Chapter Seven: What Happens Next?

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Days pass and I’m starting to miss Michael more and more. I gave him pay back, letting him suffer for once. I ignored all of his texts, his calls and his letters he shoved through my locker (yes he actually did that). Everything he was doing I just ignored him. I’m not going to be pushed around and made to look like a mug after everything.

   There was a knock at the door, but I let Mum answer it as I was still in my tracksuit and I didn’t really want to see anyone in case they told Michael anything I said. Mum shouted to me that it was a friend. Surely if one of the girls were coming round they would’ve texts, called or video called me before so I could get ready? Oh. Shit. It’s Michael.

“Michael, what are you doing here?” I questioned him looking him up and down.

“These are for you; I mean it when I say sorry. That girl who spoke to me the other day is out to get us separated. I miss you so much; I don’t want to lose you. Alyssa whatever you think of me now I just want you to never ever forget that I love you and no one else. If I lost you I don’t know what I’d be doing, I would hate myself if I ever let you go. Can you forgive me?” Michael pleaded on.

   Michael handed me a box of chocolate, some cute roses and a movie. I guess I could forgive him. Maybe just this once? He did say how sorry he was, but this girl needs to get her own boyfriend. Kind of feel sorry for her if she wants to ruin my relationship with Michael. I still don’t know who that girl is, but since Michael came here out of the blue, I’m not going to make him feel guiltier and bring up that devil girl again.

I mean seriously, why would someone do that? Does she hate me?

   That night Michael and I sat on my bed talking about everything, just general chat. It was so nice to feel wanted again. Everything felt back to normal. We were watching a movie but we kind of didn’t see much of it as we were too busy catching up. We promised each other that this wouldn’t happen again and that if something goes wrong we will talk to each other first and not ignore each other like we’re five year olds throwing a strop. Michael told me again and again how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, also about how he has never been so in love with anyone else but me! I felt so lucky to have a boy like Michael to call mine.

What happens next? Are we ok for long or not? Guess we’ll find out.

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