Can't stop worrying

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"Maybe we should go down stairs" said Shota. "Ya, lets go!" Said Hizashi with a smile. Shota and Hizashi go down stairs to see Hizashi's parents making food, they paused and turned around with with a happy expression on there faces. "Soooo what were you two up to" Asked Hizashi's dad. "Just you know catching up!" Said Hizashi. His parents know what happened, they knew that they were going to get together."I'm glad you had fun catching up!"Said Hizashi's mom.*Ring* *Ring*Ring*  Shota's phone was going off so he grabbed it and saw that his mom is calling, he walked into another room then answered it. "SHOTA!!!!!!!" Yelled Shota's mom. He kind of jumped a bit not expecting his mom to yell right in his ear like Hizashi would. "Mom you don't have to yell" said Shota. "I'm sorry, when I heard from that hero lady that you didn't come back from patrolling I got so worried and then I get a call from the police station hours later saying that your there with Hizashi!! Im worried and confused I just-"said his mom as Shota cut her off. "Mom, mom I'm ok and Hizashi is with me" said Shota. "I'm coming over" said Shota's mom. "No mom you- and she hung up on me great" said Shota. He walked back in the room. "So my mom is coming" said Shota. "Why?" Asked Hizashi. "She said she's worried I guess" said Shota not really knowing what to say. They heard a knock on the door minuets later so Shota answered it and saw his mom. She quickly without warning hugged Shota. "I'm so happy my little kitten is ok" said Shota's mom as she hugged Shota. "Mom don't call me that!" Hissed Shota. "I'll call you my little kitten even when your an adult" said Shota's mom as she let go of Shota. "Hey miss Aizawa!" Said Hizashi getting her attention. Shota's mom looked at Hizashi in shock."h-hizashi" said Shota's mom. "Ya its me, I'm here" said Hizashi. "Would you like to sit and have a coffee with me and my husband?" Asked Hizashi's mom.
"of course" said Shota's mom as she went with Hizashi's parents. Shota and Hizashi were left alone. "Shota the little kitten! That's so cute!" Said Hizashi. "Ugh my mom calls me that when she's worried or when she talks about me growing up and it's not cute..." said Shota. "Aww Sho-chan's embarrassed!" Said Hizashi. "Why do you call me
'sho-chan'?" Said Shota. "Cause that's your nickname!" Said Hizashi.
"After everything that's happened I'm surprised your so happy right now" said Shota. "How can I not be happy when I'm with you" said Hizashi with a small smile. " I'm just glad your ok" said Shota. Shota's mom and Hizashi's parents come back in the room. "Shota I heard about what happened and you can come home with me or you can stay the night here with Hizashi" said Shota's mom. "It's ok Shota you can go home I need some time to myself" said Hizashi with a smile Shota knew was fake. "ok you can call me when ever ok" said Shota. He left with his mom and went home. Hizashi told his parents that he was going to bed but he just went to his room and started crying because of something he was told. Shota got home, went to his room and called Hizashi making sure that he's ok. Hizashi looked at his phone and saw Shota's calling him. Hizashi answered trying to act like everything's fine. "Hey Shota what's up" said Hizashi.
"Are you crying?" Asked Shota.
"Crying me! No" said Hizashi stumbling his words. "Don't lie to me, what's wrong" said Shota. "Nothings wrong Shota just need some sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow ok bye" said Hizashi as he hung up. Shota knows Hizashi not telling him something.

Later that night

Hizashi's phone lit up waking up Hizashi. He looked at the time it's midnight. Then saw that he got a text from an unknown number it says,

I can't believe you escaped, even though you did doesn't mean you have your life back remember what I told you I would do if you escaped? Just in case you forgot I said I would kill the person you love. Don't worry I won't kill him...yet. This won't be the last you hear of me and this text can't be tracked anyway bye Yamada

Hizashi covered his mouth just reading it. After he read it tears started falling down his face thinking that Shota could get hurt because of him. Something that came to Hizahsi's mind is he doesn't know what the boss Villain's quirk was even though he was there for a year he didn't know his quirk. Hizashi didn't think to much of it, he would think that the Villains quirk wouldn't be to dangerous since he's never used it around him. Hizashi put his phone down, he wanted to tell Shota but somethings telling him that he shouldn't. *what would have happened if I didn't leave... I wouldn't have kissed Shota or seen my parents* Hizashi thought to himself. He wanted to talk to someone and the only person he actually wanted to talk to is Shota but...
*screw it I'm calling him*. Hizashi picked up his phone and called Shota. He didn't know if Shota would be awake it's super late and- "h-hello?" said Shota pretty much asleep. "S-Sho! You answered!" Said Hizashi surprised that Shota answered. "Is there a reason you called me at one in the morning" Asked Shota. "Ya there is a reason I need to talk to you about something" said Hizashi. "What is it I'm listening" said Shota. "When I was with the boss villain he would always tell me not to escape but this one time he told me that he would..." Hizashi started getting emotional. "He would what" said Shota in a concerned voice.
"he told me...he would k-kill you if I escaped..."

I honestly feel bad for Hizashi but who doesn't at this point. Anyway hope your enjoying the story

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