How I got here

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Putting the photo back in the box shota grabbed his sweater and went down stairs. "Shota where are you going?" Asked his mom. "I'm going out I'll back" said Shota walks out closing the door behind him. "Shota wai- *sigh* I wish you could to us" said Shota's mom.Shota's parents are starting to get worried , they just want Shota to know that he can talk to them about how he's feeling.The thing is that Shota doesn't talk to people about his emotions well the only person he does talk to is Hizashi.About twenty minutes later Shota walks up to a house its big but nice.He knocks on the door, when the door opens he sees a woman she looks worried. "Oh hello Shota it's nice to see you it's been awhile" said Hizashis mom. "Ya it has been awhile"said Shota. "Do you want to come in?"said Hizashi's mom. "Yes" said Shota as he walks in.Hizashi's parents sit at the dinner table, Shota sits on the opposite side. "I'm guessing you've heard about Hizashi" said Hizashi's dad. "Ya I heard what happened...I'm sorry"said Shota. "I bet this is hard for you to, Hizashi's your best friend" said Hizashi's mom. "Ya I was well...shocked when I heard" said Shota. "So Shota why did you come here?" Asked Hizashi's dad. "To be honest I don't know, I guess when I feel well...I'll just say upset I'm used to Hizashi being there even when he doesn't need to be. So I think I came to see Hizashi even though...he's not here". Shota realized what he said and got embarrassed and covered his face.
"Its nice knowing that someone's there for Hizashi"said Hizashi's dad. Shota let's them know that he has to go, he says good bye and then goes back home.As Shota walks home he starts thinking. *why is it when your gone is when I miss you the most...
dam it! why is it when your not here is when I figure out... that I like you* Shota thought to himself.

Hizashis POV

"Hey Aron!" Yelled Hizashi trying to get Aron's attention.Aron turns around to see Hizashi, " what's up Mic" Asked Aron. "Thanks for helping me train earlier!" Said Hizashi. "Ya any time, and wow you sure a strong quirk!" Said Aron as he smiles. "Ya I guess I do! Hey what's your quirk Aron?" Asked Hizashi. Aron paused, "my quirk..." said Aron. "y-you don't have to tell me" said Hizashi as he see's Aron looking like he would rather not talk about it.
"Uhhh I'll be right back" said Hizashi as he slowly starts to walk away.
"Wait" said Aron. Hizashi stops walking and looks at Aron. " *sigh* my quirk is called Memory control, if I touch someone I can erase there memories or a memory. I cant replace memories that I erase but I can make similar ones that can't be the same as the ones I erased, For example if I touch you I could make you forget we ever met but if I wanted you to remember me again I would make a memory that made you kind of remember me, like I said I can't make memories that were the exact same as the ones I erased." Explained Aron. "Wow... your quirk sounds awesome!" Said Hizashi. "Well it all depends on how I use it" said Aron.
"Ya your right. Can I ask you one more question about yourself" said Hizashi. "Sure ask away Mic" said Aron.
"How did you get here" Asked Hizashi. "Well it's a long story" said Aron.
"I have nothing better to do so I'm all ears!" Said Hizashi as he looks at Aron waiting for him to tell his story. " ok. Well I was like every other five year old kid I loved hanging out with my friends, playing sports, watching tv, and doing everything else a kid my age loved to do. But one morning I manifested my quirk without noticing, my mom and dad wanted a hug so I hugged them and then a second later after they looked at me and asked me why I was in there house like I was some kid that just walked in there house. I thought they were playing with me but a couple minutes later I heard a police siren I panicked and ran outside to my backyard and just kept running the police tried to find me but they couldn't. I wanted to go home but my parents didn't even know I existed, I erased myself from there memory by accident. After that I kind of figured out my quirk and since I ran away stole food and other goods with the quirk I didn't know how to control. I survived on my own for a couple years until one day the boss found me and toke me in. After that he found out what my quirk was and how it worked, he trained me how to use and control it. That's pretty much it, thats how I got here." Said Aron as he wiped away the few tears he hade on his face. " you lost everything... I'm so sorry" said Hizashi as he try's to take everything in. " I'm fine after the years I've gotten used to being here. I told you this because I wanted you to know that your not alone, we both lost people we care about and I trust you" Said Aron. "Thanks man" said Hizashi. "Ya any time. Well I'm gonna go chill for a bit so talk to ya later!" Said Aron as he walks away.Hizashi couldn't believe Aron's backstory it was sad. He thought for a moment,
*I hope Shota doesn't forget me..." thought Hizashi.

Sorry for the long wait I got a bit busy! I mostly wanted this page to tell Aron's backstory just so you guys know more about his character.

998 words
I hope your enjoying the story!!

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