33. Ready

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If this were a movie, this would be the part where there's a montage as the character works towards their goal.

Thank goodness my life isn't a movie. I'm not even sure it would be interesting enough.

Hogwarts continued to hold its breath in anticipation for the Yule Ball. There was a small club trailing behind Victor Krum in hopes he would ask them out, but so far, those hopes had been squashed.

Girls hung in groups, giggling and glancing back at the nervous boys. Despite my recent involvement in the Yule Ball, I still refused to partake in this activity.

Not that I wasn't dragged into others.

Scarlet and Alura had, surprisingly, offered to help me "bag Artemis", whatever the hell that meant. I was a little uncertain, considering how reluctant to be seen with me they were before, but their help turned out to be valuable. (For the record, I intended to do no "bagging". Just apologizing, although stunning and impressing would be okay, too.)

I've spent the last couple days preparing. Honestly, I'm almost convinced this will be fun, if I don't die first.

Regardless, the Yule Ball is tonight, which means we are getting "dolled up."

This is the first part I have to survive, and sadly, probably not the most dangerous. Scarlet's trying to do my hair, while Alura is power talking back and forth in her heels and generally looking put together. What a skill.

"That's too loose," Alura remarked, looking over Scarlet's shoulder.

"I know, but my hands are shaking so much-" Scarlet fretted.

"Let me do it," Alura offered, squatting down to where I sat on the floor, and Scarlet gladly stood up and started pacing.

"I think you're more invested in this than I am," I said dryly to Scarlet.

"Well, if you and Artemis decided not to be friends, then our whole group could break up," Scarlet said seriously.

"Yeah," Alura grunted, twisted my hair tightly. My eyes began to water, but the look on her face was so concentrated, I decided it was best not to interrupt her. Despite that, a small smile grew on my face as I realized I really was their friend. It fell as I looked at Artemis's empty bunk. I didn't know where she was- had barely seen her outside of classes.

"Ow," I whimpered as Alura started on another part of my head.

"You're fine."

"Did you iron your robes?"

"Iron my-no, who irons their robes?"

"I did," Scarlet and Alura said in unison.

I frowned, looking at their respective outfits. Alura wore a suit, and Scarlet a frilly, pale blue dress that made her look unusually old. "No."

"Don't worry," Scarlet said brightly, waving her wand down my body, and I could feel the dress I was wearing heat up and stiffen.


"Pretty cool, right?"

"Right," I said distractedly. "Alura, do you have to do whatever you're doing so tight?"

"I did, but I'm done now," she said triumphantly. I patted my head. As best I could tell, there were two fishtail braids wrapped around my head, and the rest hung down.

I stood up.

"Right." Scarlet handed me a violet, and I carefully tucked it in my pocket. (Yes, my dress had pockets!) The top still showed, but the pockets were deep enough it wouldn't fall out. I hope. "So just remember, the fate of our entire social life lies in your hands."

"No pressure."

But so much more than Scarlet's social life lay in my hands. (Sorry, Scarlet.) My relationship with Artemis did. And I realized- I cared. I wanted this to go well. And...I'm genuinely not sure what to do if it doesn't.

I looked back down at my dress. It was green- Scarlet had called it "olive"- and poofy, the layers ending about at knee length. The spaghetti straps and tight top made me feel startling exposed, but twirling in the dress was worth it. Unfortunately, due to an oversight when packing, I had no dress shoes, so was wearing my old red converse. "Ready?" Alura arched an eyebrow.

I nodded shakily. "Ready."

"Just one final touch, and..." Scarlet adjusted the flower in my pocket, although it looked just fine to me. "You're ready. Clover Hawkings, go get the girl." 

long n/a:

I am so, so sorry I didn't update these last two weeks! At the end of the day, I don't really have an excuse, but my sister was hospitalized (not covid, thankfully), so life has been a little hectic for me. Again, I'm really sorry and I hope no one discontinues from the story because of it! Also, apologizes for the short chapter. however, I should be able to update every Tuesday from now forward, so stick around to finish Clover's story! 

On that note, there are only a couple of chapters left! this has been a year and a half long journey for me, and seeing the last two weeks, it's not a mystery why, but I wanted to thank everyone who has supported me along the way! (wow, I just realized how many exclamations marks there are in this.) anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, comments are always appreciated, and I will- rather, Clover will- see you next Tuesday. 

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