You Are Still Annoying (2Yeon)

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A pop music video playing on the television from the living room and the popping of popcorn in the microwave are the only sounds you'll hear inside the humble flat shared by two people.

Nayeon owned this first when she graduated from highschool, leaving her junior friends behind and went to college. Now that Jeongyeon is in college, she offered the girl the extra room she used for the visitors. Since Nayeon's flat is near the university, Jeongyeon agreed without a second thought (she actually doubted Nayeon's cleanliness knowing that the girl is not fond of cleaning) and they both decided to split the expenses. On this, both of them can still save for other expenditures.

Wearing a striped red and white potholder on her hand, Nayeon gets the popcorn inside the electronic after she makes sure that the kernels have popped into a white starchy mass. She inhales the smell of the food inside the bag upon opening it as she walks out of the kitchen.

Nayeon hears the door open and a tall girl walking in a slow motion, practically dragging her black backpack on the floor. Tiredness evident on her face, her hair disheveled, worn-out by the day and prior. She let herself fall on the couch, making a soft thud as her back meets the fluffy base of the love seat.

"You're here."

Jeongyeon doesn't have to look up to know who is the owner of the voice. She's too familiar with it. All too familiar that she's accustomed to the voice of her, hearing it from her childhood to youth. And probably for the rest of her life too, until her hair turns grey, Jeongyeon inwardly smiles at the thought.

Without opening her eyes, Jeongyeon hums an answer followed by a soft groan escaping from her lips. She feels a figure leaning on the couch she's laying.

Jeongyeon leans in. The fragrance of Nayeon's shampoo engulfed Jeongyeon's olfactory nerves. The mixed scent of rose and vanilla calms Jeongyeon, and she relaxes. She lazily hangs her arm on Nayeon's shoulder, the other she uses as a pillow.

"How's school?" Nayeon asks, eyes not leaving the television screen.

"School's fine." Jeongyeon sighs.

Sensing the tiredness in her girlfriend's voice, Nayeon turns to look at the other who had their eyes closed.

"Yeah, school's fine, but you are not," says Nayeon putting the bowl down on the table and reaches for the TV remote before attending the other girl. "Come on, Jeong. If you wanna go sleep, sleep in your room." Nayeon pats Jeongyeon softly to wake her up.

Jeongyeon opens her eyes briefly then closing them again. She groans, "don't we have movie date tonight?"

"We can have movie date tomorrow night, or the day after tomorrow. Or some other day. We can have them any other day."

Jeongyeon smiles. She didn't imagine living with Nayeon would be this easy. At the beginning, she thought Nayeon was just a pain in the ass that whatever the older girl does, it annoy her. Nayeon only brings trouble to Jeongyeon whenever the girl is near.

But one thing is for sure, Nayeon made Jeongyeon feels comfortable. Jeongyeon feels comfortable around her no matter how annoying the older is. She can tell whatever is on her mind without filter, and Nayeon is always there to listen to her. Understand her.

Nayeon made Jeongyeon felt safe. When they were little, Jeongyeon stood as Nayeon's knight shining armor whenever a group of kids bullied her because of her front teeth. And as they grow old, the table turned, Nayeon now is the one who protects Jeongyeon from the harsh world.

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