Chapter 31

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It was luckily  a short drive back to the tower, and Morgan still didn't stir when the car came to a stop in front of the tower. Nat looked back to Loki. "I'll distract Stark, he'll blame you if he sees her like that," she told him as he got out of the car and lifted Morgan into his arms. He nodded and gave her a nod of appreciation before he teleported himself and Morgan up to his room so he could tuck her into bed.

She was dangerously low on magic, Loki noted as he settled on the bed next to her. "Oh, my love..." he fretted over her, stroking her hair out of her face. Morgan was out for a long time and finally jolted awake, casting about lost and confused. She clearly didn't know where she was, except that it wasn't where she had fallen asleep. Loki pulled her into his arms. "Shh, it's alright, my love," he soothed as he held her to calm her.

Her arms wrapped tightly around him, clinging to his comforting presence. One of the good things about him being a frost giant was that his skin was cool to the touch and he couldn't be confused with anyone else. "Li? Where? What's going on?" she asked him, panic and fear in her voice.

"We are back at the tower. You passed out on the way home," Loki explained to her gently.

Morgan nodded and relaxed a bit. At least she knew where they were now. That was a relief. "How much are you going to yell?" she asked him in a small voice, afraid he would be angry with her.

Loki sighed. He was tempted, but at least she knew she'd been reckless with her magic. And he cared too much about her to truly yell. "I'm not," he finally said. "I'm sure you're aware now of how dangerous it is to use so much power all at once. If you used any more. It might have killed you," he had to emphasize the point that she could easy die if she drained her power too much.

Morgan nodded against his chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't know my limits," she admitted softly, curled tightly in his arms. She was clearly upset and hand't meant to worry him or drain herself that badly.

Loki sighed and hugged her tightly to him. "I know. I should have warned you sooner," he should've been keeping a closer eye on her. He kept forgetting how new to magic she really was. She hid in his arms and he kissed to top of her head, running his fingers through her hair, soothing her. She slowly relaxed, though she was still upset, emotional and exhausted. "You need to get some more rest, my darling," Loki told her when he caught the flavor of her emotions.

She looked up at him confused. "That doesn't sound right. Surely there's things that need doing..." her voice sounded exhausted and confused by the power drain.

"Ana, rest. You need to recharge," he told her firmly, his done leaving no room for arguing.

She argued anyway. "But-" she said in a small voice, anxiety and fear making her unhelpful.

"What's wrong, my darling?" Loki asked. This seemed worse than just power drain.

"I don't-" she started with tears in her eyes. "I-" she had sat up to address him and sways looking lost and confused.

This was definitely power drain. Poor thing. Loki summoned one of his mother's potions and a sleeping draught. He unstoppered the power potion and handed it to her first. "Drink this, love. It will help," he told her gently, holding her and making sure she drank it. It would help replenish her magic faster. Luckily she drank it obediently, trusting him enough that she didn't even ask what it was. After she finished that position, he handed her the sleeping draught. "And this one," he told her. She downed it and almost instantly her eyes were fluttering back shut. She made a small distressed noise. Loki soothed her. "You need to rest. When you wake, I'll give you another power potion," he promised.

She managed to nod before she crashed hard into sleep, finally relaxing when the sleeping draught took effect. Loki sighed and stroked her hair. Once she falls into a more natural sleep, she curled up kitten-like with Loki, seeming relatively back to normal and didn't wake again until morning when she groaned awake, feeling very hungover. Loki was reading next to him combing his fingers through her hair. "How are you feeling, love?" he asked when she was awake.

"Hungover," she mewed pathetically as she sat up with a groan. "Which is annoying since I didn't drink anything,"

"True. But you did have a couple of potions," Loki reminded her.

She nodded. "I think I remember that..." her voice was unsure.

He didn't blame her. Instead, he summoned another power potion. "This might help with the hangover," he told her and placed it in her hand. She downed the potion and looked much better. "Better?" he asked her.

She nodded. "Much,"

"I thought so. The hangover was from power drain," he explained

"I didn't know power drain could do that," she whined.

"Tt would have been worse if you hadn't taken one before you fell asleep again," Loki informed her, trying to reinforce the point not to be so stupid in the future.

"Thanks for that," she said sheepishly. "I wasn't coherent enough to... well do anything, I'm sure,"

Loki nodded. "Please don't do anything like that again,"

Morgan huffed. "I didn't plan it the first time," she grumbled, curling herself into his arms.

Loki kissed the top of her head. "I was so worried about you,"

"I'm sorry," she said softly, sheepishly. She hadn't meant to worry him. She hadn't meant to get so drained. It had just taken more magic to get through her day than she'd anticipated. "I'm alright now, and I don't have anything to do today until the party," so she had plenty of time to rest and relax.

"Then would you like to stay here with me for a little while longer?" Loki asked, trying to encourage her to stay put and rest for awhile.

She nodded. "If you don't mind the company?"

"I always enjoy your company," he replied and leaned in to kiss her.

Which led to more kisses.

Which led to even more kisses.

Which led to Morgan straddling his lap while she ran her hands through his hair, stroking his sensitive horns and making him shudder and moan in pleasure.

His kisses became more insistent as his arousal grew and he kissed down her neck. Every action of his was a surprise to Morgan since she couldn't see to anticipate his actions. He nips at one of the sensitive spots on her neck, smirking when he felt her shudder under his touch, as she'd been doing to him with his horns. He continued his ministrations, kissing and nipping up and down her neck before returning to her lips. She kissed him hungrily, her fingers winding in his hair to hold him to her as her other hand stroked his horns.

Their clothes vanished in a mix of both of their magic, met with need and pleasure. Loki didn't feel like he was tricking her, being with her in this form now that he knew that she knew he was trapped in jotun form. He shifted their positions, laying her on her back and worked her with his fingers until she was ready for him. He slid into her carefully, taking extra care not to hurt her with his girth or length. She moaned in pleasure and arched her back as he filled her.

"Are you alright?" he panted, wanting nothing more than to pound into her and find his release, but he held back for her pleasure, as well as keeping her mortality in mind.

"Yes," she breathed, leaning up to kiss him, to encourage him to continue.

Loki worked her body well, his hands exploring as he moved inside her. His movements were careful, but he picked up speed when he knew he wasn't hurting her. Instead, his ministrations soon had her crying out in pleasure.

When they had both had their release, he carefully slid out of her and cleaned them both with magic before he laid beside her and pulled her into his arms, purring with pleasure at the experience they'd shared.

"Dad is going to kill you," she murmured in a pleasured, content purr.

"Worth it,"

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