Staying strong

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Arons pov at the police station
I've been here for about two hours now. The police questioned me, asking what happened. I told them all I knew but nothing about Mic, he did some things that he had to do to survive but it's not like he ever enjoyed doing it. If the public knew about everything he did, then he'd never be able to be a hero. Their keeping me in here until they get an answer they're satisfied with.

"So Hizashi Yamada didn't do any crime when he was with your gang?" I leaned back in my chair. "Like I said he wasn't involved in anything, all he really did was train" the cop crossed his arms. "I don't believe it for a second, you can't sit there and tell me this kid didn't commit any crimes!" Two hours of this shit!! "Listen, what does it matter? He's a kid that was kidnapped and threatened with death if he was out of line. It doesn't matter what he did, it wasn't his choice"

The cop pinched the bridge of his nose and walked out. Not long after a different cop came in, he was there when I was arrested. Probably the others partner. "So Aaron, I've been filled in and looking at your file you're no stranger to crime. Started petty theft when you were seven, that's the earliest record we have of you. You've done more, now you're bringing this kid down with you by kidnapping him for your bosses gain"

I sighed. "Like I told your partner, I didn't do that. Boss hired guys for that, so people couldn't trace them to him. I was his second hand man that hated it. I never wanted to hurt kids, I tried to help the others but couldn't or else he'd kill me. I knew when I saw Mic that he was last, he's a good kid. I don't want him suffering for the shit that wasn't his fault. Just let him live his goddamn life, give him the chance I never got. I know cops, you can let shit slide. You have that power, use it for good this once. Lock me up, fucking kill me if it means that kid gets it good"

He closed my file and looked at me. "Aaron, you're an odd case. You've made a lot of bad choices, hurt a lot of people but because of what you told us we've solved ten missing persons cases. You stopped Yamada from being the next. He isn't going to be charged, we have nothing against him" he cleared his throat. "Not anymore at least. I wish I could help you but well, I don't think I need to explain. Maybe we can start a different case to get you less time, you're only twenty six years old. Still so much to learn" tears formed in my eyes.

"Thank you for protecting him.. there's no point in trying to protect me. I've done to much harm like you and the other cop said. I deserve to rot for what I was a part of" he got up with the file and walked towards the door. "You're done being questioned for today Aaron, thank you for cooperating. I'll keep in touch" Before he could open the door I had to ask.

"How is M-Yamada?" He turned around. "He's in the hospital, they said he's going to be fine" Then he left and a guard came in. He took me out and brought me to a temporary cell in the police station. Knowing Mic was going to be okay lifted stress and guilt off of my back. Knowing I saved one of them and knowing no one else will get hurt puts me at ease. I don't know what will happen to me but I can take it. I always do 

Three months later
After Aron was questioned by the police there was a trail. They tried to keep it small, to protect Hizashi's name. The trail was long but it concluded with the Boss getting the death sentence for many many things. Aaron was sent to jail for his involvement in the gang, although he's waiting for his trail to be released early.

On Hizashi's side other then recovering from his injury's he wasn't charged at all during his trial and was let go. He was told he would gain full use of his arm and leg again, since the bullets didn't hit any nerves. His doctor was also worried that Hizashi's trauma was seriously affecting him mentally so they got him a therapist. Other than that Hizashi was allowed to go home.

Shota's pov
I've been visiting Hizashi as much as I can with school and work study's. Lately I've noticed sometimes when we're playing a game or watching a movie Hizashi zones out. When I ask about it he says it's nothing then changes the conversation.

After I finished some homework I went to the store to pick up something for Hizashi before I go over. I got what I wanted then left to his place. When I got there I walked in and said hi to his parents. "Hi Shota! Nice to see you again, he's upstairs in his room" I waved at his mom and thanked her. I went to his room and knocked. "Come in!" Walking in I see him sitting at his desk. He looked over and smiled.

"Shota! You don't have to knock you know?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Oh cut me some slack, I got you something" I show him the bag and he beams. "What!! You didn't have too" he stood up with his cane and walked over. "What did you get!" He grabbed the bag and went to sit back down. "Ooo! Yes! Watermelon soda with chips! Thank you this means so much" I smiled and sat on his bed. "Yeah no problem, I still think watermelon soda is kinda gross but anything for my boyfriend" I chuckled.

"It's an acquired taste! You gotta show your taste buds new things cause you're missing out!" As I watch him opening his drink I look shocked. "Wait your arm.. grabbed the bag from me without a problem" he looked up and realized he forgot to tell me something. "Right!? I was going to tell you, my arm has been getting so much better. I can lift heavier things and move it a bunch more! My leg is taking it's sweet time but I'm getting there too, I can walk but I try not to push myself" I'm so proud of him! God I'm so happy he's getting better.

"That's amazing Zashi! I told you, you could do it" I smiled at him. "Thanks Sho, I've been doing what the doctor said and who knew it would really work!" We laughed and by accident he dropped his drink. "Shit!" I quickly grabbed it and set it down. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry! I didn't mean too! I can clean it up!!" I stop him from getting off the chair. "No it's fine, I got it" he started to breath a bit heavy the shoved me.

"No!! I have to clean it! Or.. I just have too!" He grabbed a towel that was on the floor and wiped it up even though it hurt his leg being on the ground. After he sat next to me on his bed. "What was that.." he didn't face me. "I don't know, it's weird. Sometimes when things happen I get scared.. worse then scared. It's a feeling I used to feel, it comes back sometimes. It feels like I'm back there, it's been getting better I swear" I hold his hand and lean my head on his shoulder.

"I'm not scared of you and I'm not judging you, you know I would never. Have you talked to your therapist about it?" He put his head on top of mine. "Yeah, she told me for what I went through it's normal. Well not normal but something that can happen after going through what I went through. She told me ways on controlling it and it's been working but sometimes you know?" I brought his hand up to my face and kissed it.

"I get it, thanks for telling me. I've been wondering what's been going on, if somethings starting to bother you just let me know okay?" He smiled. "I will, thanks for being here Sho" we sat there until I started telling him about the day I had. This city is crazy! "I'm telling you I can't wait for the day I can go solo because my team is unbearable!" He chuckled. "I bet! From what you're saying it's like they didn't pay attention during training at all!" Seeing him happy is all I want.

"Hey Sho sorry to change the subject but I've been thinking.. I haven't talked to my parents about it cause I know they won't let me. I want to visit Aaron, can you come with me?"

Hey y'all!
Hope you liked the update, it's been a while since I've really thought about this but wanting to finish it is something I really wanna do. I have a good idea on how but you'll have to wait! Anyways let me know what you thought

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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