Its ok

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"Heyyyy sho-chan!!" Yelled Hizashi
"Hi hizashi, why do you keep calling me that" said Shota
"Because that's your nick name!"said Hizashi
"I know but don't call me that at school"said Shota
"I would never do something to embarrass you!, speaking of school we're here!"said Hizashi

Hizashi and Shota went inside UA and walked into class and were happy to see that they were sitting beside each other like they did last year.They sit in there desks with there classmates, there first class is Japanese history  the most boring class to Hizashi but educational to Shota of course.As class go's on Hizashi starts talking to the person behind him and the teacher yells at him for talking during class.

Time skip to the end of class

"Wow getting in trouble by the teacher again" said shota
"What it's not my fault history is so boring they need to make it for interesting!" Said Hizashi
"It is interesting maybe you should try paying attention"said Shota
"I'm good" said Hizashi
"Wow, well let's get ready for our next class" said Shota

Time skip to lunch
(sorry for the time skip again)

"Heyyy sho-chan over here!" Hizashi says while waving his hand at shota
Other students they start giggling as they look at Aizawa. "I told you not to call me that at school!!" Shota hissed at hizashi. "Sorry shota!" Said Hizashi
"Whatever let's eat we have hero training next" Said shota 
"Oh ya!! I can't wait to put on my costume! We're doing a stealth exercise!"said Hizashi

Shota just listens to hizashi bable about how excited he is about hero training. Lunch ends and they go to hero training, the teacher tells everyone to get there costumes on and to go outside.As the class is on there way outside Hizashi starts talking to one of his classmates, but the classmate just yells at hizashi telling him "SHUT UP YAMADA!!" the other people in the class were also telling him that he talks to much and that he holds the class back, the one thing that really got Hizashi was when someone said "how did someone like you even get into this school". "SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!"
"How could you make fun of Yamada like that! If you want to be hero's then you can't bully people! That's being a villain not a hero so if your going to keep treating Yamada like this then you shouldn't be here because we're here to be hero's" Shota told the class. The class felt bad and they were speechless after everything Shota said.The teacher didn't know what was going on so the teacher just called everyone over to explain what's going on in today's lesson.

"Ok class today we're doing a stealth exercise.So what we're doing is I'll put you all in groups of four and you and your group will work together to try and take this ball from me and when you get it you go outside and press this button, ok"
"Yes sir"said the class.The teacher put everyone in there groups, Hizashi and Shota were in the same group with two other classmates."ugh we don't stand a chance in passing this, why did we have to be in this group" whispered one of the others kid in the group to the other kid. "Everyone come on its our turn" said Shota. Shota's group was first, the group had a hard time agreeing with each other because the other two didn't like Yamada so they pretty much just ignored Shota to.They all go inside the building and quietly check the rooms to see if they can find the one with there teacher inside.Shota finds the teacher and lets the group know upswing hand jesters, one of the other kids quirk is they can make there body stretchy so they made sure the teacher wasn't looking and quickly toke it and gave it to the other kid and they all quickly walked out and Hizashi presses the button. The teacher got surprised when he heard it he came outside and told them all good job and that there plan was very good.Hizashi knew that he did nothing to help the team he feels useless and just unwanted.Hizashi doesn't talk for the rest of the class Shota gets a little concerned.The class ends and everyone changes back into there uniforms and goes back to class but before that Shota pulls Hizashi a side. "Hizashi what's wrong"
"Nothing I'm fine, let's go to class we'll be late" Hizashi said not even looking at Shota, " Hizashi I don't give a dam if we're late so tell me what's wrong, is it what they said?" Shota said while grabbing Hizashi's arm stopping him from walking away, Hizashi let's out a sigh and knows that shota won't give up so he just opens up "ya it is what they said, they didn't want me there they said s-so m-many things" Hizashi says while he starts crying, "Zashi don't
Listen to them what they have to say is not important ok" shota gives Hizashi a hug. Hizashi hugs Shota back after they go to class and Hizashi feels better knowing that someone cares.

Ok well that's the end of the first page! I hoped you liked it tell me what you think.
896 words wow!

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