16. We Reach an Agreement of Epic Proportions

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Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough. Just a second we're not broken, just bent-

and we can learn to love again. 

- Pink, Just Give Me a Reason 

The only thing Hogwarts could talk about was the Triwizard Tournament. Who would win, who would enter, Victor Krum is so handsome, when was the first event, yada yada yada. My view on it was clearly different than the rest of my classmates, but I didn't care. I was consumed with finding out what happened to my parents... And me. This was the perfect chance, poetically, at least. Daughter uncovers the lies centered around the Tournament as it takes place eight years later! All the same people- save the deceased! Who will soon be avenged!

"Along with my childhood," I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Artemis said eagerly, leaning across the desk towards me.

"Nothing," I turn back to the parchment I was supposed to be turning purple.

"Oh, um, okay." She gets out of her desk to pick up her paper, which was admittedly purple, but more of a soft lilac than the fuschia described by the book.

"Time is up, ladies and gentlemen!" Professor Flitwick calls. "One roll of parchment on the properties of the color-changing spell by Monday, please."

I shove my book and wand into my bag as quickly as possible. Out of the corner out my eye, I saw Artemis do the same. I hightailed out of the Charms classroom before she could talk to me, scurrying down the path to Hagrid's hut at what I hoped was a pace acceptable for a normal human being.

"Yer early today, Clover," Hagrid grunts when I meet him in a cluster of stumps by the pumpkin patch. No one else is here.

"Yeah, well.... you know, um, stuff," I stutter, sounding like the pinnacle of human evolution (sarcasm, half-wit).

"Everything alrigh'?"

"Yup." I tug my books out of my bag.

"We got a real exciting lesson today," Hagrid rumbles.

"Oh yeah?" I try to summon the energy to sound excited.

"Yeah," Hagrid goes on a long ramble about the lesson. I hear none of it.

Someone dashes down the hill and skids to a stop. "Clover!" Artemis pants. "I was looking for you."

I wait until her book bag and green plaid flannel sweatshirt stop swinging back and forth before responding. "Well, I'm here."

"Yeah," Artemis dumps her stuff on top, I repeat on top of mine, and steps closer. "So- you wanna work together?"

"Lots of partner work today," Hagrid bends over a pumpkin. "Damn those slugs."

I decide not to engage in conversation with either of them. "I'm working with Scarlet, actually."

"Artemis! Clover!" Alura and Scarlet run down the hill. "We were looking for you!"

"Wanted to get here early," Artemis mumbles to a nearby pumpkin.

"Me too," I grimace. I don't try to do so. It just comes out...grimace-y.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the two exchange looks and turn back to watching Hagrid inspect pumpkins.

"Soo...are you working together?" Alura says casually. Artemis shoots her a glare. Scarlet giggles.

"I was going to work with Scarlet," I say. I try to sound monotone, I really do.

"Oh- er, that's really nice, Clover, but I have all my notes with Alura, so ... I guess you and Art will just have to work together!" Scarlet almost squeaks for joy. Alura frowns and shakes her head a fraction. Scarlet sighs, makes a heart with her hands, held it in front of Alura's face. Artemis's glare intensifies.

Clover Hawkings and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now