Fictober Day 1: Ring (YuzuxMei)

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Sitting in a queen size bed is an expressionless raven haired girl, Aihara Mei, her eyes follows the every movement of the other girl, walking back and fro across the room, whilst squeezing both the hands of the teddy bear in her arms.

The blonde haired girl, Aihara Yuzu, has been walking frustratedly since they came back from the party Mei's grandfather held for business purposes. She walks back and forth, hands resting in her head, slightly gripping between the locks there.

"I swear, I wore it earlier," Yuzu mumbles to herself, but being in a closed room with their breathing is the only sound Mei still heard it.

Yuzu glances at Mei only to see her watching her. She shivers at the thought of Mei getting mad at her for losing the promise ring she bought when they were still in high school, the one she worked so hard for as a part timer in a café.

Earlier, on the way home after the party, Yuzu panicked when she didn't feel a cold piece of mineral touching her skin and thought of losing it in the venue made her more anxious.

The blonde opens her table drawer to look again at the chest box where she usually leave the accessory in safe. She yet again groans when she found nothing inside. Slumping her shoulder, she turns to Mei with a teary eyes. "I know I put this here, Mei." In a quiet trembling voice, she says while lifting a small pink box to show the younger.

Mei let out a soft sigh. She's quite annoyed by the older for pacing back to back across the room while mumbling incoherent words. At the look of Yuzu, who's in the verge of crying, Mei put down Kumagorō and get up from the bed. She walked towards Yuzu.

Mei caresses Yuzu's arms, up and down, to calm the older. Mei let out a small smile making Yuzu melt at the sight.

"How old are you, Yuzu for you to be this forgetful?" Mei teases, her hand stops on the blonde's hand, squeezing it lightly. Yuzu gives Mei a confused face that morphs to an annoyed one in a second after realizing that the younger is teasing her.

Yuzu pouts and her eyes widens in shock when the raven pecks on it. Shock at the other girl's bold action (when others are not around). Mei doesn't usually initiate intimate things like this to her. Between the two, (clearly,) Yuzu is the top ― I mean, the one who always initiate things like kissing the younger or holding her hand in public.

"I'm 17." Yuzu answers as she rolls her eyes. Trying her best not to stare at Mei's beautiful purple orbs that could drown a person just by looking at them.

"Sure, but you are awfully forgetful for a 17 year old girl." Mei smirks. She brings her hand to Yuzu's exposed skin, trailing the latter's collarbone with her finger. The corner of Mei's lips turns upward when she feels Yuzu shivers under her touch. Her finger stops at the silver accessory resting atop Yuzu's cleavage, just below her collarbone. "Here is the ring that you have been looking for." Mei says, lifting it a little. She looks up to see Yuzu's eyes brimming with tears, and knot on her stomach tightens.

Mei frowns. "Why are you crying?" She asks softly. Though it can't be seen from her, she's genuinely worried for the blonde.

Yuzu, on the other hand, is crying in happiness. She thought she lost it already, but actually wearing it all day unconsciously.

"I'm just happy." Yuzu laughs, wiping her tears with both hands. "Because I thought I lost it. I thought I'm gonna lose you."

Mei's expression softens, eyes gazing down on the older softly. Though Yuzu doesn't show it, Mei knows the other girl still worries a lot after her first engagement. She's afraid that she will lose the raven because in the first place, the Old Aihara doesn't like her, moreover is against in their relationship but let them nonetheless.

"Yuzu, look at me." Mei holds Yuzu's cheeks using her hands. "You're not gonna lose me. I won't leave you." She says ending it with a small smile.

"Promise?" Yuzu childishly ask. Sticking her pinky finger out, placing it in between them.

Mei laughs at Yuzu's antics, reaching for Yuzu's finger to intertwine her's. "Promise, nee-chan." She teases the older who blushes at the way the younger calls her.

Hell break loose but I will still be here loving you until our hair turns grey. Even our bones becomes rusty as we get old, but I won't leave your side. I will never, ever be, leave you alone again. My Yuzu. This I promise with this ring and the love that binds us together.


I'm laaaate for the Fictober. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy!

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