It happened so fast

655 19 9

"Alright I saw how everyone did, good job but some of you let your group do the work you know who you are.Anyway we'll talk more about this next class, have a nice day" said the teacher.Hizashi and shota get ready for there next class.
"Hey Yamada I bet the teacher was talking about you!ha"said a kid in the class
"What do you mean?" Asked Hizashi even though he knew what he ment
"Oh well the teacher was talking about the kids in the class who let everyone else do the work while you take credit!" Said one of the students that's holding back from laughing
"Can you just leave me alone"
"What's up with you? You never shut up but now your actually shutting up this must be my lucky day!well see you never Yamada!" Said the student as he walked away. Shota sees the kid walk away from Hizashi laughing so he goes to see if he's ok. "Hizashi what did that kid say" Shota asked. "I don't wanna talk right now ok shota" Hizashi said as he walks away from shota.
Shota didn't follow him because he knew that Hizashi wanted space, but Shota was worried about Hizashi and wanted him to be ok.

Time skip to the end of class

Shota and Hizashi grab there things and leave school.On the train Hizashi didn't say a word so shota tried to talk. "Hey Zashi the kids at school are jerks and there not making things good right now but know that there opinion doesn't matter the people who care about you won't care about your flaws" Shota said
They get off the train and before they go separate ways home Hizashi tells Shota something, "Shota I'll call you later ok"
"Ok talk to you later, bye hizashi" said Shota
"Ok bye sho" said Hizashi as he walks away.Shota's worried he knows that Hizashi getting bullied and he hates it.

Hizashi puts his headphones on and continues walking.As Hizashi's walking someone comes behind him and knocks him out. "I hope this is the kid boss asked for" said the person.About twenty minutes later Hizashi woke up tied to a chair with a tape coving his mouth, Hizashi sees a figure walk out of the shadows and towards him. "Hello Yamada, yes I know who you are.I bet your wondering what's going on and why your here well I asked someone to bring you here because I noticed on last years sports festival that people don't treat you with respect because you can't control your quirk and I want to change that so I brought you here to ask you to join me"
The figure said as he rips of the tape. "Ow! Why would I ever join a villain, I want to be a hero"said Hizashi
"Well what are you going back to if you don't join me being bullied, feeling alone like no one can help you.If you join me I can help you control your quirk and I mean it" said the villain
"No!, I'm going back to my parents and my best friend..." said Hizashi
"Well make your choice, just know that nothing will change if you go back you will still be treated like nothing but here we except everyone flaws and all so what are you choosing"Said the villain
"I feel like nothing because people are always there for me they act like I always need need someone to protect me.I just want to be strong to show that I'm not weak and that I can handle fighting my own battles"said Hizashi
"If you want to get stronger I can teach you moves that will make you win every battle"said the villain
Hizashi starts thinking about what the Villain is offering.
*I don't know what to do.What if I do join, no one will notice well Shota will notice.but-Im sorry Shota...*Hizashi thought to him self.
"I'll join you" said Hizashi
"Really I thought you were going to back down, well I'm glad you made the right choice.But know that you can't betray me ok you'll regret it ok"said the Villain.
"You don't need to worry about me"
"Good. Just letting you know I fixed your phone, I toke out the thing that tracks the phone but don't worry you can still do everything you could before"
" I going to regret this"
"No you won't trust me"
The Villain unties Hizashi and trusts that he won't do anything stupid. Hizashi isn't sure if he made the right choice but he knew that nothing was going to change if he went back that's what he thought.On the other side Shota is waiting for Hizashi to call or even message him, Shota was worried but tried to get the thought that Hizashi just didn't want to talk right now.

The next day

Shota got to school to see that Hizashi wasn't there.He started to get concerned, he went though the rest of the day just wondering if Hizashi was ok. Shota goes home and not long after he gets home there was a knock on the door.His mom answers it and he's sees a police officer, he hear's the police officer ask his mom, "Is Hizashi Yamada here?" 
"No Hizashi is not here, is everything ok?" Said Shota's mom
"Well to put it the short way Hizashi is missing" said the police officer
Shota's eyes widened when he heard that, he ran over and said "NO! Hizashi can't be missing!! He just can't!"
"Shota! I'm so sorry you heard that" said his mom
"No! Maybe he's just at some other friends house!" Shota said as he's panicking
"Shota please go to your room and clam down..." said his mom
"No, not until I know Hizashi's at home!"
"Shota go I'll see you in a second..."
Shota walks to his room as he starts calling hizashi's phone. " it's going straight to voice mail...dam it Hizashi please be ok"

Ok well this is the end of this chapter. I hoped you liked it!

1021 words wow

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