Chapter 20

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Loki caught Morgan when she crumpled and hugged her to him, looking down at her worriedly. He knew that seeing the future was a huge magic for a new mage. It would be worse had she actually attempted to see the future than when it came unbidden, but that still didn't make it easy on her. He swept her hair back from her face. "Ana, darling, wake up. Please," he begged, shaking her gently to try to wake her.

She groaned and sat up slowly on her own. She looked confused and adorable about it. "Li? What's-?" she asked, dazed, exhausted, and confused.

"You had another vision, my darling," Loki told her gently and solemnly.

"Oh..." she said softly and took a moment to comprehend that information. She really was dazed and Loki just wanted to let her sleep, but they needed to deal with this vision before the rest of the magic faded. While it was still clear in her mind, even if she didn't remember it. "Your mother did say that might happen," she didn't sound concerned at least. "Apparently blind mages tend to be strong with visions..." she trailed off, distracted by her exhaustion again.

Loki nodded and stroked her hair. "I have heard that,"

She nodded and laid her head on Loki's shoulder. Loki's arms wrapped back around her, though he knew he couldn't let her fall back to sleep. He could let her rest for a moment. "Did I tell you what I saw? Was it important? I don't remember..." she admitted after a moment. It was common not to remember, especially among new mages. Which Morgan was one.

Loki nodded, remembered she couldn't see and said "Yes, darling. You told me," he paused. "You were kidnapped, Happy was injured, and you died," he explained softly and succinctly he tells her softly

She looked up at him, shock and horror clearing her mind some. "But... no! Can't we... change it?" she demanded. He was the magic expert. He should know how to fix this.

He had to know how to fix this.

"We will. I will not lose you," he said firmly, holding her tighter. He refused to let her be lost to him.

She nodded, slumping back into her drained exhaustion. "I don't want to lose you either. Hopefully there were enough clue to figure out how to stop it," she said as she curled in the safety of his arms.

He needed to keep her awake a little longer and he made her sit up again. They had to figure this out while the vision was fresh.

His eyes went wide. "Me. I can change it," he said softly, distracted as he recounted the images you'd described to him.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly, not understanding since she didn't remember.

"Somebody in the vision mentioned something. I think they were talking about me. If I'm with you in the vision, I might be able to save you," Loki mused.

She nodded. "That makes sense. But there had to have been a reason it was Happy with me and not you," she reminded him. He was overprotective at the best of times. He'd be worse knowing that she could potentially die.

"Whatever it is, we can figure it out. Another thing that might help keep you alive is your eyes. You tried to find a way out of where they were keeping you but you couldn't see it." If she'd just been able to see, she would've found the exit of the room and been able to escape. Loki wanted more than anything to give her her sight back. She deserved to be able to see.

"My eyes were destroyed, Loki. There's no fixing them. Even your mother said as much," she reminded him gently. There was no remorse or self-pity in her voice. It was a simple acceptance of the way things were.

"We need to find a temporary spell. The only other way to save your life besides me being there was for you to be able to find the exit to the room where they were keeping you," he explained.

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