Chapter 11

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They were all shocked at Loki's term of address. Loki hadn't called Odin 'father' since the day Loki had fallen from the Bifrost. Thor looked so puppy-like and hopeful. Loki tried to avoid rolling his eyes at Thor's eternal optimism. It would take more than one kind word to repair the relationship between Odin and Loki.

Odin pressed another kiss to the top of Frigga's head "It is my job to worry over your mother's safety. She means the world to me," he reminded both of his sons, but did let his wife go, reassured that she was alright. "In regards to Lady Morgana, we shall have to find a worthy way to express our gratitude for what she has done for the throne,"

Loki nodded. "She is resting right now. She is still new to her powers,"

"And visions take quite a lot of power, even though it is not active magic," Frigga added knowledgeably. Odin just inclined his head. He didn't claim to have any knowledge of how magic worked. He would accept Frigga's word at how difficult the magic had been on the little blind mortal.

Frigga kissed Odin's cheek. "I should return to the healing wing. I'm quite sure you have plenty of things to do without me to make sure the realm is secure," she told Odin fondly as she prepared to return to her domain. She smirked at Loki. "Are you coming with me, darling, or staying to help your father?"

"Coming with you," Loki replied without the slightest hesitation. "I have a friend to check in on," he hesitated slightly on the word 'friend'. He wasn't sure that was the right word to describe his relationship with Morgan, but did didn't know what word would be better either.

Frigga gave Loki a too-knowing smile as she took his arm. He tried to ignore it, but felt his cheeks heat in response to Frigga's too-knowing look. "Come along, then, darling," Frigga told him warmly. At least she wasn't calling him on it. He wasn't sure he was ready to deal with that. He wasn't ready for the possibility of rejection, of losing the friendship he had.

He and Frigga made their way back to healing wing and went straight to Morgan's room, where they found that she was still deeply asleep. Neither of them were surprised. The little mortal was still so new to her magic. Loki gave the sleeping girl a fond smile. "We should let her sleep. She needs it after all the magic she used," he told Frigga softly. He was always overprotective of those he cared for.

Frigga nodded. She agreed, but... Well, Frigga was a healer through and through and she couldn't help going into the room to look over the sleeping girl. Especially since she could so easily see the not-completely healed scarring across her eyes. Loki followed Frigga in, leaning against the wall out of the way. "I can heal this scarring, though the marks will remain..." Frigga told Loki after she'd looked the wounds over.

"I'm sure she would appreciate that, mother. As would I. I dislike that she is in pain," Loki told her. He knew Morgan would never ask for the healing, but Loki had no qualms about asking on her behalf.

Frigga got to work, not minding in the slightest, she was a healer through and through after all, and hated anyone in her presence being injured. Her hands glowed gold as she worked on the healing. Morgan didn't stir while Frigga worked, which was partially the magic of healing itself. She didn't stir, but she did sigh in relief and relaxed as the pain she'd been living with since the accident disappeared. Loki smiled warmly when he saw her relax. "She looks more relaxed than she was," he commented.

Frigga nodded. "She was in constant pain from this damage healing the mortal way. Do you know what caused this?" she asked, disapproving at whatever had injured Morgan so.

"An accident at her school. She mentioned chemicals were involved,"

Frigga nodded her understanding, accepting that explanation. It was just a tragic accident. A tragic accident could be forgiven. "Even I cannot bring her eyesight back," she warned her son. "Even Idun's apple cannot do so much, though your father will likely offer her one," she added. She knew Odin well and knew how much he valued his wife's life. That was likely what he would offer as it was one of the highest valued items he could offer the mortal.

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