34. The Yule Ball

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I am so very tempted to run.

But considering I'm already standing out in the Great Hall, in my outfit, with Scarlet and Alura giving me a vigorous thumbs up from across the room...it seems a little too late for that.

Artemis is the final piece, and she's not here yet. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is just fine. I mean, the dance, or Ball or whatever, doesn't start for another ten minutes, technically.

But almost everyone is already here.

The Great Hall is beautiful. There are twelve giant Christmas trees lining the sides of the room, courtesy of Hagrid. The ceiling mirrors the clear sky, slowly changing from day to night. It's snowing lightly, but the snow always disappears before it can land on anyone's shoulders. Ice stacules are all over, and the normal House tables are now the color of ice and set with golden plates.

"Hey," I turned to see Alura, pushing her way through the crowd towards me.

"Hey," I said anxiously.

"This is for you," she opened her hand to reveal a letter.


"Yup. That's why I'm handing it to you."

"It is..from Artemis?" I said cautiously, slitting it open with my nail.

She shrugged. "Read it and find out."

I let out a sigh of relief as I recognised the hand writing. "No, thank goodness."

Not like Cass is much better.

"Great. Gotta go," Alura slipped back into the crowd.

It's not like Cass's last letter went down too well. Reluctantly, I read it.


I apologize for how our last visit ended. I see you're staying over at Hogwarts for the Christmas break. Next time, please notify me. 

I'd like to furthur discuss the memories and information you have over Easter break. With your premission, I think it's best to bring it to the Order. In the meantime, please stay away from Karkaroff and any other trouble. 

Please let me know if you'd like to proceed together within the next couple weeks. 

Merry Christmas!


Okay. Okay. That wasn't so bad. I knew I would have to talk with Cass eventually. And as much as I was still mad at her, I should probably go, especially if Karkaroff was a Death Eater. Easter break should be long enough for tempers to finish cooling. And hopefully Karkaroff wouldn't find out about my- well, existence- before that.

Even though my initial reaction was anger, it seemed like I should...forgive her, I suppose. It might have been that there was no real right choice, at least to her.  She was trying to involve me- that counted for something. 


I almost responded "Hey, Alura," before realizing that the voice was not Alura's. Quickly, I shoved all thoughts of that letter into the back of my mind. I could (and would, for once) deal with it later.

I looked up, and all thoughts dropped away. "Uh-erm-hi."

Artemis raised her eyebrows. "Hi."



"H-" I stopped myself. "You look nice."


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