Bye and Hi

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"Mic do you know what your saying!
If I do that I can't make him remember you again! well kind of... But not like he does now!"
"I've put him through to much so if he forgets about me then he won't have to worry anymore!"Yelled Hizashi.
"Mic if I did do it then how would you feel about him forgetting who you are and him forgetting about every fun thing you've done together, do you want that" said Aron. "I don't know anymore Aron... I just want Shota to be happy but he's not and it's because of me" said Hizashi. "Mic you've been here for to long, so go..." said Aron. "What do you mean" said Hizashi. "Take your friend and leave, don't come back" said Aron. " I can't just leave! It would take forever to escape this place!" Said Hizashi. " I'm the only other person here. So go, take your friend and leave" said Aron. " Aron you know what boss will do when he knows that you let me go!" said Hizashi. "I don't care!! Just go Mic, go while you can don't lose your chance" said Aron. " bye Aron" said Hizashi. "Bye Mic" said Aron. Hizashi went in the room. "Hizashi!" Said Shota. "Come on shota let's go" said Hizashi grabbing  Shota's hand. Aron waved bye to the two of them, he knew he was going to be in big trouble but it was worth letting Hizashi be happy with the person he loved. Hizashi and Shota run outside then shota pulled the both of them on top of a roof. Hizashi hugs Shota. "I missed you so much" said Hizashi with tears falling his face. "I missed you to, it was... lonely without you" said Shota. "Shota about what you said earlier... I feel the same way"said Hizashi. Shota looks at Hizashi and kisses him. They stop and both start blushing,
" Hizashi I was so worried about you, I was worried that something happened to you. It was hard to think about" said Shota. " I was always wondered if you were doing better then me. I wished that I could see you again, I didn't know if I ever would" said Hizashi. Shota and Hizashi sit on the edge of the building for a while, there holding hands while they look down at all the cars and people. " we should go" said Hizashi. "Where? The police station" said Shota. " no... I want to go home" said Hizashi. " ok let's go" said Shota. After a while they arrive at Hizashi's house. Hizashi walked to the front door an was about to knock but hesitated, shota held Hizashi's hand and said
"it's ok". Shota slowly let go of his hand when he knocked on the door. Hizashi's mom answered the door. "Hello!, How may I help y-" Hizashi's mom stoped talking after she saw who was at the door. "hey mom...I'm home" said Hizashi. Hizashi's mom quickly hugged Hizashi and started crying. "What's going..." Hizashi's dad went to see what was going on but had no words when he saw his wife hugging his son that's been missing for a year, Hizashi's dad joined the hug with tears falling off his face. Hizashi's parents let go of Hizashi and look at him.
"Hizashi you've been g-gone for so long people gave up on you but we never did" said Hizashi's mom. " yes it was hard knowing that people gave up on finding you like friends and family, Shota was the only one that did everything in his power to help" said Hizashi's dad. Hizashi looks at his parents with a face that says I'm sorry. Hizashi couldn't find words to leave his mouth he felt so much pain hearing part of what his parents and his best friend had to go through while he was gone. "Hizashi... if you don't mind me asking where were you, where were you this whole time" Asked Hizashi's mom. When Hizashi heard the question he turned around and ran over to Shota, he hugged Shota while crying. Hizashi was getting the flash backs of the times he was training or doing something when he wasn't so post to, the Villain that trained Hizashi knew that Hizashi was young but he didn't care he just wanted to make him stronger and make Hizashi become more powerful then any hero so he pushed Hizashi more then he should have. Hizashi's parents looked horrified.
"He was taken by a Villain" said Shota in a quiet voice but loud enough for Hizashi's parents to hear. They were both shocked from what they heard.
"S-Shota how do you know" said Hizashi's dad. "The people who toke Hizashi toke me, luckily one of the villains there had a soft spot for Hizashi so he let us both go..." Shota explained. Hizashi's parents were speechless they had no idea this is what there son went through. "Hizashi were so sorry for everything you had to go through, I'm sorry we couldn't find you I hope you can forgive us" said Hizahsi's mom. Hizashi let's go of Shota and walks towards his parents and says "please don't blame yourself for what happened and besides how could I get mad at you when I haven't seen you guys in forever". Hizashi's parents hug him again. After that they take Hizashi and Shota to the police station, Hizashi didn't feel like talking which was understandable but Shota told the detective all that he knew.
"So what do you know about what happened" Asked the detective.
"I wasn't there for very long all I know is there was a villain there but he didn't act like one he helped Hizashi through his time there and let us escape when he wasn't so posted to, his name is Aron" said Shota. "Ok did he tell you anything else about him or just his name" asked the detective. "Just his name, and no I didn't see him well enough to describe him" said Shota.
"Ok well in that case thank you for your time have a better day" said the detective as he left the room. Shota also left the room and saw Hizashi and his parents at the front door waiting for Shota. Hizashi's parents told Shota that there going home with Hizashi and he is welcomed to come with them. They know that Hizashi needs a friend right now so they hoped that Shota would come and of course he did go with them. They all arrived at Hizashi's house. Shota and Hizashi go to his room,Hizashi sits on the end of his bed while Shota sits on the floor beside him. "Shota..." said Hizashi.
"Ya Hizashi" said Shota
"Can I ask you something" said Hizashi
"Anything" said Shota.
"Will things ever go back to normal..."

Sorry for the longgg wait! I got kind of busy but don't worry the story's not over yet!

1160 words

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