Still There (II)

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Jeongyeon and Sana sighed for the umpteenth time as they watch Momo danced over and over and over and over and over again on the same song playing on the stereo.

Momo cursed when she made another mistake. She had to practice hard since she was going to represent the school alone in a National Dance Competition in South Korea. And it's coming in just a few days.

Momo was about to repeat the song on her phone when someone snatched it out of her hand. She looked up to see a teal haired girl staring back at her.

"Jeong, give me back my phone. I need to practice." Momo breathed out. She was still out of breath from dancing and tired.

"No, Momo. We have to talk." Jeongyeon said, eyes still on the short girl, unwavering.

"What are we going to talk? Can't that wait for later?"

"No. Besides, you've had enough practice today."

"Jeong, I have to polish his choreography or else, I will get another earful from Ms. Lee." She was tired already but the image of their dance teacher nagging her came across her mind and Momo shivered.

Jeongyeon just stared at Momo's tired eyes. Momo seemed like she hadn't had enough sleep, based on the circles around her eyes. She also loses weight, Jeongyeon could tell.

She wondered her thoughts on what Momo did these past days. They all know that Momo tends to overwork herself when she has s problem, but this time she they didn't know what made the girl like this since Momo didn't open up on them.


Mina was the only person Momo talked with her problem. She made a mental note to ask her later only to disregard it when she remembered how Momo acted on the cafeteria last two weeks.

Jeongyeon called Sana who was sitting, looking at them. She tossed the phone on the grey haired girl who shrieked in shock before she rolled on her back, laughing upon realizing she managed to catch Momo's phone.

Momo had screamed in horror when she saw her phone fly across the room. Her heart stopped beating, breath hitching. Everything turned in a slow motion. She then released her breath in relief when her precious phone successfully landed on her Japanese friend's hand. Momo slapped Jeongyeon repeatedly.

Sana was still laughing while jumping on her own victory when Jeongyeon screamed her name and told her to run. Sana saw her older Japanese friend walking towards her, eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression. She doesn't want to waste the teal haired's effort and so Sana dashed out of the dance room with Momo following her.


Momo's shoulders moved up and down while her hands were resting on her knees, inhaling some oxygen for her deprived lungs.

Momo reached her right hand out, still breathing. Sana understood what Momo meant and gave the phone back to the blonde, also catching her breath.

The two Japanese lied on the trimmed green grass of the campus ground. Not so long, Jeongyeon came and lied beside Momo. They were in the center of the field, silence engulfed them as they all watched the clouds moving. The wind was a little colder, the sky's color was changing from clear blue that reflects the ocean to purple, pink and orange hues.

"Momo?" Jeongyeon broke the silence, this was her chance to talk with Momo properly, without any interruptions - believe me, Momo had so many excuses up on her sleeves.

Momo hummed, feeling herself relaxed. These past few days, she had no time for herself. All she did was to practice and do her homework. She couldn't even hang out with her friends.

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