7. I Am a Jerk (No Surprise)

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Nothing says good morning like almost getting eaten by a giant plant.

"Devil's Snare!" Professor Sprout said over the shrieks. "Bit of a first-year plant, but I think our Herbology skills have gotten a little....rusty," Her eyes lingered over Terry Boot, who had touched undiluted bubotuber pus the week before, and Sam Willson, who's purple nose demanded an explanation wherever he went. I'm not even going to get into it. 

Boot's arms were now in casts and that made me oddly happy.

"Eeeeiiikkk!!" Marietta Edgecombe is squeamish and loud. "OMG, LOOK at that! Eww!"

"It's a plant, sweetcheeks," I grumble, making fire with my wand to beat the vines away.

"Oh, thank goodness I thought that thing was going to eat me!" Marietta gasped, turning to her best friend, Cho Chang, who brushed her long black hair out of her face. I don't know why I wanted to work with them- awkwardness and suppressed feelings Alura, Artemis, and Scarlet seemed trivial compared to the stupid people who were so loud.  I mean, I wasn't being mean, was I? I just...I'd rather kick myself out than be asked to leave. Which, I surely will. 

"Drungstrang and Beaubueaxs are arriving today!" Cho squeaked, not even close to on task. "Are you excited?"

I froze. I had forgotten about that. "No," I growled, but Cho prattled on without waiting for an answer.

"I am.  I heard Cedric's going to enter." She sighed dreamily. 

I had no idea who Cedric was, but I'm sure he's going to die. 

"They say Angelina Johnson is going to enter as well," Marietta said. She wrinkled her nose. "From Gryffindor." 

If she's chosen, she will die. These blubbering idiots had no idea what the Triwizard Tournament could do, what He could do. They haven't seen it as I have, they have no clue that this isn't the first time the Triwizard has been started in the last century. They haven't seen the death and destruction that follows me, the lengths the Dark Lord is willing to go to. He is rising again, I feel it, and these people are more worried about who's going to enter than how long they will last.

"Clover!" A voice behind me calls out. I shriek, and jump back, smacking whoever was behind me in the face.  They shout -ahh- and trip, grabbing me along with them.

Which is why I'm lying on top of Artemis with half our year behind me. 

"Oooooooooo," someone calls. 

"Shit, Sanders," I hissed, picking myself up. 

"S-sorry," Artemis mumbled to the ground, her face a beet-red color of shame. "I was wondering if you were alright, you looked really mad." She's sprawled on the ground, her long hair loose, dirt smudged across her face. Slowly she got up. 

"What was that for?" I snarled. I knew she was apologizing, but seriously, why did she have to do that? Now the whole grade was talking about it. 

"I was trying to see if you were okay!" Artemis shot back. 

The whole class was watching now. Alura and Scarlet were gazing from the sidelines, looking rather fearful (in Scarlet's case) and annoyed (in Alura's). 

Something changed then. I was pissed at Artemis- stupid idiot glaring so definitely in front of me- but I'll feel bad about it later- if I broke our friendship I'd break mine with Alura and Scar, too. 

The bell rung, breaking the silence. Murmuring and whispering, our class gather their bags and headed out of greenhouse two. 

"Essay on Devil Snare by Monday- two rolls of parchment!" Professor Sprout called, triggering groans. 

Clover Hawkings and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now