Chapter 12

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Morgan kept her hand on Loki's arm as they walked and stayed closer to him than usual. She was even more reliant on his eyes here, but she trusted Loki. He'd been kind to her so far. Though she couldn't shake the fascination about kissing him. She didn't know that he'd been having that same fantasy. He kept restraining himself, though. He was a monster, stuck in Jotun form. There was no way she could want to kiss a beast like him, much less love him.

The pair were still getting looks as they walked through the palace halls, though now that Morgan was dressed in Asgardian attire, it was because there was a lady. On Loki's arm. It was such a rare sight. Loki glared at them as he passed them to make them stop staring. He didn't want Morgan uncomfortable, though she couldn't see the stares. She could hear the whispers. The glares were effective as no one wanted to get smited by the dark prince. He had gotten even darker and more isolated when he was cursed. Though one pesky little mortal was quickly breaking through his walls and defenses.

Eventually they reached the throne room and Loki paused outside the double doors. "Are you ready for this, Ana?" he asked her gently, noting the way she lit up at her new nickname.

He watched as she steeled her spine, as she changed her posture and disposition, as she dropped the college-student veneer she usually wore and donned the persona of the heiress to Stark's company and fortune. Loki was impressed with her change of demeanor. "No, but let's get it over with anyway," she replied.

Loki nodded "Let's get this over with," he agreed and let his court mask take its place before gesturing to the guard to open the doors. Morgan laid her hand more formally on his arm, appearing a proper Asgardian court lady, with a poise beyond her years. Yes, Loki was very impressed with his lady.

Wait? When did she become his lady?

He shoved that thought from his mind as they approached the throne. Thor was already there and Frigga had taken her position next to Odin. However, Loki didn't take his place on the stairs, instead he chose to stay with Morgan. She needed him more. Odin gave him a look, but Loki ignored it. Frigga leaned over to say something to Odin so quietly that Loki and Morgan couldn't hear. Odin nodded, willing to continue after whatever Frigga had said.

"Let me officially welcome you to Asgard, Lady Morgana, duchess of Asgard, daughter of Brunhilde," he started and Morgan remembered that last names weren't really a thing on Asgard. Besides, the fact that she was a Stark wouldn't have any bearing here, but her being Brunhilde's daughter did. "Her loss affects us all," Odin added.

Morgan realized at his pause that she was supposed to say something. So she inclined his head and thanked him for his kind words. She clearly knew how to play the court game.

"I also owe you quite a debt. Your assistance and magic saved my wife's life and that is not something I take lightly," he paused again and Morgan nodded, accepting the praise, though she didn't feel she deserved it. "I offer you a gift in acknowledgement of the debt we owe you, though nothing could possibly equal my wife's life. It is a rare honor for a mortal to be offered one, but I wish to grant you one of Idun's apples, the golden apples of immortality," Odin told her. Morgan would have been surprised had Loki not warned her earlier that day.

/You were right/ Morgan told Loki. Telepathy was one of the things Frigga had taught her.

/I told you. Father can be predictable on occasion/


Morgan paused to consider her words. It was important that she get them correct. "This is quite the high honor you offer me, Allfather," she replied in proper court Asgardian. No one had bothered to tell Odin that she knew it and those with the power of sight could see the shock on his face. "Though I am unworthy of the honor, I am also not foolish enough to refuse such a gift when it is offered. I accept it with my most sincere thanks," she replied formally, hoping she was doing well enough. She didn't let her nerves show more than her slightly too-tight grip on Loki's arm.

Loki placed his hand on top of hers, squeezing her hand reassuringly. /You are doing wonderfully, Ana/ he reassured her and she relaxed at his reassurances.

Odin inclined his head. "We need some time to prepare. Frigga will have the apple tomorrow morning in the healing wing," no one spoke of the fact that Morgan would be staying there afterward, due to the difficulty of the transition.

After a few more closing remarks, they were free to leave and they escaped as quickly as they could. No one wanted to stay under the Allfather's scrutiny longer than they had to.

Morgan sighed in relief when they were free of the throne room. "That was intense," she whined, wrapping her arms more cuddly around his arm and much less formally.

Loki nodded. "I'm curious. What made you accept his offer?" he asked. He was pleased that she had, but he wanted to know why.

She considered how to answer that. "Besides that it really would be foolish to pass up such an opportunity? It seemed like the right path. There was a lot to gain, and nothing but a difficult transition to lose, well, besides dad probably being pissed, but he'll get over it. Centuries of learning and magic instead of one at most sounds like a dream come true in and of itself," she said with a wistful expression. Of course she wanted to learn everything she possibly could.

Loki smiled warmly, enjoying her wistful expression, especially over a dream he could make come true. "I'm glad you made that choice. Though I hope your father doesn't try to kill me for it,"

She smirked up at him. "You're going to be stuck with my company for thousands of years," she teased him. "And like you won't just toss dad out the nearest window if he tries to kill you," she reminded him.

"I'll have to agree with you on that. And I enjoy your company, little one,"

She gave him a warm smile. "And I enjoy yours,"

"Come. You should get some rest. Tomorrow morning is going to be hard on you," he reminded her. She needed as much rest as she could get before then.

She nodded. Resting until dinner sounded like a good idea. Loki led her back to his room and to the bed. "Rest. I will be in the study if you need me. I'll come wake you before dinner," he told her warmly.

She let her clothes shimmer to pajamas, loving the clothes changing spell she was taught as it was really useful. She gave him a warmly smile. "Thanks, Liam," she told him warmly and kissed his cheek after lifting a hand to his cheek to make sure she wouldn't miss. She wasn't quite brave enough to try for more. She curled up contently in his bed and Loki tucked the blankets around her, kissing her forehead softly. She was asleep quickly, lulled by the bed that smelled like him and her already mentally trying day.

When Loki left the bedroom he found a very familiar blonde woman draped casually across the couch in his sitting room. "Hey, Loki," Amora greeted him with a grin. 

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