Hearing the truth

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Shota could tell that Hizashi's scared and worried, He didn't like the thought that some villain might be coming to kill him but he can't worry about that right now, he needs to clam Hizashi down. "Hizashi is it ok if I come to your house" Asked Shota.
"s-sure if that's ok with you" said Hizashi.
"Ok I'll be there in a couple minutes, I'll text you when I'm at your place" said Shota.
"Ok just be careful...please"said Hizashi.
"Don't worry I will be" said Shota as he hung up. Hizashi sat on his bed feeling unsettled. He waited for Shota to text him that he's here. Shota grabbed his bag and put his uniform inside it, before leavening Shota put on a sweater and his capture weapon then wrote a note saying that he went to Hizashi house. Shota used his scarf to fling him from lamp post to lamp post, not long after he arrived at Hizahsi's house. Shota let him know that he's here. Hizashi opened the door and let him in. They both quietly went to Hizashi's room. "Thanks for coming" said Hizashi. "Any time" said Shota. It was quiet until Hizashi spoke up. "Am I over reacting Shota" Asked Hizashi.
"No your not over reacting you have every right to be scared" said Shota. "I hate this sho...I-I just want this to end" said Hizashi. "I know...I do to zashi" said Shota as he kissed Hizashi on his forehead. "Just know that whatever happens we'll have each other ok" said Shota. "But what if I'm not there to save you" said Hizashi. "Then I'll save my self" said Shota.
"Shota you don't know what this villain can do" said Hizashi. "I may not know what he can do but what hero knows about a villain, hero's go into a battle without knowing anything about the villain all they know is that they have to stop them from hurting innocent people so who ever this 'villain' is I think I can handle him" said Shota. "Hehe your so confident Shota honesty your never scared when danger comes your way, you like facing danger head on and then seeing what happens next but that's what gets you hurt" said Hizashi.
"I'll get hurt if that keeps you safe" said Shota.
Hizashi looked away from Shota. "Why...why do you help...why didn't you just forget about me...I've done nothing to help you..." said Hizashi. "Your basically all I have my parents love me and all but they have there own problems and I could never forget about you after everything you've done for me like you showed how to have fun, that I can enjoy life even when your not with me and there's just so much more" said Shota. Hizashi sighed.
"Shota I need to end this"said Hizashi.
"What do you mean" said Shota. "I'm going to face danger and not be scared like you" said Hizashi. "What are you talking about" said Shota. "I'm going to fight the Villain and make sure he never bothers us or anyone else ever again" said Hizashi. "Your saying your going to go fight a villain, are you crazy!" Said Shota. "Your not going to agree with me but that's ok, well I have to go face danger face to face so don't follow me please it's for your own safety" said Hizashi as he got up and walked to the door. "You can't do this alone! I'm coming with you" said Shota. "Shota if you love me then you'll stay here" said Hizashi as he opened the door. "Hizashi please don't this" said Shota. "I'm sorry sho but I'm not letting you get hurt because of me, well bye" said Hizashi as he left. Shota was just sitting there frozen not knowing what to do. He didn't know why he just sat there and let Hizashi go but he knew that Hizashi wouldn't have let him come no matter what he said. Shota couldn't just sit there knowing what was about to happen so he had to make a decision to go help Hizashi or wait and see if Hizashi wins or lose's.

Hizashi's POV

*I'm sorry Shota but I have to be the one that fights this battle so I hope you just stay out of this it's for your own good* thought Hizashi.
It toke awhile but Hizashi went back to the place where the villain kept him, he walked inside. "Mic what are you doing here" said Aron. "Aron! It's been awhile, anyway where's the boss" asked Hizashi. "He doesn't matter right now let's just catch up Mic like you said it has been awhile" said Aron. Hizashi tried to punch Aron but he dogged instantly. "Your not Aron, I know Aron and he wouldn't want to catch up he would tell me to get out of here to go home" said Hizashi. The person turned into fog then turned into the boss Villain.
"Wow so I guess I thought you well Yamada" said the Villain. Hizashi looked in shock.
"Oh yes my quirk I never told you, well my quirk can be pretty useless I can transform into anyone I've seen and know a lot about. With this quirk I couldn't be a hero without a lot challenge's and with all the people telling that I would never be a hero with a quirk like mine so instead I became a villain to show everyone who told me I'm useless that I'm actually powerful" explained the Villain. "Then why did you keep Aron why don't you let him go" asked Hizashi. "Oh Aron a boy who lost everything at a young age honestly he started his life as a criminal I just toke him in and helped him become a villain but he's soft he cares for the people I've brought in but your the first he let escape and he's an important piece of my plan" said The Villain. Hizashi  stood there knowing what's going to happen next. "I'm guessing you know what happens next Yamada" said the Villain. "How could I not" said Hizashi.
"ok then get ready to lose" said The Villain as he hit his fist into his hand. "Don't worry I'm going to win for Aron, Shota and everyone else you've caused pain to!" Said Hizashi as he got ready to fight.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating recently it was my birthday on may 31 so I didn't have much time and now final exams are coming up so as have to study anyway I'll try to update as much as I can. And sorry if this chapter isn't very good

1123 words

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