Chapter 48

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The word hung between the brothers for a long moment, suspended in the air, growing like a living breathing thing. The moment froze in time, a bubble of emotion that waited to be popped. The bubble of Thor's shock and Loki's hope and fear.

Everything hinged on what happened when the bubble broke.

Loki felt like his heart stopped as he waited for Thor's reaction to those words, that simple greeting.

Thor's head whipped up and turned to Loki so fast that Loki thought he must've pulled something in his neck. He dropped Morgan's hand and got to his feet, shock and amazement filling his expression. "Brother? How?" He asked.

Before Loki could reply, Thor crossed the distance between them. Loki started to prepare for an attack, unsure what Thor was up to. He couldn't read the expression in Thor's eyes. He didn't have time to prepare and suddenly was enveloped in Thor's warm strong arms.

He laughed as the breath was nearly squished out of him with the hug. He tentatively wrapped his arms around Thor in return. "It's good to see you too, Thor," he didn't expect that things were entirely back to normal, but this was a good sign.

"We have all been worried about you," Thor told him as he squished Loki a bit tighter. He finally let Loki go to look at him.

"I've been told. But I'm alright," Loki reassured Thor. He was there, alive and safe. Still in Jotun form, but he seemed lighter, happier, more healed.

Thor nodded and gave him a smile. "You're alright. That's truly all that matters," he agreed. He glanced at Morgan. "And Lady Morgana has been found," he hesitated before he added. "You don't need to stay," he clearly didn't think that Loki was going to still around. Not after how he'd left.

Loki shook his head. "I don't plan on going anywhere, brother. I'm free from my duties on Jotunheim. My sister has taken over as queen," Loki explained, hoping to get back into Thor's good graces quickly.

"You didn't leave because you had duties on Jotunheim," Thor replied dryly. He wasn't surprised that Loki was avoiding the real subject, trying to downplay everything.

"I left because I didn't think I was safe for Ana. Or for anyone. But Breya, my sister, taught me how to control my Jotun abilities. Though if you'd rather I not stay, I will leave you be," Loki replied, feeling hurt that Thor didn't seem to want him back. He understood, of course, and deserved it after what he did. That didn't make it hurt any less. He was used to Thor always being there and supporting him, no matter what stupid things he did.

"You know I would never tell you to leave," Thor replied and clapped Loki on the shoulder. He hesitated a moment before he added. "She's changed while you were gone and changed further when she returned from finding you on Jotunheim. Do not expect reconciling with her will be easy,"

Loki sighed and looked past Thor to Morgan on the bed. "I would think not. I hurt her. I thought I was doing what was right, to keep her safe. I don't expect her to forgive me. I'm surprised you do,"

"I'm more glad that you're alright than angry with you," Thor replied. He would always forgive Loki, no matter what his brother did.

Loki nodded "I am alright," he agreed. He hesitated "And how is Stark?" It was important to know if he'd be allowed back in the tower.

"He was livid at you for hurting her. Then for leaving. He finally calmed down after a couple of weeks. His focus turned to convincing her you weren't returning and to move on," Thor admitted, though knew it would hurt Loki.

"I'm not surprised. The man hates me. I doubt going back to Midgard will be easy either..." he mused, knowing he'd messed everything up by leaving, despite that it had been what he'd had to do.

"No, returning to Midgard will not be easy if that is what you choose to do," Thor wasn't convinced on what Loki would really do. Not after his jaunt on Jotunheim.

"I honestly haven't decided yet. I just returned to Asgard. And I doubt I will be welcome at the tower..." he hesitated again before he dared to ask. "How is Wanda? I've missed our sister,"

"She misses you as well. She is doing as well as can be expected. Her classes are going well and the spider child's friends have accepted her as their friend too," Thor replied. It was no surprise that Wanda had been gloomy and missed Loki. She was just as worried as everyone else.

Thor hesitated again before he continued. There was something he needed to tell Loki, something he'd been holding back from him. "You will be accepted back at the tower. Though you will not be required to return. I was not to be the one to tell you... but you have been pardoned for your crimes in the battle of New York,"

"Pardoned?" Loki asked, his eyes wide in disbelief.

Thor nodded with a grin. "You're free. Your punishment is over,"


Loki could hardly believe the words.

Tears filled his eyes. Tears of joy, of relief, of pain, sorrow, so many emotions swirling at those words, at everything he'd been through. Odin had finally believed in him, finally freed him from the unjust punishment.

Thor folded Loki back into his arms. "You're free, brother," he repeated as he held Loki safe in his arms.


It didn't seem real or true, but there was no lie in Thor's voice.

Relief flooded through Loki. He was finally free to make his own choices.

He would do better this time.

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