Ju ne t'aime plais (KuroMaya)

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Claudine was embarrassed. Maya was proud.

Claudine dashed out of their classroom, uttering profanities in her own language, a bouquet of rose in her hand. She went to the back building where their garbage box is located. She dumped the bouquet on the big green rectangular box with a soft thud.

Maya who followed the blonde, saw everything before her eyes. She had been professing her feelings to Claudine by giving her gifts and reciting sonata in front of everyone.

Claudine took a deep breath before turning on her heels. She hadn't walk that far when she heard a familiar voice, calling her. She slowly turned her head. There, she saw a brunette, walking towards her.

"Do you really hate me that much?" Maya tried her best not to sound vulnerable but her voice failed her as soon as the words came out of her mouth. It hurts her to see that the blonde avoids her and will only show up during their practice after class. No, sometimes, the blonde would not go to their practice either, saying something important came up or Futaba needs a help on her tap dance, so she's going to help her instead of training with her.

Claudine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to her chest, "I've never like you in the first place." She scoffed. She averted her gaze after seeing the top star's fallen face.

Of course, Maya knows that. Ever since they met on the day of the audition for Seisho, she felt the blonde not liking her, albeit Claudine, the one who offered her (first) to be her stretching partner. And since that day, they became partners at everything they do -- main roles, dancing, singing, and even at silly things (example of this was when they covered up for Karen's and Hikari's disappearance in the dorm). Despite all of these, the blonde still showed her how much she dislikes Maya and only want to defeat Maya.

But she is Tendou Maya. And Tendou Maya is stubborn. She gets what she wants.

In all her strength, she managed to speak without her voice breaking, swallowing the lump in her throat and bringing back her tears. "Look at me in the eye then tell me how much you dislike me."

Claudine looked at Maya, slowly bringing her gaze up to see Maya's tears cascading on her soft cheeks. It was true that she disliked the brunette but that doesn't mean she hated her. "I don't like you." Crimson eyes meet lavender ones. One has sincerity whilst the other is pain, face's pale in mixed of shock and anguish.

Claudine softened her gaze. She brought her hand up to wipe the crystal-like liquid falling on Maya's violet orbs as a small smile crept on her face. " Because I love you." She confessed. "I have loved you the first time I saw you in the entrance exam. As cheesy as it sounds, yes, I think that's what Futaba and other people called 'love at first sight'."

"But I thought..." Maya sobbed.

"Agh, you..." Claudine shook her head in disbelief. So, the top star, Tendou Maya has this side of her; slow at picking some things, moreover on time like this. "I would never hate you, Maya. Although, I wish I could." She joked.

"Does that mean, you feel the same way?" Maya asked quietly barely above a whisper, afraid of what the other will answer.

Claudine's eyebrow quirked. The girl was really infuriating her but before she could snap at the brunette, she realized something. This was the first time she saw Maya crying, except during their recital and performance. This was the first time she saw Maya this weak, furthermore she's the reason. And it hurts the very deep of her. She doesn't want to see those beautiful orbs to shed tears again.

She smiled softly, "Yes, Maya."

Maya threw herself, looping her arms around Claudine's shoulder in blissfulness, pulling her in an embrace. She felt like a kid again who received a new toy from her parents. Her heart felt warm when Claudine slid her hands on the small of her back, hugging her. She placed her head on the blonde's neck. "I'm so happy." She purred.

She sniffed and Claudine quickly pulled the brunette away from her. Maya, once again, whined when Claudine pushed her.

"You'll wet my uniform." Claudine grunted in annoyance. Hands on both of Maya's shoulders, keeping her in an arm distance as Maya keeps on moving.

Maya stopped though and stared at her, blankly. Claudine soon realized her words and her eyes widened, face red in embarrassment. She covered her face and turned her back to Maya, walking back to their classroom.

"Saijou--" Maya called, feigning confusion. The corner of her lips quirked up. She muffled her laugh and followed her soon-to-be-girlfrien­d.

"It's not what you think, Tendou!" Claudine shouted. She had embarrassed herself enough today.

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