Its going to be ok

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Shota, Aron, his parents, and all the other people that have suffered. He ran as fast as he could to the Villain. Right as the Villain was about to punch him Hizashi quickly dogged went behind him and tripped him, but the Villain got right back up. "Huh I can't believe I didn't see that coming" Said the Villain. "You should expect anything to happen during a battle" Said Hizashi. The villain chuckled a bit. "You try and act like your tough but you know your not you know that your weak" That's all people told Hizashi that he's weak but he's not weak anymore, He screamed using his quirk. "JUST SHUT UUUUUPPPP!!" The Villain flew back, he needs to catch Hizashi off guard. He knows that hizashi's weakness is shota so if he turns into shota then Hizashi wouldn't hurt him. "Was that weak!" Yelled Hizashi. The Villain knew this was a good opportunity to do his plan. Smoke covered the villain.
"W-what are you doing!" Said Hizashi. His eyes widened, as the smoke started to disappear he saw shota on the ground. "Why..." Hizashi said in shock. "Well I've seen the boy and also have done some research" said the villain but in shota's voice. He looked and sounded exactly like shota. "Your not shota!" Said Hizashi. "Then punch me Yamada" said the Villain or villain shota? Hizashi couldn't stand the voice it sound exactly like shota's he hated it. "Do it Yamada punch me!" Said the Villain as shota. Hizashi ran and punched him to the ground and kept punching the Villain in the face with tears running down his face."Your not Shota!" The Villain turned back into himself and pushed Hizashi off him, he got a broken nose and a black eye from a teenager. The villain is furious that he's losing a fight to a teenager.
"I didn't want things to be like this but your being a pain" he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Hizashi. Hizashi jumped away trying to dodge but he got shot once in the arm and once in the leg. "Not so tough now Yamada" said the Villain as he walked up to Yamada. Hizashi cried in pain. "Any last words" said the villain. Hizashi calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry.. shota" said Hizashi before he fainted. "Pathetic! Well good night Yam-" before the Villain could shoot Aron punch him in the face. "You-you thought your 'buddies' could kill me! Well after a while I fought them off! So Instead of killing you I'll erase your memory some at least" said Aron. He looked at Hizashi and making sure he's not dead. "You scared me Mic I thought you died, your a tough kid" said Aron. He ripped part of his shirt off and tied it to hizashi's shot arm and leg to stop the bleeding. In the distance Aron heard a window break then footsteps running towards him. He thinks that one of the guys that beat him up followed him here. The footsteps got louder then Aron grabbed the dark figure and realized it was Aizawa. "Let go of me" yelled shota as he struggled. Aron dropped him, shota looked at Aron. "You! Where is he" said shota. "I didn't hurt Mic, he's other there" Aron pointed to Hizashi on the ground. Shota saw Hizashi and ran to him and hugged him. Aron called 911. "He's going to be ok the ambulance is on the way" said Aron. Not long after police and ambulance came, the ambulance toke Hizashi away Aizawa went with the ambulance and stayed by Hizashi's side. The police toke Aron and the Villain into custody.

At the hospital

When the ambulance got to the hospital Hizashi went to the emergency room. The nurse told shota that he had to wait in the waiting room. Shota felt like he was in the waiting room for hours, then hizashi's mom ran in asked where her son is. Hizashi's dad came ran in after his wife. "Miss and Mister Yamada your son is in surgery right now you can see him after" Hizashi's mom is confused on why her son's in the hospital and how hurt he is. Hizashi's mom saw shota sitting in the waiting room. "Shota!" She ran up to shota hugging him. "What happened to my baby shota! Please tell me everything" she said with tears in her eyes. Hizashi's dad put his hand on his wife's shoulder. "I'll tell you what I know" Hizashi's parents grabbed two chairs and sat I front of shota. He told them about how the villains toke Hizashi and that one of the villains helped Hizashi survive, he also said how he was taken by the villains so he could see Hizashi again then they were let go by the villain that helped Hizashi. "Earlier I went to your house and Hizashi told me that he had to finish what he started, I said I would let him go by himself but he told me to stay then he left. I could just stay there when I could help him so I eventually went but I was to late the boss villain shot Hizashi twice once in the arm and leg. I don't know what happened but the other villain that was there saved Hizashi's life" Hizashi's parents are speechless. They can't believe there son went through all of that. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything but Yamada Hizashi is ok for visitors only from relatives for now, he's in room 237" shota ran looking for the room then went inside and saw Hizashi. "Hizashi.." shota went to him and gently hugged him. "Shota" Said Hizashi. Shota let go. "Sho I'm sor-" Before he could say sorry shota kissed him. They separated. "Don't ever scare me like that ok.. I thought you died" said shota. With a blush on his face Hizashi smiled a little. "I'm not going down that easily! And Sho I was scared that I was going to die, I thought I let you down" shota hugged Hizashi again. "Hizashi Yamada there is nothing you could do that would let me down I will always be proud of you even when your being weird"
They kept hugging each other, they felt safe like everything is going to be ok.

Hey guys I'm so so sorry I didn't update until now and I'm sorry if this is crapy chapter I truly am sorry but I'll start updating more now and If you have any suggestions on you guys want to happen let me know and I can possibly make it happen anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter

1119 words

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