I wish you were here

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The bell rang to go to class but Shota didn't want to go back after he got embarrassed by that kid and the others. He didn't want the teacher to get mad at him for skipping class or even the principle so he went back, the teacher saw that Shota and asked him why he was late. "I was in the bathroom sorry I'm late" said Shota.The teacher sighed and told him to take a seat and went on with class.As class goes on he could hear other people talking about him and that he liked Hizashi. *ugh why are people talking about it, it's getting annoying* Shota thought to himself. Class ends not to long after Shota gets approached by a girl in his class. "Hey Aizawa is it true that you like Yamada?" Asked the girl.
"Go away" said Shota as he walks away. *Do I like Hizashi...* shota thought after that girl asked him if he liked Hizashi.

Hizashi's POV

"Ya I've been there Mic, missing someone feeling like it's your fault"said Aron. "Really" said Hizashi. "Ya, losing someone is hard. I want to help you but I can't you know"said Aron. "Ya I get it. I've only been here one day and it's a little scary but talking to you makes me feel a little better"said Hizashi. "Thanks for making me feel useful!" Said Aron as he smiles a bit. "I know this is kind of a stupid question but is there anyway I could ever see my friend again" asked Hizashi as he puts his hand behind his neck. "Well ether your good enough that the boss will let you go or you try to escape, but I wouldn't try the boss would get so mad at you and you don't make him mad ok theres a quick tip for not having the worst experience here" said Aron. "Thanks" said Hizashi.
"Ya, well I should get going I'll see you later maybe. Bye mic" said Aron as he walks out.Hizashi was left alone to think.He was thinking about shota, how he missed him and- no Hizashi tried to get him out of his mind it was holding him back.Hizashi started practising using  his quirk, trying to make his voice go in one detection. After awhile Hizashi toke a break and the Villain walks inside. "Your improving, that's good" said the Villain. "So you were watching"said Hizashi.
"I wanted to see if you were going to give up or keep going. I can tell that you know the only way out of here is to meet my expectations and yours of course"said the Villain. "So you lied about giving me an option to come or go, what were you going to do if I said no" asked Hizashi. "Well anyway why the sudden improvement, was it my sidekick that changed your mind" asked the Villain. "Uhh ya, I could improve if I saw him more" said Hizashi. "I know your a people person so fine, when ever I'm not in town" said the Villain. "What do you mean not in town?" Asked Hizashi.  "I can be a busy person at times so I'm not in town most of the time but I'll be in town a bit more since your here. Anyway I'm going for two weeks so I'll see you then and don't do anything you'll regret" said the Villain as he walks out and leaves for two weeks.Hizashi walked out of the room and went to the room he's staying in, it's actually really nice and comfortable but it just reminds Hizashi that he doesn't belong here. Hizashi here's a knock at the door. "Hey Mic I heard from the boss that you wanted to see me more" said Aron.
"Ya I did say that, it's nice to talk to someone other then the person that's teaching you right!" Said Hizashi. "Ya your right Mic. You know I know most about things that happened at school" said Aron. "How would you know anything"said Hizashi.Aron sighed "Mic I know a lot about you I know more then the boss, I know this because he asked me to research you and I hid information from him because I didn't want the person you love to get involved in this I already feel bad for you getting into all this" said Aron. "You did all of that for me? And I don't love anyone..." said Hizashi as he looks away from Aron. "I felt bad for a kid like you to get involved and come on Mic I know you have a thing for Eraser? Right? Maybe I dunno" said Aron. "It's so hard to hide that I like Shota! I wanted to tell him on Valentine's Day but I didn't" said Hizashi as he tells Aron the truth about him likening Shota. "I know but maybe you should just tell him when you see him again" said Aron. "Easier said then done Aron" said Hizashi. "True true well anyway I'm going to let you chill call me if you wanna talk or if your bored" said Aron as he walks out of the room closing the door. " I wonder how Shota's doing...I hope he's ok" said Hizashi.

Shota's POV

It's the end of the day and Shota goes home. "Hi Shota how was school?" Asked his mom.Shota doesn't reply and just walks to his room closing the door behind him. "Shota..." said his mom as she starts getting worried. "Dam it, stupid kid. They keep bothering me and-and making fun of me..."said Shota as he wipes away his tears trying to hide the fact that he can cry.Shota goes to a box in his room and grabs a picture that Hizashi toke last year.It was a picture of Hizashi and Shota, with Hizashis arm around Shota's neck while Shota made a peace sign with his fingers because Hizashi asked him to for the photo. Shota started tearing up by looking at the photo. He didn't want to think about what could have happened to him.

Thanks you for reading this!
1026 words wow!

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