Chapter 28

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Morgan left the tower early the next morning, after reminding Loki that she had to go into the office. Happy drive her to the office after she reassured Loki that she would be perfectly safe. She was running around all morning convincing the board of directors that she was alive and relatively well. Even if she had to let someone lead her around the office all morning.

None of that stopped Loki from sending an illusion to check on her while she worked. His illusion was in his Asgardian form. He wouldn't let the mortals see him as Jotun if he could help it. That was part of why he didn't leave the tower.

Morgan smirked over in the illusion's directly. She could feel it with her magic, which she'd been using all morning to feel her surroundings. It was only approximate, so her gaze was a bit off. "Hello, illusion-Loki," she greeted him with her smirk still in place.

The illusion smiled in return, though she couldn't see it. "Hello, darling. I just wanted to check in on you. Make sure you were ok," Loki sounded nervous over her. He didn't like her being out of the tower without him to protect her.

She gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Though I was about to call you and see if you'd be up to leaving the tower?" she sounded hesitant to ask, but she'd really feel better to have him with her.

He raised an eyebrow. One of these days he'd remember she couldn't see his facial expressions. Today was not that day. "For what, love?" he asked warily. He knew that she was aware of how little he wanted the Midgardians seeing his Jotun form. He really didn't want to leave the tower, though he would if she needed him.

Morgan caught his tone. "Never mind. I can get Pepper to go with me. Or Nat," she course-corrected quickly. She wouldn't drag him out of the tower if he didn't want to go.

"Darling, what do you need? You only have to ask," Loki reassured her quickly. He hadn't wanted her not to ask for whatever she needed.

"Dad's having a party tomorrow and I need to buy a new dress for it," she explained. She quickly continued. "It's alright, I can really get one of the girls to help. Wanda would probably love going after she gets out of school or Nat will help. I shouldn't have even considered asking you. I know how much you hate the mortals seeing you..." she reassured him quickly.

Loki sighed heavily. "I'm not proud of what I really am. I never have been. Especially with how I was raised to hate the Jotun for my entire life. I can get over my insecurities for you, my love," he told her warmly.

"It's alright," she reassured him again, though he could hear the lie. She'd wanted him with her. And not just for protection. She liked his company, obviously, and... she trusted his opinion on the dress, he realized. She couldn't see what the dress would look like on her. She needed help and she trusted him to be vulnerable in front of. "Like I said, one of the girls can come shopping with me instead. Nat can help me pick out a dress for the party..."

"Ana, I'll be alright. I would like to join you if you'll let me,"

She wasn't convinced. "I'll ask the girls first," she told him firmly. She'd only bother him if none of the girls would go with her.

He sighed, knowing he'd messed up. "If that is what you prefer..." he said softly.

She nodded, because she refused to make him uncomfortable. She would've preferred to go with him, but she wouldn't drag him out of the tower unless necessary. "I'll see you tonight," she promise before the illusion vanished. She sighed heavily and steeled herself from that awful conversation to go back to work, cursing herself for being so stupid.

Loki knew he hadn't handled that conversation the way he should have. He knew that she'd gotten used to going everywhere with him, that it had to be lonely without him, and she trusted him to help her pick a dress that he'd like. He sighed heavily. Maybe he could figure out how to apologize. He also knew he needed to get over his fear and insecurity.

He was distracted from his thoughts by Wanda hugging him when she got home from school. "Hey starshy!" she greeted him warmly, calling him 'older brother' in her native language.

He hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. "Hello, sestra. How was school today?" he replied warmly, calling her a younger sister in return. He loved his adopted little sister.

She grinned and told him about her classes and what her friends were up to. "I can't stay," she finally told him, after she'd caught him up on her day. "Morgan asked me and Nat to help her find a dress for Stark's party tomorrow. Which since we need new dresses too, works out well," she told him and kissed his cheek.

"May I join you? Morgan asked me earlier but I didn't react well. You know how I feel about..." he left the rest unsaid. She knew he hated his Jotun form and she could actually see it, unlike Morgan.

Wanda looked shocked. "But... you don't leave the tower except for missions," she reminded him, confused.

Loki sighed. This was getting tedious. "I know, but I would feel better being with you and Ana,"

"Nat's coming with us. You know we can take care of ourselves," Wanda reassured him, assuming that was the problem. Nat was an assassin and Wanda had magic. "And we'll keep Morgan safe,"

Loki nodded. "I would prefer to be with you all the same," he replied.

She nodded, but looked dubious. "Alright, starshy. I don't mind," she finally replied, knowing she wasn't going to win an argument. It really didn't matter since Morgan had invited him earlier.

He offered her a warm smile. "Thank you, sestra,"

"Happy should be picking us up soon. He hates that he has to be Morgan's permanent chauffeur," she added with a smirk, knowing it would amuse Loki as he didn't much care for the head of security of Stark Industries.

Loki laughed. "I think he'll survive,"

Wanda's phone beeped and after she checked it to find that was Happy, they headed out of the tower to the SUV pulled up right outside. Loki was worried and nervous, but knew he needed to do this. Nat was sitting up front of the SUV with Happy. Morgan was sitting in the back of the SUV. Loki climbed in next to her and Wanda next to him.

Morgan looked confused when they picked up two more people instead of just Wanda. "Li?" she asked, really confused. She thought he was hiding in the tower.

He kissed her cheek. "Hello, my darling," he purred.

"I thought you were staying home?" she asked him.

"I'd rather be with you," and Loki finally convinced himself that he would rather spend the afternoon with her, even in Jotun form, than worry about his fear of being seen by the mortals. His love didn't care what he looked like. 

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