Notice Me (MiMo)

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"Thank you for your hard work, Hirai-san." Hirai's co-worker bid which she returned, bidding as well as she slightly bowed her head to her senior. "Thank you for your hard work, too, Kaito-san. Take care! See you!"

When Hirai heard the door of their office closed in a soft thud, the ravenette walked to another room. There, a chestnut haired woman sitting straight. Her eyes never leaving the written report in her desk.

Momo knocked three times on the door softly before she stepped in to announced her presence.  But the other seemed to be in her own world, didn't even spare her a glance, only minding the papers in front of her. She walked closer to the desk and knocked again. The woman's head was up — finally, Momo thought— leaving the texts on the table only to look at her monitor. Momo's hope rocketed downwards in a flash.

"Mina, let's go home." Momo said softly but stern. But the other only hummed at her as a response. Momo pouted. She glanced at her wristwatch.


Mina was a hard-working person and once she focused on something she finished them all in one sitting. She knew she should not disturbed the woman while working, but today was Friday. And Friday means Mina and Momo time, and the rest of the weekends. They had planned to have dinner tonight at Mina's favorite restaurant.

"Mina, come one."

"I'm almost done with this." Mina replied softly.

Despite the urge of wanting to the just pull Mina out of her seat, Momo complied. It wasn't like Mina was always busy to not fulfill her promises, so waiting didn't hurt, Momo thought. The only problem was patience. Momo didn't have that.

Momo almost always got bored, specifically at times like this where Mina was doing her job while Momo was doing nothing, just looking around the office she had seen a lot of times the raven was sure she had memorized by now. Even so, that was what Momo did. She entertained herself by playing mobile games on her phone tho and tried to distract Mina by being loud— Mina was not fazed.


5 minutes later, Momo read few of the latest magazines under the coffee table in Mina's office quietly until she got rid of it. And now, Momo tried to occupied her time by watching the pendulum on Mina's desk swaying non-stop from side to side. genuinely curious if she'll get hypnotize by it.

Hours ticked by, Mina was still busy in whatever she was doing in her computer, and Momo was not having it anymore. She crossed her arms on top of the desk and buried her face with a groan.

She was tired from getting her girlfriend to notice her. Momo couldn't win against those paper works.

"Momo." The other softly called her.

Momo only hummed her response. She was not in the mood to speak, rather she didn't trust her voice to speak. She felt frustrated that her voice might crack if she talk.

Mina called again, this time putting a hand on top of Momo's head, caressing it.

"Are you tired?" The woman asked, her voice soft that calmed Momo. Momo shook her head. "Do you want to go now?" The hand on her head was gone then Momo heard sounds of the keyboard typing.

Sighing, Momo kept silent. She weighed the answers on her mind: if she would say yes, Mina, 100 percent, will leave her work undone; if no, it was either she'll wait for her or she'll go home alone. She moved her head a little to glance at her wristwatch. It's already late, she sighed.

The older looked up to give her proper answer but was met by lips crashing on hers the moment she opened her mouth. Mina smirked at the kiss and she was the first to pull apart, tugging on Momo's bottom lip in the process.

"Thank you for waiting." She smiled slyly at Momo before leaving her spot after getting her belongings. Momo was not functional at the moment.

"Momo?" Mina called from the door, bringing Momo back from the reality. Hirai whipped her head to the door's direction.

"Y-yeah!" Momo squeaked.

If that was her reward for waiting for her girlfriend at work, Momo swore to behave next time.

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