Still There (I)

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"Of course, I love you. You're my best friend, Momo."

Momo groaned as she ruffles her blonde hair, burying her head on the table. The words kept on ringing on her head even how much she tried to divert her own mind, thinking about other things but she found herself end on the same route.

Yoo Jeongyeon looked at the girl, sitting across her, with a frown in her face. She looked at the girl beside her who sported the same reaction as her, but with concern.

"Oi, Hirai, you haven't moved your pasta." Jeongyeon said instead, concern about the latter's health. The other girl seemed she haven't had her breakfast before coming to school. "Aren't you hungry?" She added softly.

Momo shook her head against the table. Sana, who was beside Jeongyeon, tried to brighten up the heavy atmosphere, spoke. "If you're not hungry, can I have --?" Sana didn't need to finish her words for Momo already pushed her plate to Sana's.

Jeongyeon and Sana shared a glance. Okay, this is not Hirai Momo. Something happened to their usually, energetic, all smiley friend, Hirai Momo.

Sana examined the girl in front. She gasped, "Oh! Since when did you dye your hair, Mo?"

Momo looked up for the first time since they arrived here at the cafeteria, then down to her hair. Holding her blonde hair now had purple-grey tips, she thought of what happened to her last night. Was she that drunk to the point she dyed her hair purple (Mina's favorite color) absentmindedly?

Momo just shrugged then let go of her hair, pressing her cheeks to the table, hair curtaining half of her face. For now, that's not the problem.

The problem was, how is she going to face her bestfriend, Mina?

Hearing nothing from Momo, Sana asked, "Momo, are you okay?"

Momo heaved a sigh. "In case Mina will look for me please tell her I'm not here." She said instead looking at the branches of trees dancing with the wind from outside the cafeteria window.

Sana looked at her as if she had grown two heads at once before she frowned. Jeongyeon on the other hand just sighed and asked,

"Did something happened between you and Mina at the party last night?"

Momo's brain flashed series of scenarios from last night's event like a slideshow from their History class that she didn't bother to watch. She once again groaned, closing her eyes tight. It took her a lot not to pull her own hair in frustration. She almost confessed to her. The feeling she kept for so long almost slipped out of her mouth because of her carelessness.

Out of her peripheral, a girl wearing the same uniform as them ― bow's on different color indicating her year level ― with her long black hair elegantly cascading from her crown down to her bosom, walked towards the three girls' table.

"Hi, guys."

A familiar soft voice came from the girl standing on their table. Momo knows the voice all too well, even without looking on the owner, and she stiffened on her seat.

"Hi, Minari." Sana enthusiastically greeted back while Jeongyeon just gave her a short nod to acknowledge her and smile.

Mina then turned her attention to Momo, who was back facing her. She raised her eyebrow.

Momo tried her best not to breathe and silently prayed for the ground to swallow her whole. She didn't know how to face Mina after what happened.

Mina's brows furrowed in confusion. "Uhh, what's up with her?" She asked the other two girls who were also looking at the raccoon (since a while ago).

"She's not feeling well." Jeongyeon was the one who answered while Sana just continued eating Momo's pasta.

Mina's face sported a worried expression. She walked closer to the blonde and stretched her hand out to touch Momo's forehead when someone called her. Mina retracted her hand back and snapped her head to the direction of the voice.

"Mina, let's go?" A handsome tall boy called Mina. His posture was of a model from a magazine or TV commercial endorsing a product.

Mina apologized to the girls and told Momo to go to infirmary to get rest before she left. She smiled at the guy who smiled back at her.

Jeongyeon studied the pair, cautiously, especially the unknown guy who had his arm around her friend's waist. She couldn't help her brow to raised, almost instantly, in suspicion.

Just as Mina walked out of the scene, another friend of theirs showed up, smiling. "Hi, unnies."

"Hi, Chaeng." They all greeted at the cute cub, who was holding a tray of foods.

"Where are the others?" Sana asked.

"Oh, Tzuyu and Dubu's still on the line." She pointed on the line on the counter using her thumb. She propped her elbow on the table. "Who was that? The guy with Mina unnie?"

"That's Hanbin." Momo answered absentmindedly. She still stared at the window, looking blankly at the view outside.

"Hanbin who?"

"The one who is courting Mina, I guess." She deeply sighed. She forgot Mina is straight, and she didn't stand a chance against that guy. "Jihyo might know him. They're on the same class after all." Momo said without looking up.

Maybe, she would just keep it to herself just like what she did few years ago. Burying her feelings to the deepest part of her. Right. That's the right thing to do if it the what makes Mina happy.

Even though it hurts her. Seeing someone she loves, happy with someone else.


Let's forget about that. She just couldn't forget her feelings for the penguin if she smiles like that to her, reminding her heart that it only beats for the junior.

"Momoring! Are you okay, now? I was worried about you earlier."

Mina was inside their classroom, taking a visit...? Wait, no. She was just here to apologize that she couldn't go home together with Momo since she had plans after school with Hanbin.

Momo felt her chest tightened but kept her face straight. She saw a boy standing outside their room, Hanbin, waiting for Mina. Slapping her with the reality that she can't be with Mina. She can't be with her best friend.

Best friend.

I love you, because you're my best friend.

Momo already made a decision. She forced a smile before responding.

"It's fine. Just take care on your way home, okay?" She lifted her hand to ruffle Mina's hair earning her a slap and a yelp from the girl. "Enjoy!"

Mina's eyes formed crescent as she shows her gummy smile. "Yeah. See you later, Momoring." She waved her good-bye as well as the other two girls, Jeongyeon and Sana. Mina walked to the door.

"See you, Mitang."

Momo saw how Mina smiled at Hanbin ー that kind of smile where she scrunched up her nose when she's happy. Hanbin also smiled at her with the same happiness before putting his arm securely around Mina's waist as they walk.

Momo watched them fade from her line of sight. A lone tear dropped from her eyes without her knowing. The sound of her crushing heart was deafening to her ear making her light-headed. Her whole body was trembling. Her knees felt so weak she couldn't keep herself stand still and so she sat on the nearest chair on her reach.

Momo was sure, she had seen this before. Mina walking away from her, letting go of her hand.


I'm working on the next part! I am also working on 2yeon's one shot au 'You Are Annoying' sequel.

And please tell me your opinion for this story. Thank you. Hope you enjoy! ^^

See yah! <3

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