Chapter 30

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Loki chuckled as Morgan ducked back into the fitting room to change back into her normal clothes. "Are you ladies ready to go, then?" he asked hopefully. Morgan had found a dress. The shopping trip was a success.



"You're not off the hook that quickly, boyfriend," Nat teased and Loki groaned. He didn't mind clothes. He liked clothes and fashion. On Asgard where he had proper tailors. Here there were no tailors, just an endless supply of dresses for the girls to try on. "Just because Morgan found a dress, doesn't mean we did too," Nat reminded Loki with a grin as she peeked out of the fitting room.

Loki sighed. "Very well," he grumbled and settled in the chair to get comfortable to wait.

Morgan giggled and made her way over to Loki once she was dressed, following the sound of his voice. She leaned down to kiss him, her hands on his shoulders once she'd found him. His hands were on her waist as he leaned up to meet her halfway.

He broke the kiss and she curled herself on his lap, her chosen dress hanging up nearby, Loki had used magic to help her place it somewhere safe. "I can't find another chair, guess I'll have to share yours," Morgan teased as she curled up happily in Loki's arms. There was a chair next to him that they were both ignoring. Loki didn't mind in the slightest that he had Morgan curled on his lap. He liked having her there and liked that she was safe in his arms. She wrapped an arm around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You doing ok besides being bored out of your mind?" she asked gently, worried about Loki.

He smiled and leaned to kiss her cheek. "I'm fine, love. I just enjoy being in your company," he reassured her, even if he was bored out of his mind.

She still looked concerned. "I know you don't like being out among the mortals," she pressed. Loki had been far too adamant about not going out among the mortals for her to think he was suddenly ok with it now.

"They are too curious for their own good sometimes," Loki replied carefully. He didn't really want to explain why they were getting so many stares.

"You're talking to the queen of curiosity," she reminded him with a laugh. She was Stark's daughter after all and shared her curiosity with her father.

Loki chuckled. "Very true, my darling," he replied warmly and held her tighter, glad to have her in his arms.

Morgan leaned up to kiss him again, but got interrupted by Wanda clearing her throat. "Starshy, you're supposed to be giving opinions," Wanda scolded. The sooner she and Nat picked dresses, the sooner they could leave the store. She was unfortunately wearing a skimpier dress than the last one Loki had vetoed on his fifteen year old adopted little sister.

"Sestra, are you trying to annoy me right now?" he groaned, wanting to set the dress on fire so she couldn't try to buy it anyway.

"No, I'm trying to pick a dress~" she whined. Loki was being rude in her opinion, not letting her pick one out that looked more grown up.

"Well, you are not doing a very good job. Try again,"

"You're just a prude, starshy," she grumbled and stopped back into the changing room.

Loki sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Little sisters are so annoying sometimes," he grumbled to Morgan when Wanda had stomped off.

Morgan laughed. "You adopted a teenage witch as a little sister and you're surprised she's annoying about clothes?" she teased, which just made Loki groan more.

Nat and Wanda did eventually pick dresses and somehow Loki even approved the one Wanda finally settled on. The group went to pay and Morgan, turning red as she did, had to ask Nat to help identify the credit cards in her wallet. Loki wasn't offended that she had asked Nat. It would have taken a lot more embarrassing explanation for her to explain the Midgardian payment system to him. There was still a lot about Midgard that he didn't know or understand. Morgan, Nat, Bucky, and Wanda were usually good about explaining things, but there was still a lot about Midgard that he didn't understand. This particular thing he would figure out later.

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