It's been awhile

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It's been a year since Hizashi went missing and people have given up on finding him except his parents and Shota. It was hard for Shota when Hizashi never showed up, knowing that your friend is out there or that there...dead is hard to think about. Shota does a work study with a pro hero now and does patrolling often when he's not at school. On Hizashi's side he's been training for a long time now and learned how to control his quirk to go in one direction. Aron hangs out with Hizashi when he's not training or doing something else. He started noticing  that Hizashi misses someone, he thinks this because some times when he passes by Hizashi's room he hears him mumbling stuff like "Just forget about him, He probably doesn't care that your gone, ugh I just need to forget about him...but I can't". Aron wanted Hizashi to see Shota again so he had a plan, it wasn't the best plan but it was something.

Later that day

"Hey kid I'll let you patrol by yourself today ok, don't cause any trouble" said the hero. "Ok and thank you" said Shota. He walks outside to start his patrol. "People make patrolling sound so interesting when it's really not, it's rare that an actual crime happens, that's good."said Shota as walks on the sidewalk. "There he is" said Aron looking from a near by building. Shota didn't like being in public that much because he would hear people talking about him as they pass by so he throws his scarf at a lamp post and flings himself on top of a building.Aron sneaks up behind Shota and knocks him out. About ten minutes later.
*ugh...what happened...where am I,
I'm tied up* Shota thought as he slowly woke up. "You what!?" Said Hizashi in a surprised ton. "I knew that you had to see him again so this was the easiest way" said Aron. "I can't just go in there and talk to him it's been so long! He might not even care that I'm ok!" Yelled Hizashi. "Mic go in there and just talk to him" said Aron. "Fine" said Hizashi as he walks in the room. "Who's there" said Shota. Hizashi hinds in the shadows. "It's been awhile hasn't it" said Hizashi. " who are you, why am I here!" Said Shota.
"So you really don't remember me, well I remember you... Shota" said Hizashi as he steps out of the shadows and stands in front of Shota. Shota's eyes winded as he saw Hizashi standing there. "H-Hizashi..." said Shota as he could barely speak. "So you do remember me that's nice to know" said Hizashi. "Hizashi untie me..." Said Shota in a frustrated ton. "I can't do-". Said Hizashi as he gets cut off. "Do it!" Said Shota. "Ok ok relax. There" said Hizashi as he unties Shota. Shota gets up and punches Hizashi in the face. "YOU ASSHOLE! YOUR ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED WHEN YOUV'E BEEN MISSING FOR A YEAR!! DID YOU NOT CARE ABOUT HOW YOU LEAVING WOULD AFECT ME! IT WAS HELL NOT KNOWING WHERE YOU WERE!" Yelled Shota. Hizashi felt hurt knowing that the person he liked was affected by him. "Why do you even care that I'm gone!" Said Hizashi. "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU GOD DAMMIT!!" Yelled Shota as tears start falling off his face. Hizashi walked to Shota and hugged him, Shota didn't stop him like he used to instead he hugged Hizashi back as more and more tears fall off his face. "Y-you know I got bullied at school for yelling at the class when they were making fun of you for being gone... I wanted to just talk to you I-I just wanted you there..." said Shota. Hizashi let go of Shota. "I'm so sorry Shota that you were hurt because of me, I thought you would be better off without me" said Hizashi looking away from Shota trying to hide that he's crying. "Hiz-" Shota got cut off but Hizashi. "I-I'll be right back..." said Hizashi as he left the room. Shota grabbed his arm and said "please don't leave", Hizashi got out of Shota's grip and walked out. "What happened Mic?" Asked Aron. "You should've have brought him here..." said Hizashi sitting down in a chair quietly crying. Aron sighed and wanted to talk to Shota, he wasn't for sure how this was going to go but he's hoping Shota understands. "Hey kid, don't hurt me I just wanna talk" said Aron. "W-who are you!" Said Shota. " call me Aron. I'm the one that helped Your friend survive here, and I brought you here" said Aron. "Are you the one that told him to stay here!" Said Shota in an angry ton.
"Kid I'm going to be honest with you he didn't have a choice to go or stay his only choice was stay, and you know he missed you a lot it was hard for him not to see or talk to you ok, he likes you" said Aron. "How would you know" said Shota. " I hear him mumble from time to time about you and he tells me about you a lot, he always hopes that your doing better then him" said Aron. Shota didn't know what to say, he never knew that Hizashi thought about him. "When Mic first came here he wanted to get stronger to prove he wasn't weak, he wanted to fight and win his own battles he thinks that you always needed to be there to protect him so he wanted to prove to you that he's strong... and other stuff" said Aron as he whispered the last couple words.
"I should have- I need to talk to Hizashi and I don't care how long I have to be here as long as I get to talk to him" said Shota. Aron walked out and saw Mic sitting there. "Hey Aron" said Hizashi.
"Ya Mic" said Aron. "I need you to do me a favour" said Hizashi.
"What is it..." Aron said in a concerned voice.
" can you make Shota forget he ever met me..."

I hope you guys are liking this so far! Thanks for reading

1048 words

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