Day 2: Mindless (DubChaeng)

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Son Chaeyoung still has her eyes wide open in shock. She immediately leans back, stepping one foot backward at the same time.

A pale girl in front of her opens her eyes slowly with cheeks tainted with crimson color that is more apparent because of her tofu-like skin. The corner of her lips quirks up as she stares at Chaeyoung who has her hand over her mouth.

Chaeyoung opens her mouth to speak but the other girl beats her to it.

"Really, Chaeng?" She laughs.

Chaeyoung swears her heart skips a beat upon hearing that melodious laugh.

"D-Dahyun unnie. I-I can e-xplain." Chaeyoung curses herself for stuttering. No, actually she wants the floor to open and swallows her whole because of too much embarrassment. She watches Dahyun's face turns to a serious one.

Chaeyoung audibly gulps as she rubs her sweating palms on her jeans, she starts, "I like you, Dahyun unnie." Chaeyoung confesses again. Yes, you read it right. Again. Because earlier, Chaeyoung mindlessly, unconsciously confessed to Dahyun.

(She's beautiful with her blue hair down, swaying as she walked towards the petite girl, eyes forming a crescent as she smiles showing her perfectly aligned pearl-white teeth. And Chaeyoung couldn't help but to laid eyes on her. Words to form in the blonde's head and it came out to her mouth.

"I like you." Chaeyoung blurted, in response to Dahyun's "What do you want to eat?"

The older of the two was dumbfounded. She blinked a few times before cracking up. Chaeyoung was known to be No-Jam second like Jeongyeon, but today she's funny. Is she working on her puns?

Just as Dahyun was about to reach for the younger's shoulder Chaeyoung stepped forward and leaned in, and the next thing Dahyun knew was a pair of soft lips pressed on hers.

Dahyun closed her eyes as she listened on the erratic beating of her heart. It's as if testing the water, Dahyun slowly moved her lips but as soon as she did this, Chaeyoung jolted away from her.)

The tofu-like girl finds Chaeyoung's eyes who's trying to avoid the intense gaze of the latter. When their eyes finally meet, Dahyun's lips curves up to a shy smile and a faint blush spreads across her face.

"I know. You said that earlier."

Chaeyoung turns a deep shade of red, remembering the . Suddenly the dance room feels hot despite the air-con on. The tension in the air is palpable

"I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you and -- shit! This is not how I wanted to confess to you." Chaeyoung is frustrated. Who will not? Chaeyoung never imagined this to happen. She dreamed of something special. Something romantic. Not with this unromantic mindless act.

She doesn't know how Momo did it.

Chaeyoung sighs and looks at Dahyun. Her shoulder slumps in disbelief, feeling apologetic for herself and to the older girl.

"I think, everyone is waiting for us? Shall we join them?" She asks. She resorts to darting the situation to another, hoping that the blonde will bite it.

"I don't think so. They don't mind waiting anyway. But I think, you have to be responsible for what you did." The blonde confidently says and smirks, making the shorter gulps.

To make the story short, they kisses again, with Chaeyoung being conscious on her state and properly tells what she has for the older for years now. And Dahyun, liking her back.


On the other side, seven girls are waiting for the strawberry princess and the tofu.

"Dahyun hasn't come back yet?" Nayeon, the eldest in the group, asks, who just return from the bathroom.

The remaining girls shakes their head. "What took them so long?" Jihyo mumbles. She brings out her cellphone from her pocket and searches for the girl's name on her contacts. She's about to dial Dahyun when Momo whines about her empty stomach followed by Jeongyeon.

Jihyo sighs. "Let's go. Let's just tell them to follow."

Opting to just text the pale girl, they all march to the organic restaurant located on the first floor of the company.


I apologize for the errors.

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