Last Days

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Ariana's Perspective:

I am really lucky I had friends who really care about me. At lunch, we talked about what we could do in the next few months before I leave.

Jungkook suggested, " Maybe, we all can go to Ms.Kim's cafe and hang out there"

"Oh, I know! Maybe, we all should do a small trip with her to show her around the city", Taehyung pointed out

I just kept hearing each of their ideas. There were so many it was hard to keep track of what plans there were. 

" Woah boys, slow down. That's a lot of plans. I do not know if there is a lot of time to do that sort of thing", I said

Namjoon told me, " Look, we are doing because that's what good friends do. Besides, you really need to explore our world. That's why we plan all these out."

Jin pointed out, " Do not worry! Leave the whole planning to us!!!!"

I said, " Awww, guys you don't have to take all this pain for me. It's fine!"

" We will, no matter what. We always care for our friends and always help those we know. Just let us help you out", Taehyung added

I just kept quiet because I knew they were doing this for me. Then after lunch was over, Jimin showed me the whole list of ideas they were doing. 

1. Meet more often at Ms.Kim's cafe

2. Go around the city

3. Hang out at the huge park

4. Everyone goes to someone's house for a movie

and much more...

I laughed because that was a lot of things to do in a day. But, they did sound like good ideas. So, I gave him a thumbs up and smiled. Afterschool, we walked over to Ms.Kim's cafe and she was glad to see us.

" Hello children", she said

"Hi Ms.Kim", we greeted her

She asked, " What brings you here on this lovely warm day?"

" Actually, the thing is we are trying to show Ariana around the city", Jimin pointed out

She kept on asking, " Strange, but she has been here one year. She knows the place, right?"

" Ok, ok... The truth is I am moving away pretty soon. They are trying to make a lot of plans before I leave", I explained

She was surprised and sad, " Awww, you are leaving? Oh no!"

" I know, but my parents made that decision. I only have 4 months to stay here", I continued

She sighed, " Well, you children just sit down and I will bring you all your orders"

We all sat at a table and discussed all the plans and where we can possibly go, Then Ms. Kim came over and suggested, " If you want, you can come here more often". I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. We all were just talking for 2 hours until Jin realized how long we were here. 

" Uh guys, I think we should be leaving now. We can't come home so late", he added

We all agreed and walked home. By the time I came home, my parents were freaking out where I was the whole time. I reassured them and told them I was with my friends. They calmed down and told me to next time alert them ahead of time. I walked to my room and just sat on my chair looking at the blank ceiling. I cannot wait to spend 4 months with my friends.

New Start or End? (Kim Namjoon x Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now