☆author's note☆

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okay! that's it, folks! 

Clover Hawkings and the Triwizard Tournament is finished!  I hope you found the ending satisfying! I can't believe it's over! This has been such a long journey for me. 

I also have a couple things I want to adress. (Hence this auther's note.) Let's get in to it!

1. ptsd.

Throughout the story, much of Clover's inner conflict is caused by her truama. While she undoubtly has truama, she doesn't necessarily have ptsd. 

Many writers get ptsd dreams wrong, and I'm not exempt from that. Although Clover could have ptsd, that is not how the dreams work and is not supposed to be an accurtate repersentation. Because Clover's truama is at least in some part magical, combined with the whole buried memories thing, her dreams are flashbacks, and she wakes up before finding out the Big Important Thing. (not to do a diservice to my own work, lol.) But that's not how ptsd dreams work in real life, and that line of thought can be harmful to people who do suffer with the mental illness. My point is, Clover's truama is not supposed to be an accurate repesentation of ptsd, and I don't want anyone to get that confused. 

2. what next?  

 actually writing these ending sences made me realize what a *sudder* happy not the story ended on. which made me realize, subsequently, that I can't let Clover's story end with riding into the sunset. which isn't to say that such endings are bad, merely that they are certinly not for her. 

so, I'll do my best to write a sequel. I'm moving schools this year, and it's going to be hectic with corana, so no nice and steady updates. (yes, sadly, this is the nice and steady updates of the two.) but it is getting written, so I hope you'll be patient with me. :) 

3. graphics.

in the next chapter, I'm compiled a ton of covers, mostly, that have been made thorughtout the years. feel free to look through them! (of course, no, ah, repurposing of them allowed.) 

4. shoutouts.

A suprising number of people have helped me with this story, now that I think about it. The first was...oh, I can't even number her name, but it was at New Years and she promised to help people reach their 2020 story goal. At the time, I was writing and not looking back, but her reviews helped me.. fix parts of Clover I had written over a year before. Obviously, I wasn't a great writer then. 

A ton of other people I can't remember also helped make this work what it is- everyone who did a read for read, or the likes and made me be better.  

HUGE thanks to CaitlinTureaud and MonicaNguon for all their help on this story! 

Monica pointed out elementary mistakes I made time and time again, (😬) inspiring me to revisit and even rewrite older chapters. I have no idea how she could stand editing the type of typos I was making, but I'm so glad she did! she made the story (and my writing) better, and the presence of another reader really encouraged me. thank you! 

Caitlin has been with me since the begining, voting and commenting relentlssly (although I have no idea why, lol) and continuing to do so even after I took a *gulp* five-month break from the story. Without her constant support and feedback, there is no way I would have finished this story. (let alone consider writing a second!) She voted on every chapter (thanks for that), commented her thoughts and insights, and always made my day. whenever I was going to give up on the story, I remember I had a reader who wanted to read it, and that helped make this something I'm proud of.  there definitely wouldn't be a story had it not been for you. 

5. if you're interested in reading more of my works, come find me on ao3 at honey_bee, where I write (significantly shorter) stories for fandoms long dead.

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