21. Butterflies and Whirling Thoughts

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Warning: lots of teenage angst 

I was officially discharged from the Hospital Wing in time to catch the last five minutes of Transfiguration, which is nice because I learned alot about our two-foot-long essay but nothing about how to do it.

"I'm sick. Ehu, ehu." I faked a cough, hoping this would be enough to sway McGonagall.

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let you loose if you weren't in perfectly fine health," she said smoothly, handing me my blank sheet of parchment. (Which was promptly stuffed in my back and forgotten about) I sigh and turn around, to where my friends are waiting by the door.

"Wait- Clover-" I spin back around. She just called me by my first name! Even Minnie herself looked shocked. She only called me that outside of school. "Do get better." she turned around and busied herself with cleaning her stopless desk.

"I will," I whisper.

She gave a curt nod, and I understood myself dismissed.

"So, are you ready to party?" Alura wriggled her hips.

"To what now?"

"Halloween," Artemis said. "Remember?"

"I even came up with the brilliant idea of using Grace to fly in butterbeer," Alura grinned wickedly.

I coughed. "As in...the badger?"

"It's animal abuse," Scarlet complained.

"All we do is enchant me feather-light, and I'll fly on her back to Hogsmeade. We'll use a disillusionment charm, grab some butterbeer, and fly back."

"And leave money on the desk," Artemis added firmly.

"Have you spent any time with her? Besides the occasional feeding?" Scarlet frowned.

Alura shrugged.

"Guys, are you sure you want to do this tonight?" I say. I'm really not up for a party. They react very differently at the same time, which makes it rather confusing to describe but here goes.

Artemis: "Yeah! We've invited the whole House!"

Scarlet: *chokes on introvertness*

Alura: "Verses when? A Halloween party on November first?"

"You organized this," Artemis pointed out.

"Yeah," I clear my throat, not looking at her. "I know."

Artemis's eyes soften, and she might have mouthed something to me, but I couldn't say for sure.

"We have to get to Charms," I push past her, trying my best to push past the rising feeling in my chest.

I am flying. No- I refuse to fly, because I don't want to fall.


The common room has people in it. To be fair, it normally is, but these people are dressed in cat ears and owl wings and Tommy Snicket is even breathing fire. (That can't be safe.) Of course, the Triwizard Champions are being announced tonight, and that's undoubtedly more interesting than whatever this is. I send a silent thank you to whoever is listening and my friends didn't want to go to the Feast. 

On one side, there's a table with an assortment of things that students aren't allowed to have, and on the other, people are seeing who can levitate the highest. I am a champion, but I don't join in. My head is spinning.

"Hey," Artemis appears at my elbow. She was wearing all maroon, with a fox ear headband. Even around her eyes looked maroon (later identified as eyeliner), although foxes have white around theirs. However, it goes quite well with her bright green eyes. "Are you alright?"

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