Strangers (MiMo)

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"We are strangers,

but we cuddle like girlfriends"



I woke up in a stranger's arms, and it's a woman. Her arm is hugging me while the other I used as a pillow. I looked up when I feel her breath fanning my face.

She's beautiful, I said to myself. Is there really a beautiful girl like her in this world, or she's the only one? If that so, then I am lucky.

I traced the moles on her face with my finger, careful to not wake her up. However, she opened her eyes when my finger drew across her lips to the last mole below her lips.

"What are you doing?" She asked smiling. Her morning voice brings some sensation inside of me.

"Looking at my favorite constellation," I answered honestly.

She looked at me in the eye, and it makes me feel like I'm looking in universe. Her eyes holds million of stars, twinkling in it. Just then, a crystal like tear formed on her eyes, and I catch them before it falls. Her pupils shake, a glimpse of sadness in it even though she is smiling. I'm about to ask what's bothering her when she pulled me closer, my face on her neck. I blush hard because we're both naked and I can feel her breast pressed in mine. I didn't push her and let her hugged me.

I don't know what's gotten into me, but my heart sank when I saw pain and sadness in her eyes. Maybe, this is normal when you saw a beautiful girl crying. She's shaking, she must be trying hard to not create a sound. I unconsciously brought my hand on her back, I have a half-mind to pull away but my intuition deepen. I slid my hand up and down to calm her. I don't know why she suddenly cries.

I wish I know.

When she calmed down, I tapped her back before pulling myself away from our hug, missing the contact right away. I wiped her eyes to satiate the needs of feeling her skin under my fingertips. "It's alright now," I encourage, smiling.

She responded with a small "thank you", nodding her head shortly then smile.

"There. You're pretty when you smile."

I panicked when another tear dropped from her eye, and she laughed.

Again for the nth time of the day, I'll say this again. I don't know this person, or any idea on what kind of person she is. Still, in her arms I feel secure, and loved. This stranger made me feel things I haven't felt before, yet it feels all familiar to me.


"I've got a whole lot of work

to do with your heart

'cause it's so busy, mine's not."



I felt someone touched my cheeks. It tickles me, so I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful woman I've seen in my entire life staring at me. Her chocolate orbs drowns me like a black hole that pulls you in without turning back.

"What are you doing?" I asked smiling. I was taken aback by her answer but I didn't show it.

"Looking at my favorite constellation," she answered softly. A warm feeling engulfed my heart. I flinched when she touched my cheeks lightly, that's when I realized my tears are falling. I can see in her face that she's confused and curious at the same time, however I pulled her in a hug.

I can feel her heart beating fast from her chest. It reminded me of the first time we made love three years ago. The way she looked at me as if memorising every bits of me, that made me feel warm inside. The effect of her cautious and curious touched against my burning skin. Her soft lips against mine.

She's whispering sweet nothings whilst stroking my hair and back, I don't know how long I cried, but I don't care so long as I can feel her warmth again.

When she got involved in an accident, my whole world stopped, I couldn't feel my heart beat. I was afraid that she will be gone away from me. I prayed all day and night to Him to let her live, He answered my prayers and I rejoiced, but I fell into despair when she woke up and didn't recognize me. Of all people, I'm the only one she can't remember. The doctor said she's suffering from selective amnesia.

I didn't question His work, for I know it was the ramifications of what I've done. We fought before the accident happened.

They say our brain may forget but never the heart. That's why I'm working to win her feelings back, and be mine again, no matter how long it will take.

She's yours from the start, my mind rebuked.

But her memory says otherwise, I rebutted.

Last night we made love, for her it was our first time but to me, it's not although everytime we do it, it feels like our first time. The electrifying spark that flows in my body, the butterflies in my stomach, and all.

When I calmed down, she let go of me and I feel upset. I want her in a close proximity with me. She wiped my face, and I leaned on her touch, savoring the moment.

"It's alright now," she encouraged giving me her warm smile that I adore so much.

I smiled back at her, uttering a small "thank you" under my breath as I nod.

"There. You're pretty when you smile."

That's what she always say to me when I get sad, and she's the only one who can calm me down.

Oh, if you only knew. You are the reason of my smiles and tears. I said to her in my mind.

She panicked when a lone tear dropped from my eyes. I just laughed at her. I can't help it. I'm so happy that she's here with me. I don't care if her memory won't come back, as long as her heart recognizes me, I am all fine with that. I can still make her feel love. I can still show her how much she means to me; how much I love her with all my life.

I hugged her once again. This time it's tighter than earlier. I don't wanna let go.

"I love you." I whispered, kissing her crown. She hummed in response, burying her face in my neck.

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