You Are Annoying (2yeon)

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A 10-year old girl is comfortably sitting in an Indian seat while playing her brand-new Lego when a bunny looking girl, wearing a white dress with pink flowers printed on its hem, enters the room, hopping towards her. She groans under her breath.

"What do you want, Nayeon?" she asks as soon as she sees the girl's feet stop in front of her. She felt annoyed just by the other girl being near her.

"Mom said I can play with you." The girl with cute front teeth, Nayeon, informs, indirectly answering the sitting latter's question. She sits as well, facing the younger, watching her fiddling with those blocks forming into small figures.

Jeongyeon, who is clad in Capri shorts and a simple white shirt, rolls her eyes. Of course, that's what her mom would say. "Aren't you old enough to play, Nayeon?"

Nayeon widens her eyes by the question. "I'm just a year ahead of you!Besides, aren't you playing too?" her index finger pointing to the scattered pieces of Lego on the floor.

Jeongyeon sighs before looking up. She's not up to some tantrums of a girl who did not get what she wanted. "Did you see me running around?" The older shakes her head. "Then, I'm not playing. I'm assembling my Lego. Now if you may, I don't want to be disturbed." She looks down to busy herself again with the almost through tank figure.

Nayeon gazes at the tank. Ever since, the younger learned about them she never played with her anymore. So, she wonders how did the Lego caught Jeongyeon's interest. She wants to know, so that she can play with her too. Nayeon missed playing with her best friend.

She knows the other girl doesn't want her around for she might break her precious collections. However, Nayeon muster up her courage to speak, biting the inside of her lips, in a soft voice, she said, "But I want to play with you."

"And I don't want to play with you." Jeongyeon retorts without looking up, seemingly uninterested. She missed the other girl's reaction as well as the tears beginning to form in her eyes. Hearing nothing from the older, Jeongyeon finally looked up only to see Nayeon crying.

Nayeon was hurt by her words. It feels like a torn that pricked her that it hurt so much for a kid like her to handle. She can't help herself to stop her tears from falling. It does so, even she wipes it repeatedly.

Jeongyeon let go of the tank and push the others on the side to tend the girl in front of her. She moves closer. She wipes her tears using her own hands. "You're ugly when you cry, so stop crying." She teases earning a slap on her arm from the crying girl.

Nayeon eventually stops crying. Her chest feels warm with the offender's gesture just now. She hugs her, almost instinctively, and the other patted her head softly.

"Now, now. What do you want to play, Nayeon?" Jeongyeon asks in the softest voice she could muster.

"Let's just sleep for now." Nayeon answers, not missing a single beat, smiling widely while she buries her face in the other's chest. "And cuddle." She adds, giggling.

"Ugh, you're annoying!" Jeongyeon pulls her away. But crawls in her bed with the now smiling girl, laying beside her.

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