Still There (III)

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I'm listening to this song while imagining Momo dancing to it. Enjoy reading! Idk where this is going… idk what I'm doing :((

I apologize for the errors.


"Momo, I'd like you to join the national dance competition that will be held in two months."

That's what Hirai Momo's dance teacher said once she sat on the chair in front of the woman's desk. Momo was surprised at the teacher's offer that she didn't know what to say. Sensing that Momo was still in a state of shock and processing all of her words, the teacher continued,

"The champion will get a cash prize and scholarship in a prestigious dance school in America."

Momo's eyes grew bigger and her jaw dropped in the revelation. That was hell-a of a prize. She could travel on the other side of the world, on top of that, learn and meet the best dancers and choreographers. But, competing in a national event isMomo hasn't tried it before, and she knows how unnerving it was. She's not sure if she can do this. The worry added up, when she realized she only has two months to prepare for the said contest.

Momo was pulled from her trail of thoughts when Ms. Lee spoke.

"Momo, you are the best student in all of my classes combined, and I don't want you to waste it in our country. People like you meant to showcase their talent world-wide."

Momo was out of words to say. She's grateful that the teacher acknowledged her skills in dancing. Momo's mind was clouded with the thoughts of her dreams, unfulfilled promises, her friends… and Mina.

Momo bit her lower lip before she slowly nodded her head, "I'll do it."

Ms. Lee smiled, her pearly-white teeth are showing, "I'm glad. Don't worry, I will help you with the preparation." She reached for Momo's hand for a shake of hand before dismissing her.

Momo, who was in a daze, stood from her seat and walked to the door. She looked back to Ms. Lee when the woman called her.

Ms. Lee had a warm smile in her face, and said, "This is just the start, Momo."

Momo reminisced as she listened to what Ms. Lee is saying. Two contestants before her turn, and she'll be up there on the stage, performing what she had prepared for two months, the training she had under Ms. Lee will pay off.

A knock on the door interrupted Ms. Lee's talk about courage, and they both whipped their head to the direction of the sound. Momo's dressing room door's creaked then a head of a grinning brunette popped out. Momo smiled seeing her friend's gummy smile.

"Hi, Ms. Lee. Hi, Momo," Mina greeted in her soft voice, smile still lingered on her face albeit flustered upon seeing Ms. Lee, who looked like she's in the middle of talking, "I'm sorry for the sudden interruption," Mina apologized when the teacher just stares at her, not knowing what to do. Momo only snickered, trying her best to stifle her laugh at sight of the shy penguin.

"No, it's fine, Myoui," The teacher smiled as she stands up. "I'm about to go anyway." Ms. Lee then turned to Momo, "Remember what I said to you."

Momo nodded, standing up as she bowed her head. Mina, who finally let herself in, also bowed to Ms. Lee as the teacher bid them goodbye.

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