Chapter 36

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Frigga kissed Loki's cheek after he came to his realization. "I imagine you're anxious to get back to her, though it was lovely getting to spend time with you again, my darling," Frigga said warmly. She knew her son well and knew that he would be desperate to get back to Morgan now that his mind was made up.

As they were talking, a simple folded piece of paper fluttered onto the table in front of Loki in a shimmer of golden magic. It held a hint of the floral fragrance Morgan wore and Loki couldn't help the bright smile as he recognized it. He picked it up, opening it quickly to see what she had to tell him. The letter was very poorly written as she hand-wrote it so that Jarvis couldn't spy. It also took quite a lot of power to send even a simple piece of paper across the realms, Loki knew, especially for such a new mage.

<I'm sorry it took me so long to write to you. It took awhile to find the spell to send the letter to you and even longer to find five minutes to myself to write it. I hope everything's ok at home. I miss you dearly and love you more~ Ana> read the simple note.

Loki smiled warmly at it, impressed she'd cared. "I should be getting back. I have my lady to be getting back to."

Frigga gives him a warm smile. His eyes were so full of love as he read the letter and it warmed her heart to see him so in love. "Very well, darling. Don't forget that you're always welcome to come home," she couldn't help adding.

Loki pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek again when he released her. "I will see you again soon. Thank you for your help and advice," he told her warmly.

"Anytime, my darling," she told him and kissed his cheek again before he left.

He teleported to the Bifrost so he could return to Midgard and to his Morgan. Heimdall sent him back and he reappeared outside the tower.

Thor was there to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the Bifrost. "Brother, how was your trip home?"

Loki gave him a warm smile. "Definitely needed. It gave me time to think things through," Loki said. He was clearly in much better spirits than when he'd left Midgard.

Thor nodded. "And you've come to a decision?" he pressed his brother.

It was Loki's turn to nod, though was annoyed at his brother questioning him. "I don't plan to lose her. She means too much to me to hurt her now," Loki replied.

Thor was relieved as the pair head into the tower. They walked side by side as they made it into the tower and up to the common room. Loki nearly got tackled by Wanda when they stepped off the elevator. "Starshy! You're home!" she exclaimed as she held him tightly.

Loki chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and kissed her cheek as he held her. "Hello, sestra. Miss me?" he teased his adopted little sister.

She giggled. "Of course I missed you," she said, her arms tightly around his neck as she hugged him.

Loki chuckled. He adored his little sister. He had a dopey happy smile on his face. "I'm glad to be back with you, little sister," he told her warmly and finally set her down on her feet.

She kissed his cheek. "And we're glad to have you home," she told him warmly. She then smirked at him. "Morgan's upstairs. She claimed she wanted a nap," her tone made it clear that no one had believed Morgan.

"I should go see her, then. I left abruptly and Morgan deserves an apology,"

Wanda let him go and nodded. "Though I think she's more annoyed with us..." she said sheepishly.

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Why's that, sestra?"

Wanda sighed. "You didn't know her before the accident. I'm not sure you'll understand..." she hedged.

"I won't be able to understand if you don't explain it to me, little sister," Loki reminded her patiently.

Wanda considered her answer before she spoke again. "She was independent to a fault before the accident," she tried to explain. "I think she's getting annoyed at having people around all the time, especially since she doesn't even have her lab to retreat to anymore,"

Loki nodded. "I can understand that. You know how much I like my private time and my own space." Wanda didn't think that was the same thing, but stepped aside to Loki could go find Morgan. Morgan was easy to find as she was holed up in her room, which Loki approached and knocked on it politely.

Morgan sighed heavily, annoyed at being disturbed by yet another babysitter. She had told the team she was coming up to her room to take a nap. They knew she hadn't escaped the gilded cage of the tower. Jarvis would have told on her if she tried and somehow the humans hadn't noticed. Morgan went to the door and opened it, not knowing who to expect on the other side, or using her magic to feel who it was. She looked wan and tired. "Hello?" she tried for polite, but it was hard. She hadn't had the best couple of days and wasn't in the best mood.

Loki's brows furrowed in concern, though obviously she couldn't see it. "Ana? Are you alright?" he asked her softly, his tone conveying how concerned he was for her.

She erupted into the brightest smile. "Li! You're home. Is everything ok back home? Your mother??" she asked as she launched herself into his arms.

Loki held her in his arms, a wide smile forming on his face. "Everything is fine, my love. I'm so sorry that I left you so suddenly."

"It's alright. Thor said you had to go home because of a vision I had," she explained. That was technically true, though not all of it.

"I had something I had to think about. I don't plan to leave you anytime soon," he reassured her, though his words were less than reassuring.

She tilted her head, looking adorably confused. "Leave me? Why?" she asked him worriedly. She didn't remember her visions.

Loki sighed, realizing he was going to have to tell her for real. "Your vision was concerning me, concerning us," he picked at his hands, though she couldn't see the movement. "I wasn't sure if being with me was the best thing for you. I'm a monster, Ana. I have hurt and killed so many people and I currently have a target on my back. I don't want to risk you getting hurt, but I love you too much to lose you. I'm so sorry," he told her, wanting to pull her into his arms.

"You're not a monster, Loki," she told him firmly. "I've never cared what you look like. You're my Loki. That's all that matters,"

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