seat in the dining room and kissed the top of her head when she was seated.

Clint grinned at Loki. "It's pancake day," he told the god, knowing that would make Loki happy.

Loki gave him a bright smile. "Sounds wonderful, Barton," Loki replied. He was beaming, having such a good morning. Pancakes and sex? Great morning indeed.

Now he just needed for Stark not to find out about him having sex with his daughter.

Clint gives Loki a knowing smile and sets a plate of pancakes before each of them. The others filed in around the table with their own plates of pancakes and Loki happily dove into his. Morgan doctored hers with butter and syrup, just as she liked them before she started in on them. She was surprised at how hungry she was. Loki wasn't at all surprised. The lack of power and her new Asgardian life required more food.

It was still something she had to get used to. She turned her head in Thor's direction, shocked when he dumped another stack of pancakes on her plate when hers were gone. Loki chuckled at the interaction. "You need to eat, darling,"

She gave him a confused look. "But I ate a huge stack of Clint's delicious pancakes!" she protested.

"You're Asgardian now. You have a much larger appetite than before," he explained to her gently. Of course she hadn't known all the changes she'd gone through. She'd learn soon enough.

"Oh," she said as she contemplated the new information. Loki was going to have to break it to her someday that she would outlive all of her friends and family here, but he hoped that wouldn't be for many years to come. For now, they could happily enjoy their pancakes.

Loki was definitely distracted from his morose thoughts when Clint gave him another stack too. He knew how to keep the god happy. Happy Loki was definitely better than stabby homicidal Loki. And pancakes were a very good way to bribe him into being happy.

"So are you going to the party tonight, vedma?" Bucky asked, teasing the hermit that Loki had become since he got stuck in jotun form.

Loki glared over at his friend. "What do you think, cyborg?" he replied grumpily. He didn't like being teased about being stuck in jotun form.

Bucky shrugged innocently. "I think your best girl will be going to the party. It's in her honor after all," he replied too innocently. Bucky occasionally slipped into 40s slang.

Loki smiled and relaxed a little. "True. I guess I can make an appearance. Will you miss me if I don't show?" he teased Bucky. The two were annoying little shits when they wanted to be. Especially to each other.

"Dreadfully," Bucky teased right back. He could take the teasing just as easily as he gave it. Which was part of why he and Loki got along so well together. "If you don't show, then one of us has to escort your girl around for the evening," he whined.

"I will be there then. I wouldn't want you to miss me too much," Loki replied. He wouldn't let Morgan be alone for the evening. Or on Bucky's arm. He was a bit possessive and protective of his lady.

Only a bit.

Definitely just a bit.

He was also the god of lies...

Bucky laughed. "Of course that's the reason, vedma,"

Loki chuckled. "And I wouldn't want my lady to be on her own," he added, amending his answer slightly.

Bucky laughed. "Ah, the truth comes out. I feel so unloved," he lamented mockingly.

"You know I love you, cyborg," Loki laughed.

Morgan turned to Loki and interrupted their banter. "You don't have to come to the party. I wasn't expecting you to be there," she said, knowing how he hated to leave the tower, or have people see him. Especially as he was stuck in jotun form.

"I will happily be there to support you, my love. I can get over my insecurities," he reassured her while Tony made faking barfing noises. He still didn't approve of Loki.

Morgan didn't look convinced, but didn't comment. She would see how he was feeling when it got closer to the time for the party. "You don't like the Midgardians seeing you and all sorts of press will be there," she reminded him.

"The only person's opinion I care about on this realm is yours. That's it,"

Morgan nodded. "If you're sure..."

"I am. Don't fret," she nodded and they finished their breakfast in peace. "And what are our plans for today, darling?"

"I was planning a nice quiet day with a book since I have to be social tonight," she explained. She could do the crowds, but would rather not and had to charge up with a quiet day.

Loki gave her a warm smile as that sounded like a perfect day. "May I join you?"

She nodded and the pair started to leave to return to her suite. As they were heading through the common room, she tripped over something. Loki had to catch her and steady her. "Thor, how many times have I told you not to leave your things lying around the common room?" she growled as she picked up the offending object and chucked it at Thor's head. She'd only sensed that it was Thor's, not what it was.

And the offending object had been Mjolnir.

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