22. We Prepare to Get Breakfast and Discuss Murder

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Kind of a short chapter today. Sorry for the lack of updates! Also, I've changed the cover- what do you think? I'm on the fence about it. Above is a graphic of our girls I made using Canva. Use at risk of death. 

I woke up with a throbbing head. My eyes weighed a million pounds and almost refused to open. "Aaah," I flopped back into bed/heaven. "I am hungover?" My thoughts were sluggish. "I didn't drink."

"You're not hungover, idot, just tired," a sharp voice said, and someone- presumably the owner- sat on my head. "Although I don't know why," it muttered.

"I don't want to wake up. I'm sick." I tell my pillow

"It's Sunday."

"Oh- nevermind." I mustered the courage to force my eyes open. My blankets were tangled around my legs. Alura was sitting on my bed, and Scarlet was braiding Artemis's hair on her bed, across from mine. They were all looking expectantly at me.


"Well, you haven't brushed your hair."

"So? I just woke up!"

"Clover, it's eleven! We've been waiting all morning for you!"

"For me to what," I mumbled, but Alura didn't seem to hear me.

"Scarlet knit a sock! Artemis finished her homework! I- well, I thought of 15 very good ways to wake you up. I was brutally shot down."

"Putting a pillow over an unconscious person's face is also brutal," Artemis said quietly. She wouldn't meet my eye, and suddenly last night came rushing back to me. My hands. On her waist. Then, my feet on the dormitory stairs. Good job, Clover.

More of last night came rushing back to me- something about Scarlet saying I felt I was incapable of giving and receiving love. Which was totally unfair, because I formed a strong emotional attachment to the owl aunt Cass got for me, before it was taken away because I "used it inappropriately". I look up at Scarlet. Her head was tipped to the side, eyes staying on me. Cass. And everyone said I had to talk to Cass!

"Can we get breakfast?"

"No," my three friends answered in unison.

"Scarlet has something to tell you." Alura said.

"Artemis has something to tell you!" Scarlet said immediately. 

"Scarlet! We had this planned!" Alura complained.

The back of my neck prickled. "What's- what's going on?"

 "We want to know what's happening! You can't just shut friends out!"Alura said angrily. I kick her under the covers. She punches me in the leg- playfully- sort of- but painfully. 

I looked at Artemis. "Well, she said it," she said quietly. "They want to know what's happening." 

"They aren't the only ones!"

"Alura and Scarlet want to know about your mother," Artemis clarified.

The world seemed to freeze. "Oh."

"Yeah," Artemis looked at her hands, twisting in her lap. For a moment, I felt a flash of pity for her.

"Well-" Steps, I remind myself, even though the sky seems to be falling. This is a good step. I'm letting people in. I'm becoming better. Right? I can do this! No, no I can't. You know what? Fuck it.


"Yeah as in...okay?" Artemis's voice is tentative. I look up at her. She's staring at my ears- closer, but not my eyes.

"I have to get a glass of juice!" Scarlet announces loudly, and she hurriedly leaves the room. Great.

"My eyes are up here," I whisper. I don't know why my voice has dropped.

"Yeah. I know," Artemis raises her head to look straight at me, and I'm struck, not for the first time, with the intensity of her eyes.

I stuck in a breath. "Okay."

"Okay to what?"

"To everything, I guess," I laugh softly. "Okay."

A smile spreads across her face. She cocks her head. "Yeah?"


Artemis slowly stands up, as if she's trying to approach a deer. She is moving so slowly, I can see her foot touch the floor. She's walking towards me, still looking into my eyes. She's coming towards me. And I am letting her. She stops in front of my bed. She's wearing skinny jeans and an oversized flannel, making me feel rather self-conscious in my leggings, big t-shirt, and bed head. I stand up, detangling myself from my comforter. We are mere inches apart. I could count her freckles. 

Slowly, I set one hand on her waist. Artemis looks down, then back up at my eyes. "Um-" I can hear surprise in her voice, and feel her warm breath against my face. I don't know why we are this close. Friends do not stand this close. But she is here, her breath on my face and her toes touching mine.  I can feel her warm body beneath my fingertips. Artemis sets a hand on my forearm. 

We're in the same pose as last night.

She is staring at me, and I at her, and I realize that despite everything, she is just like me- scared senseless of falling.

The only difference is she's already jumped.  I exhale a sigh of relief, and I see her hair flutter. I just jumped too, if we're continuing with this analogy. I have flung myself off a cliff, to let fate take me where it pleases, armed only with the image of sunny meadows I might never meet. 

It doesn't matter. 

I am not running away this time. 

"Lovely romantic moment," Alura said dryly. "Can we please go discuss murder now?" 

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