It's differant

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"I bet Hizashi's just at someone else's house, ya"said shota
Shota's mom walks inside his room and sits beside him. "Shota the officer told me that they've been to other houses but he wasn't there, and they've tried tracking his phone but it's not working."
"It's fine, Hizashi must be at some other persons house"
Shota's mom gets up and walks out closeing the door behind her. Shota was confused of why she left, he's trying to think that Hizashi's ok and that he'll just show up at school tomorrow.Shota's mom goes down stairs to talk to his dad. "I'm worried about Shota, what will his reaction be if Hizashi doesn't come back.He's trying to convince himself that he went to some other persons house and I want to agree with him but I just don't know if it's true..."
"I'm worried to and what your saying is true but we have to keep our hopes up and maybe he'll show up right.For now we can wait to see" said Shota's dad

Time skip to tomorrow

Shota leaves his house and walks to UA. He goes inside the classroom and sits down at his desk, he looks beside him to see an empty desk it was weird not having someone constantly talking or not having a note being passed to you during class.It wasn't the same. A kid walks past Hizashi's desk saying, "Hey did anyone realize that it's quieter here! Now we can finally learn something without a loud mouth talking!"
"Shut up!, you know nothing about Hizashi! You wouldn't be saying that if you knew him, he's a really good friend he's there for when you need to talk or if somethings wrong! And if you ever want to hang out he'll always say yes no matter what he's doing!! SO SHUT UP ABOUT HIZASHI!! Yelled Shota
"Geez emo kid do you like have a crush on Yamada or something, you know you call him by his first name well when you get all personal" said the student
Shota blushes a bit and gets embarrassed as the kid starts laughing at him for blushing about what he said and the class slowly joins in.Shota runs to the bathroom with tears falling of his face, he wanted Hizashi there but he wasn't. "h-hizashi where are you...".

What been going on Hizashi's side

"Hey boss we're you actually going to let that kid go if he wanted to?" Said some other person
"Of course not, I just said that to get his trust by making him think I'm giving him a good and bad option" said the Villain
"So what's this kid like?"
"Well he loves music and can speak English, he's good in school but can't control his quirk so he's bullied for that. But I've noticed that he has a connection with a friend of his"
"What do you mean?"
"He only hesitated because he was thinking about his friend. I can also tell because the headphones that he has he doesn't let anyone touch them and is protective over them like there important"
"Huh weird well anyway if you ever need help just call ok boss"
"Yes ok goodbye"
"See ya, have fun with the new kid!"
The Villain goes to a different room to see Hizashi talking to himself.
"What are you doing" said the Villain
Hizashi gets surprised not noticing that he was there and try's to act normally.
"Nothing! So uh what's up"said Hizashi
"We're starting training today. So come on and I will explain what were going to be doing"
"Ok" said Hizashi as he follows the Villain into what looks like a huge gym.
"What's that on the wall?" Questioned Hizashi
"That's sound prove material so when you use your quirk it won't damage any other buildings"
"But what about you, won't you get hurt"
"No I'll be fine you can't hurt me even if you tried"
"So what are we doing for training"
"Well I've never worked with a quirk like yours so I did some research.Your going to try and focus on one detection and try to make your voice go in one detection instead of everywhere, you what to try that out"
"Sounds hard but I can try it"
Hizashi try's it a couple times but it doesn't work so the Villain finds a way to get him to do it.
"H-how was that?" Said Hizashi as he's kind of panting
"That was ok. Oh I forgot to say earlier that one of my sidekicks accidentally shot someone we think is a friend of yours he was asking people about you.
I didn't say anything earlier because I didn't know how you would react"
Hizashi's eyes close as he yells using his quirk "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!..."
He takes a breath as the Villain claps slowly. "Sorry for the scare but no one got shot I said that because I felt it would have helped and it did, you yelled at me in the detection that I was in and only in my detection good job Yamada"
"Don't say stuff like that ok, just don't"
"Oh ok and is it ok if I call you Mic as in your 'hero name' Present Mic"
"Let's take a break"
"Ok, can someone come in here so I can talk to them"
"Fine I know you like to talk" said the Villain as he asks his sidekick to go watch Hizashi. "Hey so what's the deal with this place" asked Hizashi
"Why should I tell you anything kid"
"I'm new and I want to know more about what I'm getting into"
"Poor kid you made a mistake well you didn't really have a choice anyway so"
"What do you mean..."
"When the boss told you he would give you a chance to let you go he lied once he takes you your never leaving unless your a perfect villain to him at least, so everyone you know you probably will never see them again"
"What...but, so I'm stuck here"
"Yup, anyway what's your name kid or what do you want me to call you"
"Call me Mic, what's yours"
"Ok Mic's a cool name. You can call me Aron"
"What's on your mind, somethings bothering you or someone?"
"I just miss someone close to me I didn't tell them about anything when I should have"
"Sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend?"
"Uhh good friend of mine, all they wanted to do is help me but I just shut them out just thinking that no one was there that no body cared, but he was the only one who did understand".

Well there's another chapter!

1117 words

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