You monster

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"No things won't" said Shota. Hizashi looked away with tears building up in his eyes. "Because things change and change isn't something to be scared of it's something we get used to. And know that the one thing that will never change is our friendship" said Shota. Hizashi slid on the floor and hugged Shota. "Thank you for still wanting to be my friend" said Hizashi. "I honestly couldn't live without you" said Shota as he blushed. Hizashi let go of Shota and then kissed him. Shota got surprised at first for not seeing it coming but he melting into the kiss. Hizashi's mom walked into the room without knocking and said,
"So how are you two doing!".
They quickly broke apart and were both blushing. Hizashi's mom slowly walked out knowing that she interrupted something so she left closeing the door behind her. Hizashi and Shota both got really embarrassed at the fact that Hizashi's mom just caught them making out. "Hey Shota" said Hizashi. "Y-ya" said Shota. "You know how you said the only thing that wouldn't change is our friendship" said Hizashi. "What about that" said Shota.
"Well I think our friendship changed to a relationship" said Hizashi.
"Your right it did" said Shota as he smiles a little bit.

Aron's POV

"Boss is going to be here soon, I hope that I don't get into to much trouble" said Aron. "I'm back" said the Villain.
"Your back early" said Aron.
The Villain noticed that Hizashi wasn't here with Aron.
"Where's Yamada Aron" Asked the Villain. "I let him go" said Aron.
"You did what!" Said the Villain in shock. "I let him go live a life and not be stuck here forever, he's been here for long enough" said Aron.
"What's gotten into you, ever since Yamada came you were always trying to help him more than the others" said that Villain. "They were all nice people that I couldn't help at the time because you sent them somewhere else!" Said Aron. "Oh that's right I never told you what happened to the ones that disappointed me" said the Villain with a smirk on his face.
" w-what did you do" said Aron.
"Well the ones that just couldn't learn or tried so hard to escape were taken care of" said the Villain as he grinned seeing Aron's reaction to his words. "You killed them..." said Aron in a horrified voice. "I did indeed" said the Villain. "They had life's and...
YOU JUST TOKE IT AWAY FROM THEM!!" Yelled Aron. "I thought they had what it toke but I was wrong about them all" said the Villain.
"What were you going to do with Mic! Were you just going to kill him too!!" Said Aron in an angry voice.
"No, Yamada actually had what it toke he was improving he would have made an amazing villain but no you let him go" said the Villian. "I'm glad I did! Mic's a good kid with people that care and worry about him, he didn't deserve any of this to happen to him so I let him go have a that life he deserves" said Aron. "What about you, you didn't get the life you deserved and yet here you are" said the Villain. "I don't want what happened to me to happen to him" said Aron. " so naive, you really aren't scared of me are you" Asked the Villain.
"Why should I be" said Aron.
"When I first found interest in Yamada I found out everything I could about him, so when I asked you to find information about Yamada I tricked you into thinking that I knew only what you told me" explained the Villain.
"So what you lied to me nothing a villain like you wouldn't do" said Aron. "Oh because I know about Shota Aizawa" said the Villain. "W-well Of course you do but he's not important" said Aron. "Oh but your wrong Aron, that boy is the biggest weakness to Yamada. So that means Yamada would do anything to save his best friend and it's that boys fault that Yamada wanted to leave if it wasn't for him Yamada might have actually wanted to stay" explained the Villain. "why is Mic this big of a deal, why not just forget about him" Asked Aron. "Because Yamada isn't like the others when he has a goal he does what ever he can to achieve it and when his goal was to get stronger he got stronger, what I'm trying to say is he doesn't give up as easy unlike the others" explained the Villain.
"So what are you going to do now" Asked Aron. "Well since you let Yamada go I can't get him back because police will make sure he's safer or something so I have to get someone else" said the Villain. "Why can't you be a regular villain and just rob banks instead of taking good people away from there lives" said Aron.
"Because Aron that's what I do you'll understand one day" said the Villain. "It was his quirk wasn't it" said Aron. The Villain looked at Aron.
"Is Mic important because of his quirk" Asked Aron. "Bravo, how did you figure it out" said the Villain as he slowly clapped twice. "First off you only call him Yamada and when ever you were here you'd be training non-stop like that's the only thing you care about" explained Aron. "He was weak so I trained him a lot to get stronger. Anyway if I stay here this conversation will go on forever and I might reveal things you don't need to know" said the Villain as he walked into a different room. *things I don't need to know? What does he mean...* thought Aron.

I kind of made this chapter a bit more about Aron and the Villain so next chapter is going to be focused Hizashi and Shota. Anyway this isn't as long as the other chapters but I hope your enjoying this!


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