Chapter 33

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Morgan chucked Thor's stupid hammer at Thor's stupid head, tired of telling him to keep his things picked up, especially in the common room where she was likely to trip over it since she couldn't see. Somehow she'd known the offending object was his, though she didn't know what it was. She also knew where he was sitting. No one quite questioned that, though they should have.

Instead, the entire room froze in shock as Morgan threw Thor's hammer at him like it was a dirty sock instead of one of the most powerful weapons in the universe.

Or like it was a weapon that only Thor should have been able to lift.

Even Thor was shocked and couldn't do more than stare as the hammer flew toward him and hit him flat in the face. He fell over out of his chair with a cry of pain.

Morgan noticed Loki stiffen in shock next to her and turned her blind gaze toward them. "What? I'm sure you of all people are tired of him leaving his shit all over the floor," Morgan protested.

"Language," Cap and Tony both scolded. Cap because he was Cap and Tony because he was Morgan's dad and didn't mind the language, but minded her saying the bad words.

"Yes. Unfortunately, though, I cannot lift Mjolnir, no matter how inconveniently my brother places it," Loki replied dryly, thought was still laughing at Thor trying to climb back into his chair with some grace.

Confusion and shock crossed Morgan's face. "Mjolnir? But-" she blanched, surprised and confused. No one could lift Mjolnir besides Thor and she hadn't realized she had done it until after the deed was done.

Loki chuckled and pressed a kiss to her hair. "I'm really not surprised that you are worthy, my darling," he told her warmly

"The rest of us are," Nat broke in, shaking off her shock. "No one's worthy except the oaf," she reminded Loki.

Loki laughed harder, amused by the mortals' shock. Mjolnir chose who was worthy by its own interpretations. It was semi-sentient after all. "Apparently that is incorrect," Loki replied.

"Apparently," Nat reluctantly agreed while Morgan was spluttering that she wasn't either.

"Ana, Mjolnir does not make mistakes. You are worthy,"

Morgan nodded, but still looked as surprised as everyone else. Eventually, Loki led her to the common room where the comfy couches lived so they could enjoy a quiet afternoon reading. Loki took a seat on the couch and pulled Morgan onto his lap, ignoring Stark's growl of protest. Morgan squeaked in surprise, but calmed when Loki kissed her cheek, nuzzled her, and wrapped her up in his arms. Morgan giggled at how adorable Loki was being and curled contently in his arms.

"Who are you and what have you done with Loki?" Bucky teased when he came in the room.

Loki laughed at his friend. "What? Am I really acting that strangely?"

"Moody bastard vs this adorable cuddly smiling person? Yeah, definitely strange ved'ma," Bucky replied, rolling his eyes and taking a seat nearby.

Loki continued to laugh. "I'm happy. Is that really such a bad thing?" he asked warmly.

"Not at all," Bucky agreed warmly, then smirked. "Doesn't mean I don't have to tease you for it," he grinned, enjoying teasing his friend.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Cyborg,"

Bucky laughed and Morgan poked Loki's nose. "My book?" she asked him expectantly and adorably. Loki still had all of the new books in his dimensional pockets. Loki summoned the book for her from his dimensional pocket and placed it in her waiting hands. She grinned and kissed him softly. "Thank you," she told him warmly and opened the book across her lap, still curled in Loki's lap. Her fingers ran slowly across the pages, her eyes closed as she focused on the bumps on the page. Loki laid his head on hers as she read, a soft smile on his face as they enjoyed their quiet day.

The team wandered in and out of the common room as they went about their day. Eventually Morgan laid her head on Loki's shoulder and dozed off, still recovering from how much power she'd used the previous day. The pair remained curled up together on the couch, Loki eventually fell asleep as well, holding Morgan safe in his arms, even asleep.

A long while later, Morgan shifted in her sleep, making a small distressed noise as gold power shimmered around her. Loki jolted awake at the feeling of magic while the others stared, unsure of what to do when magic was involved. Loki shook Morgan gently, trying to rouse her. "Wake up, darling. Come on, Ana," he urged at the magic glowing around her.

Her eyes opened, but they were glowing bright gold when they did. She was awake, but trapped in visions. Luckily, Loki knew what to do. He'd seen her like this before and had seen his mother having visions countless times in his life. "What do you see, my darling?" he asked in a gentle healer's croon.

"A land of ice and snow," her voice is ethereal and doesn't sound at all like her. She spoke without emotion, describing the scene. "An obsidian castle. Equally as cold and cruel as the realm. You sit on the throne wearing a crown made of ice. Guards bring me in, half frozen from the snow, in chains. You look surprised. Your eye turns green for an instant, until you squash the feeling back down," she paused her words from describing the scene.

Loki's eyes went wide. "Jotunheim. That shouldn't be possible," he knew he was the missing prince of course, and the rightful heir to the throne, but still, there was no way he would ever consider taking up that throne.

Morgan continued to speak. "You didn't want me there. You had broken up with me months before you took the throne. Months before they asked you to. You didn't want me to be with a monster," she spoke as though she hadn't heard Loki. The rest of the team was staring in shock and awe.

"No. Not going to happen. Never. I want nothing to do with Jotunheim or its people. And I would never hurt you," Loki protested.

The magic vanished and Morgan swayed, exhausted and confused. Loki caught her and cuddled her, disturbed by what she had seen.

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