You Are Annoying (Sequel)

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It's a bright morning yet the girl with a pixie cut hairstyle had her brows meeting in the middle, creating a slight wrinkle in her forehead, and nose scrunches up in annoyance while occasionally checking her wrist watch. Her foot lightly tapping on the wooden floor gradually turns to a heavy and fast rhythm, indicating that Yoo Jeongyeon was impatient.

It's been half past hour since she entered the house, and waiting is not in her dictionary, as well as the word late. She despised those words. Yoo Jeongyeon is a punctual child. She goes to her every schedule five minutes earlier on the designated time. Because she believed in a saying that 'to be early is to be on time; to be on time is to be late and late is unacceptable'. And her best friend is being unacceptable right now.

She has a half mind of leaving her childhood friend and walk to school by herself. The older won't get mad at her anyway. Or otherwise.

Before she knows it, her both legs are already moving, stomping to the said girl's room. She stops in front of a white door with a 'Only Nayeon is allowed', written beautifully in calligraphy, hanging on it. (Jeongyeon's brow quirks on it, realizing that the older hasn't changed at all). She's about to knock on the door when it open from the inside revealing a girl on the same uniform as her, eyes wide in surprise.

"Oh, Jeongie~ Good morning!" She greets which Jeongyeon ignores. The girl smiles at Jeongyeon showing her bunny teeth that the younger finds cute.

"What do you mean 'good morning'?" Jeongyeon mimics the older earning a pout and a glare from the latter. She turned her back on the girl and began to walk, "We're late now Im Nayeon, thanks to you."

"Stop exaggerating it, Jeong. I'm only--"

"30 minutes late. You're 30 minutes late, Im," Jeongyeon continues to walk until she reaches the front door of the Im's, halting only to say goodbye to the older woman Im who's bidding them goodbye in return (she almost forgot to give Nayeon's lunch box that was on her hand, also not forgetting to give each of them snacks of their favorite.)

Nayeon is walking fast behind Jeongyeon, trying to catch up with the taller, "Wait up!"

"Move faster!" Jeongyeon stops on her tracks to wait for the brunette. The corner of her lips quirks up when the bunny looking girl catches up to her, finally walking beside her, "Damn, you're getting old, Nabongs," Jeongyeon teased. There won't be a day that Jeongyeon will fail not to teased Nayeon about her age, even though they're just a year apart.

"Damn you, Yoo Jeongyeon, I'm not old," Nayeon said in between her breathing. She reaches for the taller's hand and Jeongyeon squeezes it in return, giving the older the time to breathe before they both started to walk again.

"We're late now, unnie. We have to walk faster, so we could catch up to the next bus. We only have 30 minutes before the first class," Jeongyeon says as soon as they took their first step. Jeongyeon already calculated this, if they arrive at the bus stop on time, they will be at school in less than 20 minutes but at this rate, Jeongyeon's early bird's record…

"We can just attend the second subject tho. The first one is just a homeroom," Nayeon suggests. She's not looking at Jeongyeon's side, whose looking at her in disbelief.

"Unnie, you know we're not in the same year, yeah?"

Nayeon sighs, "I know." She unconsciously pouts, knowing fully that she's the reason why Jeongyeon is on rush, and Yoo Jeongyeon hasn't broken her record on being early in class, always being the first one to enter the room. And Nayeon just ruined that. Record, I mean.

Nayeon knows Jeongyeon is mad at her right now for being late. Jeongyeon must have waited for her a long time that the latter has an impatient look on her face. She didn't mind that but now it's eating her up. Nayeon feels sorry not for Jeongyeon, but to herself. She made another mistake again. The last time Jeongyeon had that kind of look in her eyes was when they were kids, little Nayeon wanted to play with her, but she accidentally broke one of the former's Lego that made the latter mad. Jeongyeon didn't talk to her after that for days.

Up 'til now, she still wanted to impress the younger. She doesn't know, maybe because she's her best friend and Nayeon wants Jeongyeon to be proud of her. But Nayeon is Nayeon. She's smart yet dumb. A little bit of a klutz but is a mature one. No, she's not immature, she just likes playing around, not taking things seriously. Because according to her, "You only live once. Enjoy it. Live with it."

She feels her hand getting squeeze and she looks up to see Jeongyeon looking at her worriedly.

"You okay? You were not with me for a moment there."

"Ah, I'm sorry, were you saying something? What is it?"

"I'm saying, at this rate, we'll be too late to catch up on the next ride. So might as well, be late for school, yes?" Jeongyeon smiles softly before she continues, not letting Nayeon to counter, "But! But we'll only do this once. This will be the first and the last time," she added with her index finger pointing on Nayeon.

Nayeon beams at the taller girl before nodding her head and she answers, "Yes."

"So, tell me what made you late this morning?" Jeongyeon sides eye the older who groans and utters "you're annoying" in response. Jeongyeon nonchalantly shrugs her shoulder and smirks at the other girl. Nayeon feels relief.

They continue to walk with Nayeon talking about her morning routines and 18 steps to have natural beauty (of course, with Jeongyeon occasionally teasing her about it), hand-in-hand

At some point, Nayeon suggests eating the snacks her mother prepared for them because she hadn't had breakfast which the Jeongyeon agrees, reasoning, she got hungry for waiting for the bunny looking girl.

Needless to say, they made it on their second subject. And who says being late is unacceptable if it's meant having a fun time with someone special to you, Jeongyeon thinks.

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