Lip balm (Mimo)

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The proper way of sharing a lipbalm.


Two girls looking at theirselves in the mirror: one is putting a make-up on while the other is fixing her bangs.

The second, Momo, casts a glance to the girl, who is now putting something on her lips, in the mirror. "What is that you're applying on your lips, Mina?"

"Lip balm." Mina simply answers after applying the cosmetic on her lips, turning to the questioning girl who is now looking at her - lips. "I suggest you to put some, since it is cold now outside."

Momo nods. Just as Mina is about to lift her hand to apply the lipbalm on Momo, the older leans forward and the next thing Mina knew is her lips on Momo's. Momo pulls away quickly before Mina could process everything that just happened.

"Watermelon." Momo utters, referring to the lipbalm's fruit flavor which apparently Mina's also favorite fruit. "Thank you for sharing." She adds, smiling widely at the still frozen Mina whose whole face is a beet red up to her ears down to her neck.

Momo walks out of their restroom, leaving Mina still in a daze.


Mimo 'cause I'm a trash. My lips tend to dry in cold weather so I put some lip balm and I love fruit flavored lip balm. ❤

Hope you enjoy reading it!

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